<p>My proctor was really good, but ACT needs to change the directions to make students answer the survey questions before the administration rather than afterward to prevent cheating.</p>
<p>How were your proctors?</p>
<p>My proctor was really good, but ACT needs to change the directions to make students answer the survey questions before the administration rather than afterward to prevent cheating.</p>
<p>How were your proctors?</p>
<p>We didn't fill out the survey. Is that normal?</p>
<p>Tdn, it will not affect your score. :)</p>
<p>my proctor did not put the stop times on the board. we kept tellign him and he would always forget. i'm pretty sure he estimated the stop times too, because he would never look at the clock when he announced start. gosh he was awful. everyone in my room looked at each other in disbelief at how ridiculous he was.</p>
<p>My proctor was strict. She kicked a kid out of the room for randomly bubbling past the timer.</p>
<p>^^ Wasn't that her job?</p>
<p>It was, I just never saw someone actually do it. I was glad she did I suppose but was very surprised she did it.</p>
<p>my proctor only gave us 25 minutes for reading and i had to argue with her to get the 10 minutes!</p>
<p>Woodlands High School, 208 Procter was a complete pain in the ass...Mr. Schiavo = evil</p>
<p>Hm, that's too strict...Well, I guess it was the kid's fault. You should fill in remaining bubbles when the next test starts as to avoid getting caught.</p>
<p>My proctor was actually very, very good. She wrote the start and stop times on the board, as well as the 5 minutes left time (for her mostly I'm sure).</p>
<p>Solomoneator, what did he do?</p>
<p>my proctor cut the first test ~40 sec. short and the second one ~20sec short.
during the break i quietly pointed that out to her and offered her my stop watch. first she said - oh, you used it?! you are not allowed!!! but then looked into her regulations and, like, oops, im sorry. so she gratefully accepted the watch and gave us 40 sec. to go back to the first test.</p>
<p>My proctor was such a nazi, it was ridiculous. First, she checked everyone's id + admission ticket exactly took like 10 mins each person and wouldn't let anyone in the room and it was like 120 degrees. Then she took like an hour sitting people like arbitrarily it was so weird and she started yelling at people because they were in the wrong seats when they just listened to her. There were like 50 ppl in the room and she would yell at people who were drinking water, chewing gum, only let 1 person go to bathroom at a time. It was so bad. Then on one section she yelled stop and never said 5 min warning and messed us all up.</p>
<p>Well, first it was a mrs., second she yelled at anyone who turned around for any reason during the instructions. She threatened everyone that one peep and they would be kicked out of the room. She also kicked someone out because they felt sick and asked to run to the bathroom.</p>
<p>Why are ACT proctors so much worse than SAT proctors, is it like in the directions, be as big of a ***** as you can?</p>
<p>There was a kid in my test room with a TI-89. At first I was unhappy, but as I went through the test, I realized that I really didn't need one.</p>
<p>My proctor didn't write the stop times on the board, so I really had no idea how I was doing timewise. I had to guess on the last 5 on science. :(</p>
<p>I had approx. 30 people in my room, and we had two proctors.</p>
<p>Both were nice "mom" style women. One jokingly made a mistake when she accidently started picking up the answer sheets after the Science test before the writing test, as one passed out the writing test document. She ended up passing them out right back to us, and laughed - saying, "Sorry guys, I'm new to this".</p>
<p>I guess this is irrelevant posting in the "bad proctors" thread but I was completley happy with mine.</p>
<p>Like Nathanmc, I loved my proctor haha- it was my math teacher from AP Calculus the previous year, he was laughing and making jokes- wrote all the times on the board and everything. </p>
<p>The last time i took the ACT it wasn't as good, the guy monitoring us was using his laptop that was VERY LOUD, all i could hear was the whizzing of his fan.. it was so annoying.</p>
<p>And to lildude, the girl next to me had a Ti89... I let her use my scientific calculator (extra) so she wouldn't risk being kicked out :P I almost wanted to see what it would have looked like to see someone "excused from the testing center" but, I thought it best just to help 'er out :)</p>