Official Class of 2018 African American Results Thread

<p>Outstanding everyone!!! My DD got into Pomona!!!</p>

<p>WAIT @demonz you got in to all eight Ivies? Are you Kwasi? Omg if you are! :D</p>

<p>omg jumbatales - you must be right. Cool!</p>

<p>@jumbatales I think he is, because I read an article about him and his extracurriculars are the same as what was mentioned in the article. Also, the schools he applied to were listed and that his parents are from Ghana. (It was on the Yahoo homepage, there was also a good morning America segment about him when they mentioned all of this info).</p>

<p>Congrats to all. Grats to Demonz as well. Seems like you are leaning towards one of those choices. Good luck in your decision.</p>

<p>Slyther, there is already a thread on CC discussing. It may have been closed by now, as it apparently derailed.</p>

<p>@demonz Congrats on all your ivy acceptances! People are mad. </p>

<p>@demonz Although many are mad at you (which is literally pure jealousy), I am SOO proud of you and I don’t even know you! Wishing you all the success in the world; you worked for those acceptances, so you deserve them.</p>

<p>Finally narrowed my acceptances down to my top 2- Cornell University and Wellesley College :slight_smile: My heart is and has always been with Wellesley as I REALLY want the development to become a “strong Wellesley woman”, but Cornell is borderline bribing me with a disgustingly generous finaid package. </p>

<p>A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to everyone! Beyond excited about all the acceptances- Y’all rock my socks off! :)</p>

<p>^ well said.</p>

<p>I’m a parent submitting my D’s stats.</p>

<p>[size=+2]Decision: Accepted[Vanderbilt, Brown, Columbia, UVA, Barnard, NYU, William&Mary, Pitt, Johns Hopkins/size]
[size=+2]Decision: Deferred[none/size]
[size=+2]Decision: Rejected: [UPenn/size]</p>


<pre><code>SAT I (breakdown):2200
ACT (breakdown):33
SAT Subject Tests (place score in parentheses): Math II(660), US History (670), Lit (680)
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.8
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): school doesn’t rank
AP (place score in parentheses): World (3), Lang (4), US History (5), Calc AB, Physics B (3)
IB (place score in parentheses):
Senior Year Course Load: Spanish 5, AP Statistics, Advanced Composition III, AP Bio, AP US Gov, AP Comparative Gov, AP Lit, AP Art History
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Nat. Achieve. Finalist, AP Scholar w/Honor, NHS, Girls State, Governor’s School


<pre><code>Extracurriculars (place leadership in parentheses): Writing Center Tutor (Manager), Debate (Coach&Captain), , History Honor Society (Treasurer), Guitar (self taught), Violin, Banjo,
Job/Work Experience:
Volunteer/Community Service: Major DC Museum Volunteer
Summer Activities: Vacat . Bible School Volunteer, Gov School, Girls State
Essays: Good
Teacher Recommendations: Excellent (AP Hist, AP Engl)
Counselor Rec: Excellent
Additional Rec:
Interview: Vanderbilt, Brown


<pre><code>State (if domestic applicant): VA
Country (if international applicant):
School Type: Large Public
Ethnicity: AA
Gender: Female
Income Bracket: 150-190
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): URM


<pre><code>Strengths: Calm, easy going, quiet fire
Weaknesses: teenager
Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected: Not Penn’s type and unagressive,very much a Barnard type and good person comes out. Focus is strongly on government
Where else you are applying or have already applied:
Any Scholarships or Honors programs? William and Mary - 4 year tuition/Honors, NYU - 4 year tuition/Honors. Brown, Columbia, Barnard, and Vandy – about 30K(might get merit money for Nat Achiev). Small loans from Pitt and UVA. Local History award and one other smaller – but wonderful local award. Didn’t apply to national awards.

<p>General Comments/Advice/Hindsight:[She only applying to schools she had interest in. I encouraged her to apply to Columbia just to see if she would be accepted. /noparse]</p>

<p>Very happy for my D. We are now going to visit. Very dissappointed in UVA’s financial aid award. My D applied EA with hopes she would get scholarship money but nothing but a small loan package. Have D2 in college with the full tuition for Vandy which I know effected our financial aid. D2 got in to P and Y and is loving her choice at Vandy. Had hoped for something similar for this D so that she would have a strong choice. Now we are left with great, but expensive top schools and a wonderful opportunity at W&M but not her first choice for her area of study (Economics, Stat, PolySci). What do you think about choices given financial Aid. We have a D3 going in 3 years.</p>

<p>One more thing…I’m getting a masters in education and have personal loans associated with it. Would you include it in the finan. aid discussion. </p>

<p>Forgot for D’s stats…Phone volunteer for US Pres. Campaign, local volunteer for election.</p>

<p>Razzyreb, fantastic! Congratulations.</p>

<p>@picktails Thanks so much. We are so glad she’s in, now for the money. I had a long post, so I’ll just include the end. Please tell me what you think.</p>

<p>Very happy for my D. We are now going to visit colleges. Very disappointed in UVA’s financial aid award. My D applied EA with hopes she would get scholarship money but nothing but a small loan package. Have D2 in college with the full tuition for Vandy which I know effected our financial aid. D2 got into P and Y and is loving her choice at Vandy. Had hoped for something similar for this D so that she would have a strong choice. Now we are left with great, but expensive top schools and a wonderful opportunity at W&M but not her first choice for her area of study (Economics, Stat, PolySci). What do you think about her choices given financial Aid. We have a D3 going in 3 years. Should we appeal UVA or grin and bare it? Remember, I’m in school too – something colleges don’t consider. </p>

<p>@Razzyreb our friends appeals UVA to no avail. But it is always worth a shot. With little time left, I would call tomorrow. We too have some great ‘top’ schools that will be substantially more than some others D likes. She has no desire to come out with loans, so if her visits to the ‘affordable’, quality schools (no loans for her or us and a very good education) results in a good vibe/fit, she will go with one of those. If not, then plan B would be consider the ones with higher price tags. That is just our path. I think it is a very personal, family decision and there is no right answer. Best approach? Just be glad for options and take it from there!</p>

<p>Thanks taben1112. Best of luck to you and your D too!</p>

<p>Kwasi was at Penn Quaker Days with my D. She said kids were taking pics with him, and she’d have none of that. Wonder if he’s regretting going public?</p>

<p>Just curious, I’m a junior with Ivy League dreams, which schools did you apply for early? Thanks</p>

<p>Congrats to All!! So inspirational!!</p>

<p>My D applied early to Yale but was not accepted. All the rest were regular.</p>

<p>@picktails‌ Thank You :), I was trying to decide if I should apply early to Harvard but the schools website says that it isn’t any more advantageous to apply early, almost sounds like they are encouraging RD. </p>