<p>I figured I might as well start a new thread for all of these "CHANCE ME" posts for RD people. (I'm also bored because I'm home for winter break, lmao.)</p>
<p>Who are you and why do you post here so much?</p>
<p>I'm Miss American Pie, a senior at good old NYU. I'm a communications major at Steinhardt and I was rejected ED in HS and transferred to NYU for 2008. I'm a born and raised New Yorker. I post on here because I love talking about NYU and I get bored in lecture a lot. I can tell you a lot about New York, and even more about NYU. </p>
<p>You all know the drill by now. Please include ALL relevant information INCLUDING INTENDED NYU SCHOOL and in some cases, intended concentration or major. It would also help if you broke down the SAT score into CR/Math/Writing, not just the total. (I took the SAT when it was still just CR/Math :-P)</p>
<p>Disclaimer: I know a lot about NYU, but not everything, and I'm wrong sometimes. Deal. I'm also just a bored student here, so take everything with a grain of salt. I'll try to keep up with this thread. </p>
<p>DON'T ASK TO READ MY ESSAYS IN PRIVATE MESSAGES. I won't share them. I also know nothing about financial aid. </p>
<p>Good luck to everyone applying.</p>