Official Class of 2018 African American Results Thread

<p>Haven’t been on here a while. Congrats to all of you hearing the good news. Sending good thoughts to those awaiting news. Remember, its not just getting in, it’s about taking advantages of the opportunites and at times creating your own opportunities and doing well. </p>

<p>Remember to also pay it forward to those behind you. Don’t don’t forget to update the Accept/Waitlist/Rejected templates should you be so inclined.</p>

<p>Accepted to Vassar!</p>

<p>In at Barnard! Whoop!
I’m all over the place with Catholic, Women’s, LACs and a state school or two…and an HBCU. Waiting for tomorrow, then time to compare the money and make some visits! My full tuition offer is still wining at this point.</p>

<p>How is everyone coming with aid?? Looking for NO LOANS (Dad’s advice) if I can help it!</p>

<p>Congrats to everyone else!! Fun week!<br>
Oh and hello to the fellow 7 Sisters and Scripps! Did no one else do an HBCU?</p>

<p>@hsgrad. My DD accepted to Smith, Bryn Mawr, and Simmons College (only the women’s colleges listed here). Smith is out due to no finaid. Bryn Mawr came with some aid but would require a little borrowing. I’m in agreement with your Dad. No debt is best. Yrs 2,3 and 4 will have even bigger price tags. Simmons has what she wants in merit aid, a big city and honor program. She will be doing a multicultural overnight in three weeks which may seal the deal. H and I went to school in Boston so our family visits a lot. Also Colleges of the Fens with access to school of Museum of Fine Arts is a strong selling point.</p>

<p>I am familiar with Spellman and very familiar with Bennett College but we did not consider them for a number of reasons.</p>

<p>Congratulations to you and good luck</p>

<p>Accepted to Williams last night, quite the shock. Awaiting 5pm today with everyone else, although my D is distracted at Tulane for a visit.</p>

<p>In at Haverford! :)</p>

<p>Accepted: Agnes Scott, Trinity University, Southwestern University, TAMU, Mount Holyoke
Rejected: Barnard (Deferred from ED, later rejected - showed a lot of interest too); UT Austin (CAPped but didn’t plan to pursue)
Wait-listed: Smith, Wellesley, Wheaton</p>

<p>Attending: Mount Holyoke (with about 94% of expenses paid for!)</p>

[<em>] SAT I (breakdown): 1770 - CR: 620, M: 530, W: 620
[</em>] ACT: N/A
[<em>] SAT II: Lit: 670, UH: 630
[</em>] Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.524
[<em>] Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 31 out of 400
[</em>] AP (place score in parenthesis): APWH (3), APUSH (3), AP Lang & Comp (4), AP Gov, AP Bio, AP Calc AB, AP Eco, AP Lit & Comp
[<em>] Senior Year Course Load: AP English Literature and Composition, AP Calculus, AP Biology, AP US Government, AP Economics, Journalism/Newspaper, Pre-AP Spanish III, Art History (online course)
[</em>] Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): AP Scholar, National Honor Society, Quill and Scroll
[<em>] Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): All of my extras are leadership. Section editor on school paper for three years. Now editor-in-chief of the paper. Class officer of senior class - Historian. Officer of NHS chapter - Historian/Parliamentarian. Chairman (not quite an officer) of a committee in our Student Council.
[</em>] Job/Work Experience: Odd jobs. Most recently at a grocery store as a bagger for the summer and then on support staff at a local haunt attraction for two months.
[<em>] Volunteer/Community service: I’m not sure the total number of hours I have volunteered just yet, but combined with Student Council, NHS and my own separate work at a local aquarium - I’m sure it’s over sixty.
[</em>] Summer Activities: Working to help out my mother.
[<em>] Essays: Pretty good. Told they showed great voice by English teachers.
[</em>] Teacher Recommendation: Had two mediocre. Two very good. Another absolutely excellent.
[<em>] Counselor Rec: Probably mediocre but she has a lot of kids to write for.
[</em>] State (if domestic applicant): TX
[<em>] Country (if international applicant): USA
[</em>] School Type: Public; only really competitive in the top 15 - 20%, about 1800 kids
[<em>] Ethnicity: African-American
[</em>] Gender: Female
[<em>] Income Bracket: < 35k
[</em>] Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): Single-parent home, first gen (mother only has associates, brother kinda dropped out), URM

<p>General Comments:

  • [<em>] Strengths: Being consistent in my ECs. Essays - showing voice. About 3 excellent and personal recommendations.
    [</em>] Weaknesses: SATs for sure. GPA. Two “paste and copy” recommendations - should’ve left them out. No other ECs than what I have time for.

