<p>Decision: WAITLISTED </p>
Fee Waiver Used?: No
SAT I (by section): 2400 (800 CR, 800 M, 800 V)
SAT IIs: 800 Math L2, 800 World Hist, 750 US Hist, 740 Lit
APs: 5s on AP US Hist, World Hist, Human Geo
GPA, Weighted and Unweighted: 4.0 UW
Rank: 1/425
Senior Yr Courseload: AP Calc BC, AP Psych, AP US Gov, AP Macro, AP Euro, AP Lit, Chamber Ensemble</p>
<p>Other stats:
ECs listed on app: NHS, Beta, Varsity Tennis, County Leadership Team, Model Atlanta Regional Commission, State Student Advisory Council, Piano, Orchestra (Violin), Youth Group, Foster Children's Foundation, etc.
Job/Work Experience: Swim Instructor, Tennis Instructor, Assistant Tutor
Essays (subject and responses): One related first experience at karaoke bar to mishap at piano recital and how I learned from the latter. One about involvement in tennis and what I've learned from it.
Teacher Recs: Good
Counselor Rec: Good
Interview (feel and general location): Not good. Interviewer was very intimidating.
Hook (if any): I think I'm fairly well-rounded. And very involved.</p>
State or Country: GA
School Type, Average Stats of School (if available): Public, sends few kids to top colleges
Ethnicity: Asian
Income Bracket: It's complicated.
Gender: Male
Why you think you were accepted/deferred/denied: I can't say for sure, but I really think my interview did not go well and may have hurt me. Otherwise, I don't know... I guess my credentials are good enough that they'll offer me a spot if it's available, but not right now. </p>
<p>General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc: Yale was one of my top choices... but life moves on. I've got Harvard and Princeton to choose between now, so getting wait-listed has actually made my decision just a little bit easier.</p>