<p>M: 780
CR: 800
W: 730 (70/11)</p>
<p>M: 780
CR: 800
W: 730 (70/11)</p>
Cr: 640
W: 650 (61/11)</p>
<p>M: 800
Cr: 800
W: 770 (11)</p>
<p>Totally Awesome! Done with SAT I! :)</p>
<p>M: 700
CR: 760
W: 800</p>
<p>I'm very pleased with my score, but I'll be retaking it to boost the math. And colleges take the highest composite from all tests, right?</p>
<p>cr: 700
math: 710
writing: 720
seems pretty even lol
got 7 on writing</p>
<p>akapsycho, who in this thread is lying?</p>
<p>Wow...most people have well above a 2000.</p>
<p>Jeez, my scores pale in comparison and mine are the top or one of the tops at my school.</p>
<p>Again, </p>
<p>700-m, 680-cr, 630-w 68mc 6 essay</p>
<p>Thank god the places i am applying only look at math+cr= 1380</p>
<p>hey jq, what school only looks at math and verb? I did well on those two sections, but messed up on the writing section.</p>
<p>Georgetown, GWU, West Point, USNA, ect. Pretty much every school i am applying to. So when i took the SAT, I pretty much focused on math and verbal. Besides, even colleges like UC and Harvard who are counting the writing have pretty much nothing to compare it to.</p>
<p>The way I look at the new sat:</p>
<p>old sat + satII writing.</p>
<p>I received a check back after May 30th message!!!!
It says at collegeboard.com, a small percentage are not ready and next batch will be up then. Anybody else get this???</p>
<p>730 - M
760 - CR
730 - W (9 essay)</p>
<p>I'm debating whether or not to retake it in the fall. I know I can raise the Math, and have a good chance at an 800, but I also have a 760 on the old math so I'm not sure it's worth it. What do you think? Should I let whatever I get on the IIc influence my decision?</p>
<p>700 M
650 CR
640 W (65MC and 8 Essay)</p>
<p>ok the people with the high scores wat do u for prep because i need to know or are u guys naturally smart and gifted</p>
<p>I did all 8 practice tests from the collegeboard blue book (well, 7 and just the verbal and math sections separately from the first one) and i read the verbal and the essay parts of kaplan's SAT 2400, which I found useful. I also did one practice test from Princeton Review and the verbal sections of a couple others.</p>
<p>I ended up with a 760V/800M/800W(80/10)</p>
If you graded them, what did you average on those practice tests in the Collegeboard blue book( or highest/lowest scores)?</p>
<p>its obvious that people are lying. according to this thread over 80% of the people that took the sat got 800 on at least 1 section.</p>
<p>akapsycho- many CCers are great test takers... even if some lied (which I highly doubt), it wouldn't matter- it's just a forum.</p>
<p>anyways, it seems that I'm on the lower end of the CC spectrum..
730 M
660 CR
640 W
My CR was higher in March though...</p>
<p>Hope everyone is happy with their scores.</p>
<p>akapsycho, the only people that go on CC are people that care about their education and such, otherwise they wouldn't be on such a forum. I think that many CC'ers are the top students at their schools, so 800's aren't uncommon.</p>
<p>killaerone, when I averaged the two sides of the range, which was my way of arriving at a single score and not necessarily a good estimate, I got (starting at test #2) 2170, 2220, 2230, 2220, 2180, 2270 (800 on math), 2215</p>
<p>I was very happy with my score; I didn't quite expect a 760 on the verbal, that was a nice surprise... and I thought my mediocre essay which I expected 7-10 on would exclude me from the 800, but it didn't luckily.</p>
<p>Math: 720
CR: 700
Writing: 650 (11 on essay)
<p>Haha I really blew the writing... 60/80. We haven't even started the nuiances of grammar in english, so I guessed on that entire section.</p>