I am waiting on a decision from Spelman but unless they present a super awesome package, and perhaps even if so, I’ll be attending MoHo in the fall!</p>

<p>First post ever, after reading this site for three years!
Decision: Accepted SUNY Bing, Geneseo, Stony Brook, Duke (likely), Dartmouth (likely), Brown, Cornell (likely), Columbia (likely), University of Pennsylvania, Princeton (SCEA), Harvard, Yale
Rejected/Waitlisted: None</p>


<p>SAT I (breakdown): 2250 (750CR, 730M, 770W, 10E)
ACT (breakdown): None
SAT Subject Tests (place score in parentheses): 710 Physics, 680 USH, 660M
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.9
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 11/647
AP (place score in parentheses): 5 for AP Physics, US History, Language and Comp, Bio. 4 in AP World, 3 for AP Chemistry
IB (place score in parentheses): None
Senior Year Course Load: AP Physics C: Mech (independent study), Literature and Comp, Environmental Science, Government and Politics, Calculus BC
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Just some regional writing awards, AP Scholar with Distinction, etc</p>


<p>Extracurriculars (place leadership in parentheses): Musical Theatre for 4 years, Vice Pres/ 2nd chair violist in Chamber, Full, and Symphonic Orchestras, Vice Pres of Concert Choir/Men’s A Capella Group, Track and Field, Youth and Government (Comissioner on the Executive Cabinet)
Job/Work Experience: One camp counseling job over the summer
Volunteer/Community Service: 120+ hours volunteering at the lead regional hospital’s radiology department, 270+ hours of YMCA Youth club activities
Summer Activities: Working as a Camp Counselor
Essays: 9/10, wrote about my love of music and its influences on my life for the Common App
Teacher Recommendations: 9/10, 8/10. One teacher loved me, the other developed a philosophical love-hate relationship through AP Physics and our periodic debates on everything.
Counselor Rec: 8/10, didn’t know me very well and was not used to the Ivy league selective college process in the slightest.
Additional Rec: Wonderfully written by my viola teacher, but never submitted to a college
Interview: All went wonderfully. I did some background research on each alumni interviewer to keep the conversation interesting.</p>


<p>State (if domestic applicant): NY
Country (if international applicant):
School Type: Large public, 4000+ kids
Ethnicity: African-American, 2nd gen immigrant of Ghana
Gender: M
Income Bracket: 100k
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): URM, first generation college student, my developed passions for music and a future career in medicine through strong rhetoric skills.</p>

<p>Reflection: Life is full of wonders, so I never bothered to not try. It really has paid off in my life, and this site has taught me wonders about the application process! So, it is time I gave back.</p>

<p>Strengths: SAT, essays and short responses
Weaknesses: I don’t mean to sound cocky, but I don’t feel that I had any relevant weaknesses. Maybe a lack of self confidence all the way up to my first acceptance with Princeton.
Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected: I worked to be the best friend, student, and goal setter that I could be in high school. My continual effort to improve is what led me to these decisions.
Where else you are applying or have already applied: No where else.
Any Scholarships or Honors programs? Duke University Scholar Finalist</p>

<p>General Comments/Advice/Hindsight: Never stop working to better yourself. Get your SAT up to the 2150-2200+ range to really focus on the Ivy league. Make the best out of every situation you must face in this long, tedious admissions process. Most of all, do what you love in your life. That is the passion you will reflect in your application, and prove yourself to these colleges. Good luck my fellow children of Africa, America, and the higher educational world!</p>

