<p>Please post your stats/major and what year you got in. I did not seem to find any of these threads, so I decided to make one myself. Thanks!</p>
<p>SAT: 1730
GPA: 2.9 (W), 2.4 UW</p>
<p>Regents Scholar
Alumni scholars
No activities, ever in high school. I studied all day.</p>
<p>My parents are black though…</p>
<p>Decision: Accepted [Regent’s Scholarship]</p>
<p>Date applied: November 29th, 2008
Date decision postmarked/received: 1-28-09
Accepted at which school/major at USC: Biological Sciences</p>
[<em>] ACT: 32
[</em>] SAT Subject Tests: 750 Math IIC/730 Biology M
[<em>] GPA-UW/W: 3.95/4.55
[</em>] Rank: 16/885
[<em>]AP/IB classes: (not including honors classes) 2 Sophomore(and 2 Honors)/4 Junior/4 Senior(and 1 Honors)
[</em>] Essays: Amazing; one discussed how I participated in protests that caused my family to question if I wanted to help America grew as a nation. Other discussed how I helped change california law with a science fair presentation
[<em>] Teacher Recs: –
[</em>] Counselor Rec: –
[<em>] EC highlights: Just the typical… Well I have worked at my job for 19 months and I made sure to discuss how I have been the primary provider for my education (financially) for the past 2 years[/ul]
Location/Person:[ul][</em>] State or Country: Southern California
[<em>] School Type: Public
[</em>] Ethnicity: Filipino/White
[li] Gender: Male[/li][/ul]
Other Factors, hook?: Probably just because I support my family and I do quite a bit of other things which kills all my time.</p>
<p>General Comments, scholarship chances, status info, going to USC…?: Regents!!! (Hopefully)</p>
<p>I didn’t know that USC had a regents scholarship!</p>
<p>why did you post your USC decision on the UCLA forum?? btw i think there was a thread about acceptance stats on this forum, maybe you can find your answer faster that way rather than waiting for people to reply…</p>
<p>whoops i used the usc as a template for the ucla acceptance so change all the usc to ucla; sorry bout that</p>
<p>They’ve already announced UCLA regents scholarships? I thought the invites just went out.</p>
<p>yeah it was just invites thats why i said hopefully; okay my thing is full of fail; wish i could edit it.</p>
<p>I received a Regents letter and thought it meant an admissions already…my guidance counselor informed me otherwise though ehhh</p>
<p>brief stats:
sat: 2380
gpa: 4.0/4.0</p>
<p>did the regent’s notification come from e-mail or regular mail?</p>
<p>that was out of order and very immature.
i’ve noticed that your other posts can be quite rude as well.
try being a bit nicer.</p>
<p>invitation letter for regents means that you got in.</p>
<p>congrats laugh-cry-smile! By the way, when did you get the letter?</p>
<p>that was out of order and very immature.
i’ve noticed that your other posts can be quite rude as well.
try being a bit nicer.</p>
<p>“try being a bit nicer.”</p>
<p>try having a nicer face?</p>
<p>regents already came out?!?</p>
<p>Is Regents’ through e-mail or snail mail?</p>
<p>thanks confidentiality (:
my letter was dated 1/23/09~</p>
<p>wait i’m so confused. i thought UC’s don’t notify until march…??</p>
<p>well people that got the regent scholarship invites will assume they got in (and chances are they are pretty much in for sure) and maybe in a month or less the engineering letter would be out… and a bunch people assume they got in when they get that letter (well they are pretty much in) but after all no one will officially get the acceptance letter until end of march :D</p>
<p>Amy: They don’t, but people like to start these really early to they can talk to others beforehand and get rid of any nervousness. It’s also a place to post other acceptances, like the Regents’ scholarship.</p>
<p>Once again, is Regents’ via e-mail?</p>