**Official Rice University Fall 2017 Transfer Thread**

@AGoodFloridian We all learned something. Everyone, act as if you did not have internet access or you had no idea that the decision might come out anytime in anyday!

Anyway, I seriously find so much joy chatting on this thread. Is there anything we can talk about so that the wait is not this painful?

Let’s discuss something that’s not directly related to Rice or Houston, I don’t want to get too pumped up just before getting my inevitable rejection and/or insufficient financial aid.

What are y’all majoring in?

@usualhopeful Political Science, but I may change to it to Mathematical Economic Analysys if I’m accepted.

My major is Business Management. The reason I wish to transfer is because my school’s business department is not well-known and challenging enough (in my opinion). The professors are all genuine and lovely though.

@usualhopeful I feel you. That’s also what I am freaking out about.

If accepted, I’ll be a kinesiology major with a concentration in health science. I’ll also be part of the mariachi so fingers crossed!

Hey @nhbmymymymy , just a precaution that if you’re transferring with the intent of still doing something business-related, Rice actually does not have an undergraduate business school so you can only obtain a minor in business. That being said, a lot of undergrads are able to major in econ or math-econ and go down the business path.

Good luck everyone! I know the feeling as I was in y’all’s situation three years ago with this transfer stuff. It was a lot of anxiety but I think it was well worth it at the end being able to attend Rice.

I had a dream I was waitlisted this morning!

@umbra505 I had a dream I was rejected last night, which I guess will 95% come true :expressionless:

@ChiGuy123 Thank you for your reply! Yes I acknowledge that Rice does not offer Business major. My plan, if accepted, is double-majoring in Managerial Studies and Philosophy with a Business minor. I am actually focusing more in the people side of business/organization than the finance side (sounds weird right? We all know business means making money, but that’s what my ideal is). Thus, I decided to transfer and applied to Rice!

Thank you! It is nice to hear from someone who has already experienced all this!

@lilychan16 Goes to show my positive attitude haha. I’m sure you’re a very qualified applicant, I just don’t want to get your hopes up because college admissions are weird. Hopefully we both get in, I’m not too sure of my chances but I’m staying hopeful. Is it your first choice?

Hopefully we all found out tomorrow. Good luck y’all we all will hopefully leave our respective schools

@umbra505 Yeah it’s my first choice! Hope we all get in :slight_smile: Now I’m nervous for tomorrow haha

Rice is certainly my top choice too- I have been looking forward to this for a while now. I was actually going to apply to Rice back as a freshman but I knew I wasn’t anywhere near qualified.

Since then, I chose the wiser option to stay at home, work to sustain the household and attend an affordable local community college(which is very well regarded in Florida). With higher test scores, straight A’s in the hardest courses my college has to offer and relevant EC’s, there is a chance…

slight, but a chance.

That my application won’t be binned on first sight.

By God may it land on the first shot. #rice3pointerskills

Ah damn it, sorry @usualhopeful , we were on different topic.

I’d like to major in Physics! With plans to pursue Rice’s Applied Physics graduate program, with some emphasis on materials science. This first year of college awakened a strong interest for chemistry that I’d love to pursue. Sooo… Physics + Chemistry = Materials Science (or yes yes, they do have a Chemical Physics program too)

So guys, have y’all looked at any of Rice’s extra curriculars and student organizations?? There’s a transfer student association which would be cool to be a part of if we get accepted so we can be like “we met each other through a thread online” :))

It looks like in 2013 when Rice released their decisions on a Monday, they released it early like 9 am EST (looking at the previous thread from '13). So hopefully a couple more hours left!

It’s officially Monday, May 1st. Good luck everyone! It is nice “meeting” you and knowing a part of your stories! :slight_smile:

Two finals today and a possible college decision, hoorah! <3 The thrill is the best part

@AGoodFloridian hey good luck with your finals!
Focus on the exams and dont let the “possible decision release” bother you too much!

And the wait continues…