<p>Accepted to UPenn but rejected at Brown. Not what we expected, but fabulous none the less.</p>

<p>@picktails, sorry about Brown as you had mentioned it was her top choice. What happened with Tufts? Still a great showing none the less-some great options so I bet her disappointment will be short lived! You must be so relieved at this point! I have been following you posts because I will be going through the process next year. An I love your Ds photo-it appears appropriately triumphant!</p>

<p>I am waiting for my Johns Hopkins decision, but I’ll update it as soon as it comes in!!
Accepted: The Ohio State University, Miami (Ohio), Pitt, Colgate, Emory, Vanderbilt, Tulane, Boston U, Washington and Lee
Rejected: none:)
Wait-listed: Kenyon </p>

<p>Attending: completely undecided–financial aid is most important factor, so I’ll see.
SAT I (breakdown): didn’t take
ACT: 32
SAT II: didn’t take
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.8
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 18 out of 358
AP (place score in parenthesis): APUSH (5), AP Lang & Comp (5), AP European History (4), Ap Statistics (3)AP Gov, AP Calc AB, AP Lit & Comp
Senior Year Course Load: AP English Literature and Composition, AP Calculus, AP US Government, AP Journalism/Newspaper, AP Psychology, AP Chemistry
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): AP Scholar, National Honor Society, few state journalism awards
Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): editor of school newspaper for three years. chair of the schools’s diversity club, science club, founder of book club, member of class cabinet</p>

<p>Job/Work Experience: cashier at a restaurant
Volunteer/Community service: interned at a free summer lunch program for disadvantaged kids + Red Cross
Summer Activities: pretty much volunteering
Essays: highlights of my applications, in my opinion. Spent almost six months on them. In fact, I believe I started on my Common App around this time last year!
Teacher Recommendation: I assume good…?
Counselor Rec: Kinda generic but still okay
State (if domestic applicant): OH
Country (if international applicant): USA
School Type: Public; only really competitive in the top 15 - 20%, about 1800 kids
Ethnicity: African-American
Gender: Female
Income Bracket: ~60,000
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): URM, pretty unique immigrant story, first generation</p>

<p>General Comments:
Strengths: Definitely essays.I have never spent so much time on anything in my life!!! I think it also helped that my extracurriculars aligned well with what I wrote about (diversity)
Weaknesses: Slight slip up in mid-year report, ACT scores could be better</p>

<p>The only reason I decided to post my stats is because this thread quite literally changed the course of my life. I would have never thought that I could get into to half the schools if I didn’t see the African-American students page. 2019ers and other classes: ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. My only regret in my college application process is that I didn’t try for Ivy Leagues, but I am so, so, so incredibly happy about the opportunities I have now nonetheless. Take the leap; you won’t regret it. </p>

<p>I’ve been reading through these threads for months and had never posted. It’s been pretty cool to see everyone get into the schools they’ve dreamt about. Posting this is my way of giving back. Congrats to everyone and good luck to future applicants. </p>

<p>Decision: Accepted - Johns Hopkins (Neuroscience)</p>


<p>SAT I (breakdown): 2150 (660 M, 730 CR, 760 W)</p>

<p>ACT (breakdown): N/A</p>

<p>SAT Subject Tests (place score in parentheses): 670 (Math 2 & Bio M)</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.65</p>

<p>Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): N/A</p>

<p>AP (place score in parentheses): AP Psych (5), AP NSL (5), AP World History (4), AP Language (3)</p>

<p>IB (place score in parentheses): N/A</p>

<p>Senior Year Course Load: Honors English 12, Intro to Engineering, Cellular Physiology, AP Statistics, AP Comparative Government, Internship (NIH-CDNS)</p>

<p>Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): AP Scholar w/ Honors</p>


<p>Extracurriculars (place leadership in parentheses): Football (9-12, Captain 10), Track (9-12), Red Cross Club (11-12). Hospital Volunteer (11-12), Library Volunteer (11-12), Clothing Donation Volunteer (9, 11-12)</p>

<p>Job/Work Experience: NIH Internship in the Cellular and Developmental Neurobiology Section</p>

