where on the portal does it change when your decision is uploaded?


2100 SAT, 800 Math II, 710 Bio M, 700 Physics
31 ACT (34 E 33 M 32 S 26 R)
3.7 UW GPA

Waitlisted after being deferred.
3.571 GPA
31 ACT
All A’s from 6 AP classes for senior year midterm grades

Lot of rejections so far, it seems…I know NU is trying to build a more selective class, but I wonder if they will have yield problems.

Accepted to NU.in
3.9 uw 30 ACT top 10% of class
Actually really happy I got accepted to this program even though it’s not as great as a regular acceptance

Got into N.U. In. Not expected, but better than rejection.

anyone from NJ yet?

@okay12898‌ I’m still waiting from NJ!!

does anybody know what time people in the mid-atlantic will be notified?

Accepted into NUin from MA

Nothing from NY

Decisions are up. Son was denied - which is okay, he has some other great choices. Good luck all!

I was in Albany, NY as an applicant and found out at 5 PM. Expect similar this time around.

Nothing from NJ

NU.in but not money. Can’t afford it. 30 ACT 4.0 GPA

what is nu.in

Does anyone know what nu in program is?

Nu in is going abroad for your first semester

Yes, just google “Northeastern NU in”

NU in – you cannot use loans for this semester and FA is limited. They have a whole page on the website.