Official AP Euro '11 Thread

@sinohellenic --The FRQs aren’t very formulaic at all. The only definite guideline is that a four is passing. If you don’t fully answer the question, the best you can get is a three. Beyond that, a 6/7 is pretty good and an 8/9 is almost perfect.</p>

iluvpiano-i got it from here</p>

[AP</a> Pass - AP Euro Calculator](<a href=“]AP”>AP European History Test Score Calculator - AP Pass)</p>

Hey, so I’m being forced to go to my brothers lacrosse game, but there’s a book store right next door so I think I’m going to walk over and read one of the study guides for free for the 90 minutes that I have to be there, what should I read? I was thinking direct hits since at home I don’t have any of the short study guides.</p>

Lakersince95- ok, it’s helpful to have an idea of the AP Euro curve. It sucks that the website you linked to doesn’t work on my computer! There must be some blocking thing on here that I have to change…oh well.</p>

^^Check out Crash Course.</p>

Imagine if they reduce the time or increase the no. of multiple choice to balance the whole “guess-and-no-penalty” thing. I have a feeling the grading policy will get nastier, so I’m trying to avoid AP Pass because it does make kids cocky, lol.</p>

I don’t think the time will be reduced nor do I think the # of MC questions will be increased because I’m fairly certain they would have had to tell us that, just as they did with the change in the MC grading. Since there’s no guessing penalty anymore, what will change is the curve will be harsher. That’s my idea of it, and what my teachers have implied/told us about AP tests this year.</p>

Those types of changes would have been announced months in advance.</p>

Right, sinohellenic, another way to say what I said- I agree.</p>

On the AP Calc AB exam, there are formatting changes there, and those were announced a few months ago. My teacher had it written on the board in class with a big circle around it, which stayed on there for several weeks. If that would have happened for Euro, we would know.</p>

Does anyone have any essay predictions for the Euro test, now that we’re only 5 days away from it? I don’t, and I know my teacher isn’t going to bother predicting anything for us.</p>

Definitely women. They like to do a sociology one (either philosophy, psychology, impact of Darwin…). I’m seeing a trend toward more modern Europe, so maybe a cold war question. Maybe something to go with the revolutions in the middle east, so Revolutions of 1848, or Liberalism vs. Conservatism in the Concert of Europe (i.e. 19th century)</p>

For a sociology one, Psychology would be good for me since I’m taking AP Psych! It would be cool if I’m able to combine 2 or more of my APs this year on an essay question on one of my exams- I’m taking 5. </p>

I don’t know much about women’s history in great detail, since my textbook hasn’t focused a lot on that and I haven’t had time to finish reading my prep book yet. I just won’t choose that one…I sure hope that’s not the DBQ though.</p>

A Cold War question sounds good to me, so I’m hoping for that, or Liberalism with all the revolutions would be great also, I hope you’re right! </p>

Are these essay predictions from your teacher?</p>

LOL, I said “imagine.” I wasn’t actually serious about that, guys. :P</p>

@iluvpiano. no, i’m doing this self-study, but judging from the past exam questions, those frqs are likely.</p>

sinohellenic- you have actually looked thru all the past exam questions? I intended on doing that, but haven’t had time, so now I’m just gonna study the info I have here and hope that works.</p>

It’s totally worth going through them. Don’t answer in essay form, but just write out bullets and compare that with the rubric.</p>

PLEASE NOT COLD WAR… are class is so far behind so we didn’t do cold war in class, are teacher just told us to learn it by ourself.</p>

Idk, premed4. I’ve spent the last 1/2 hr looking at old essay questions. They’re getting more recent in terms of events. In fact, I think one of last yr’s was even about Eastern European nations in the Soviet bloc.</p>

I’m hoping for the more modern European History questions for FRQs. </p>

What do you guys think is the likelihood of an FRQ on the Renaissance and/or Religious Wars era? Those topics I don’t know as well.</p>

I know the probability of this is high, so I’ll ask here for advice:</p>

What should I do if I see all 3 FRQ questions in either part, and know nothing about any? Or if I completely blank out even if I do know a bit?</p>

Also, I’ve taken 2 full practice tests so far. For both, I finished FRQ #1 early; I felt that both were “watery” because I couldn’t come up with any more details, so I just moved onto FRQ #2. Anyone else have this issue?</p>