<p>Volunteer/Community Service: (See Extracurriculars)</p>

<p>Summer Activities: Football and Internship</p>

<p>Essays: Not much to say here, I thought my essays were decent. I was really worried since I took the academic tone (JHU essay) but I guess it worked out. </p>

<p>Teacher Recommendations: Did not read but I assume they were good. Both teachers speak highly of me from what they’ve told me. </p>

<p>Counselor Rec: Chose her for staff appreciation week so I assume it wasn’t too generic (hint to future applicants)</p>

<p>Additional Rec: None (should’ve gotten one from the PI for my lab but I forgot to.)</p>

<p>Interview: N/A</p>


<p>State (if domestic applicant): Maryland</p>

<p>Country (if international applicant): N/A</p>

<p>School Type: Large, Public (2800 students)</p>

<p>Ethnicity: African American (Nigerian-born)</p>

<p>Gender: Male</p>

<p>Income Bracket: Not relevant</p>

<p>Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): URM</p>


<p>Strengths: I don’t think I had any particular strengths, maybe my dedication to athletics?</p>

<p>Weaknesses: Pretty much everything. SAT score was okay but SAT II scores were pretty weak. I had only one leadership position which was in 10th grade. GPA was on the low side and I only took AP classes I cared about. If those weren’t enough, I forgot to send in my AP scores (stupid, I know).</p>

<p>Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected: I honestly couldn’t explain why they accepted me. I guess they looked past all of my weaknesses and saw someone who could contribute to their campus. From looking at my stats, I would have to say Hopkins’ admission process is holistic.</p>

<p>Where else you are applying or have already applied: Accepted to UMD Honors, Ohio State Scholars, Temple Honors, Bowling Green State (not sure why I applied). Rejected: Brown and UPenn</p>

<p>Any Scholarships or Honors programs?: Not that I know of. </p>

<p>General Comments/Advice/Hindsight: After getting rejected from both Brown and Penn yesterday, I was pretty bummed. Even though I really didn’t want to go to either school, a rejection is still pretty rough. I was ready to go to Temple when I checked JHU’s portal and saw the acceptance. I’m still in disbelief while typing this. </p>

<p>For future applicants, just do you. I know it sounds stupid, but doing things to impress colleges and not enjoying high school isn’t worth it. Challenge yourself but also have fun. I’d honestly stay off college confidential until maybe late junior year. No matter how things work out, no matter how many rejections or acceptances you get, you’ll be fine. The way I see it now, it’s Penn & Brown’s loss. Not 100% sure if i’ll be attending JHU but its definitely at the top of my list. Good luck to everyone and God bless. </p>

<p>Don’t forget to send in your AP Scores :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Accepted to Tufts, whew! Big decision now.</p>

<p>So glad for everyone on here! D got into Wesleyan and was very excited. Yes, @picktails, big decisions to come now. She is already having to make choices about accepted students diversity fly ins that conflict. This is indeed a wonderful problem to have. </p>

<p>Writing for my son- lots of great choices!</p>

Waitlisted: UC BERKELEY
Rejected: Cal Poly SLO</p>

<p>Major: Mechanical Engineering</p>


<p>SAT Total: 2090 M: 740, CR: 630, WR: 720,</p>

<p>SAT Subject Tests: Math 2-740
GPA-UW/W: 3.98/4.40
Rank: 5th out of 650
AP/IB classes: 8 AP classes</p>


<p>Essays: Very strong
Teacher Recs: Average
Counselor Rec: Good
National Achievement Outstanding Participant
EC highlights: Varsity Golfer, Volunteer Golf Instructor, summer leadership and engineering academies, Teacher Aide at summer school for disadvantaged youth every summer since 8th grade</p>

<p>State or Country: Northern California
School Type: Large Public HS (2500+ students)</p>

<p>Accepted to Georgetown SFS today! This was my first choice all along :)</p>

<p>Accepted to Emory my first choice.</p>

<p>Such great news! </p>

<p>I’m going to University of Pennsylvania next year!</p>

<p>Congrats KeDIX! Are you attending Quaker Days next week? My D is going.</p>