<p>(omg, i can't believe it's the class of 2014 already!)</p>
<p>i've been seeing a lot of individual chances threads lately, so i think one giant massive thread of doom is in order.</p>
<p>for the new people to the forum:</p>
<p>i'm Miss American Pie, a rising senior at NYU who works in the Student Resource Center. i'm a Steinhardt communications major. i transferred here in '08, but i'm pretty well versed in NYU. i started contributing to this board because i was bored in class, but i really just love NYU and i like helping people.</p>
<p>standard disclaimer: we're not admissions committees, we're not psychics, we're students with too much time on our hands. </p>
<p>to maintain some order, please @ reply to the person you're talking to.</p>
<p>all schools are welcome here, from Sternies to Tischies to CASer to SCPS, those kooky Gallatin students and my fellow Steinhardts. </p>
<p>everyone knows the drill. </p>
<p>PLEASE make sure to put all pertinent information, INCLUDING what school -and- major you intend on applying to. </p>
<p>good luck to everyone!</p>
<li>Miss A</li>