<p>Upper-Middle Class Asian-White Hybrid from public IB in Florida hoping for Econ or Math major.</p>
<p>Mexican-American girl living in the Middle East (double hook! =P). Undecided major, but I know I want to do pre-med. </p>
<p>SCEA 007. Yay for us!</p>
<p>i heard pre-med at harvard is intense</p>
<p>asian male from burbs of atlanta</p>
<p>chances? how about not...... id feel so dejected after reading this thread.</p>
Mexican-American girl living in the Middle East (double hook! =P)
<p>How do you plan to portray that background and make it a hook? I have a similar multi-cultured background and am not sure.</p>
<p>jai :</p>
<p>Make it hook by marrying into Royal Saudi family. Just kidding :)</p>
<p>I posted earlier. I'm an Australian, applying for a government major.<br>
Do you think that Harvard getting rid of EA for entry 2008 will at all impact how they make decisions for 2007? Accept less/more/the usual number of students?</p>
<p>annakim- That's a good question... I was wondering the same thing myself. I'm going to go ahead and guess that they'll accept fewer students than they did before under EA (simply because they've already gone out and essentially stated that the system is unfair).</p>
<p>There are so many Harvard SCEA applicants from my county, and all the ones that I know personally have stellar stats.</p>
<p>African American female from DC coming from intense private school planning to major in applied math and maybe econ</p>
<p>Asian American male from competitive NJ public school planning to major in econ, maybe...</p>
<p>Asian American male from a pretty lovely public school in MA with a passion for everything, but probably a little more in Biochem? :)</p>
<p>Chinese girl attending a large public HS in California. I want to major in history of art and architecture and comparative literature.</p>
<p>I'm still working on that... I have a few ideas, but I haven't decided on any of them.</p>
<p>This thread is pathetic. No wonder Harvard is getting rid of SCEA. :p</p>
<p>CLEARLY, we're all showing our wonderful vibes :)</p>
<p><em>laughs</em> Oh come on, it's fun to be a little bland...</p>
<p>Um to clarify I was comparing the length of this thread to [url=<a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=223856%5Dthis%5B/url">http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=223856]this[/url</a>] one. That's all.</p>
<p>yale's scea thread is livelier, thus it's scea is will last longer =P.</p>
<p>wow....there's like no one ~_~ (was everyone scared away?) HAHA</p>
<p>So, what are everyone's hooks?</p>
<p>[To liven things up a bit]</p>
<p>Hmmm... hooks don't exactly encourage a supportive environment.</p>
<p>How about something else? Have any cool/unique hobbies? Live anywhere cool? Something else?</p>