Official Class of 2017 Results Thread

I’d like people to **** about AA. It doesn’t guarantee anything. Kkkaayyyss.</p>

You going to Cornell, brah? :D</p>

Yeah brah. I think I’m heading to Ithaca. Lol as soon as I get my financial aid straight. If not, then I’ll try Emory!</p>

<p>Rejected at Cornell and accepted at Dartmouth (with lots of $$$)!!! Ahh so happy :slight_smile: Congrats to everyone!! I’m glad it’s almost over. Now I just have to choose between Dartmouth, Amherst, and William and Mary…</p>

<p>Facepalm, rejected from Harvard, UPenn, and Columbia. </p>

<p>Guess I’ll be going to Rice.</p>

<p>Accepted into Princeton.</p>

<p>Accepted: Duke, Cornell, JHU, and CMU.</p>

<p>Waitlisted at Yale. </p>

<p>I guess it comes down to who offers the most aid/scholarships… I realllly wanna go to Duke.</p>

<p>heyyy alexissss
im really sorry bout H</p>

<p>and congrats again on Cornell!! its a real good school</p>

<p>Congratulations everyone!</p>

<p>My DD got into Brown, Dartmouth and Penn. Rejected at Yale, but very happy in house tonight.</p>

<p>Thanks, jr. Yeah, I called the rejections. I pretty much had nothing going for me in my app yet I tried competing with the big kids, if you will. My own fault. </p>

Yay! <em>^▁^</em></p>

<p>Accepted Yale and William and Mary, waitlisted Cornell, rejected every other Ivy. I have a lot of schools to choose from now…</p>

<p>YEAH GUYS!! im so proud of yall!</p>

<p>got rejected from UC Berkeley woot!</p>



<p>Thank you very much. >.<</p>

<p>I got into Princeton today. ^_^</p>

<p>Congratulations, everyone!</p>

<p>Accepted to Berkeley!! Congrats everyone (:</p>

<p>I’m so proud of everyone! Everyone single one of you here, accepted or not, went against society’s perception of what it means to be a young, African American student, and dashed any assumptions that there is a limit as to what can be achieved. Remember that. You’re all destined for greatness; in fact, it is woven into your DNA. No matter where you end up in the fall, know that it’s only a means, and not the end. The easy part is getting; the real difficulty will come when we’ve been thrown into a vast, tumultuous sea that is adulthood and college mixed together, and have no pragmatic choice but to swim, or hopelessly sink. The hard work has only begun! Never lose sight of the dreams and goals that inspired you to be there in the first place.</p>

<p>I love y’all! Muah! Congrats! <3</p>

<p>Excellent reports from so many is great. Congrats to all today.</p>

<p>Question: Are the kids on CC great because of CC or are great kids naturally drawn to CC?</p>

<p>Got rejected to USC this afternoon, which was my dream school. :(</p>

<p>On the other hand, I’ll be going to UCLA this fall! Submitted my SIR right after I got rejected from Berkeley, my former dream school. lol :stuck_out_tongue: :)</p>

<p>Congrats to all these wonderful acceptances!</p>


<p>Are you definitely going to UCLA this fall then? I hope to see you next year! :D</p>

<p>Accepted to Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Upenn. </p>

<p>Waitlisted at Harvard. </p>

<p>Rejected from Cornell. </p>

<p>Today’s been a good day !
Congrats everyone :)</p>

<p>@Curious I am deciding between UCLA and Berkeley, but there is a great chance that I will be at UCLA this fall. If I do, I hope to see you too! Are you going to the Afrikan Student Union Admit Weekend?</p>