Official May Sat Writing and Essay Thread

<p>I got two "No Errors," but I marked the "respect" one as having an error.</p>

<p>That one, and the "inhabit" Q are the ones that I'm the most unsure about. If I didn't get those wrong, I think I got an 800 =)</p>

<p>for 30-35, i got the best place to put the thing before sentence 5 (2nd paragraph) and best way to end it as E, like over 2000 people over the world.....</p>

<p>does anyone remember the question from section 10 that asked about the london book store (i think it was #5)</p>

<p>i chose C because B sounded wierd</p>

<p>cmon dogs lets try to remember the other no errror </p>

<p>We know #28 was one</p>

<p>Cuz I wanna see if I got only -1</p>


<p>well i had the time in my 9th section..(i had like..20 minutes left..after doing al lmath (i shoulda went back and chek..cause i got like 3 wrongs so far on math..arg..))</p>

<p>well here goes
section 9 answers that i have. Math : 3241311435525424
section8 cr 3412115324131341354
section7 math 1324322434144313132
cr..yet again.. 545315542223533354245324 (i hope this is my experimental..that 222 and 333 scares me..)
Writing section: 22124354414441143223412142354524135</p>

<p>nubmers 1= a 2 = b 3= c 4= d 5= e</p>

<p>what does that even mean?</p>

<p>the answers tha ti got...and i dont' have another E in the ISE questions.
only 1 e.</p>

<p>hatesat- i think i had CCC and then BBB (or close to that) somewhere too, but i don't know if that was experimental or not (i had writing exp, so i might have been writing)</p>


<p>Did you memorize the answers?</p>

<p>godot- no, i'm pretty sure he just typed it into the calculator (stat list or w/e)</p>

<p>does anyone know the answer to #5 for section 10 writing that talked about the london book club or something?</p>

<p>My essay prompt was one the one about materialism, I used an example from a book i read a while ago and Warren Buffet, i didn't get to finish my conclusion though how much do you think i will get off? Btw i'm pretty sure my essay was really good.</p>

<p>Does anyone know what the answer was to the question that involved the children gaining independence from their parents? I forget the exact sentence.</p>

<p>I put no error. Anyone else? That one and the war chariot were the two no errors I remember.</p>

<p>I know I had no error on the war chariot one and I am pretty sure I put no error on the children's independence one as well. I read both of those like a million times and could never spot an error.</p>

<p>I, too, put no error on the children's independence one, even though I didn't really like the way they phrased "an independence." I thought "a sense of independence" would have been better, but it apparently didn't matter, because I couldn't find any real errors otherwise.</p>

<p>Wait, what was the war chariot one? I don't remember that at all.</p>

<p>Something about...people thinking war chariots were a big part of ancient life, though their use was stopped by the 6th century BC. It involved museums, too.</p>

<p>Also, can anyone please clarify that Ecuador/North America bird one? I put "as inhabit" and still think it's did some others. But other people put "than," too. So...any elaboration there?</p>

<p>I put "than" on the bird one, but a few other people said that the answer is actually "as inhabit." It was something about idioms, and how that was the only proper answer.</p>

<p>I do not remember anything about a war chariot! Could that have been an experimental writing section?</p>

<p>I also put "as inhibit" after debating over that one for a little bit. I don't think I really considered "than," but I can't remember why not.</p>

<p>word which was #28 the independence or the war chariots</p>

<p>War chariots was #28, I believe. I know it was near the end of the sentence fixing part and on the very left of a page. I seem to remember the Seeds of Peace article started right after it.</p>

<h1>28 was the one with no error correct?</h1>

<p>csummerlin, I put than to but I'm starting to reconsider because "as inhibit" seems like it would be better parallel structure</p>