Official Campus Visits - USC


<p>I have heard varying opinions about how much admissions officers weigh an official campus visit. I already applied to USC as a transfer student and though I've been on campus a million times, I've never actually taken an official campus tour - at this point in time would one be wise or simply be too little too late?</p>


<p>I'm in the same boat too. I've been on campus over 50 times, but never an offical tour. I did register for the transfer day program, but never took the tour. Honestly though, I really dont think it even matters if you have taken a tour or no.</p>

<p>On another note, if you dont mind sharing, what are your stats? Major, GPA and all that other good stuff. </p>

<p>As for me:
Major: Poli Sci
GPA: 3.5 on the dot
EC: 20 hour a week internship at a law firm.</p>

<p>Here goes nothing:</p>

<p>I'm a junior attempting to transfer from Pepperdine University; my overall GPA is 3.25 and my business major GPA is not worth mentioning. I didn't even bother to send in my test scores because USC told me they didn't need them; I think I did a bang-up job on my essay and short-answers and my brother attends USC.<br>
I did some stuff in high school and some stuff at Pepperdine - nothing major. And I'm taking this semester off for personal reasons - hopefully USC won't hold that against me. I guess it's just a matter of waiting.</p>