***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

@Empire007 & @IfnousWHO - So I am the outcast? :wink:

@srk2017 No worries
 you are family :slight_smile:

Outcast may be a too strong phrase

NU HPME - Many take 4 years and some even more before joining the med program. Their seat is mostly guaranteed and not tied to a specific start year. I have read profiles (I dont know if they keep changing them) where people have taken years off to teach, taken scholarships to go to UK to do a masters, or just take 4 years to complete undergrad.

The top program in Texas used to be UT-PACT until last year which lasted 4 or 5 seasons. People who have gone to the interviews have said out of 40 people each year something like 80+% end up being Asian (I know at least one admitted kid in each batch). It is a 50% chance but in theory, non-Asians stood much better odds since it would be impossible to fill 20 seats with only Asians irrespective of where they stood in the pecking order.

@bearchichi - Meant as a joke.

@bearchichi Do we have any more recent statistics on the number of applicants/ accepted/OOS/IS/GPA/SAT for various BSMD Programs. This was very insightful but current stats would be more helpful. Thanks.

what are the GPA requirements at UPitt GAP, BU SMED, PPSP, NU HPME and REMS etc, please post any stats that are helpful here. Thanks

@Mimic17 - I am surprised that you are asking for GPA requirements at these schools after getting admission a while back. Didn’t you check their web pages? Also, they usually tell the info at the interview. I don’t want to sound rude, but I see people asking same info again and again.

The reason I am asking about GPA, sometimes they change year by year, and can be skipped in the discussions, just to confirm to see if the GPA requirements are up-to date

@mimic17 - If you are worried that they may have changed it recently, best thing to do is call the program directly and ask before deciding on where to go. At this point, only few people (active in this thread) have admissions to the programs you mentioned for this year. GL.

This was from 2015
I did not spend the time to collect this but someone did in past
I am sorry but no more recent data

@Mimic17 - I concur with @srk2017 . The most reliable source for the requirements is the school, and the folks they will eagerly provide this data to are those admitted to the program this year, like you :slight_smile:

Hope you’ll take the time not just to confirm the GPA requirements, but also to share back any changes in the forum for the benefit of future applicants. GL!

@Mimic17 I just did a quick search on the school websites:

UPitt GAP - 3.75
BU SMED - 3.2
CW PPSP - 3.63
NU HPME - 3.6

If the school websites post this, they should be current and accurate. I would have imagined if you got accepted to all these programs, you would have been given all the program requirements in the contract you had to sign along with your acceptance letter. However I agree with @Mom22DDs, if you want to be 100% sure on GPA requirements, call up the individual schools and confirm.

If my memory serves me right from the orientations:

REMS required a GPA of 3.4 freshman, 3.5 sophomore, and that you end junior+senior year at 3.6 in cumulative and in sciences.

PPSP required GPA is 3.63 throughout in cumulative and sciences.

Visited GWU for ‘Inside GW’ day. The information shared was very general and did not see any academic advisors specific to BAMD program. Only three BAMD students attended? Others probably are signed up for different dates? Wonder if there are any boys other than my DS among the ten invited to their program?

Got selected
Does anybody know any information about the ECCM Program (BS/MD ) at University of Tulsa 
 relatively new and any inputs is appreciated
 Its non binding (4+4)

Congrats. Yes, it is a new program in collaboration with OU Medical School. This college in Tulsa started with the focus on Community Medicine. But I believe you can opt to attend OU medical school in OKC (But confirm it) in case later you prefer to attend OKC. Need to maintain on or above average GPA and MCAT score of previous year admitted MD students. (2015 average 3.7 & 508).

Tulsa is a small private college (compare to OU) and they give good merit aid (Presidential scholarship is free ride).
If you are comfortable with the school and location and clear about medicine it is a good choice. This BA/MD program started last year 2016-17 cycle an admits only 5 students. Their dorm room is relatively good (big and has sink). It is not in a fancy city or big college town. But if you don’t care about it, it is a good choice. GL.

As per my understanding based on a few other applicants, Howard has sent out their interview requests. Did anyone else who applied for this program hear back from them? I, thus far, have yet to hear back from them.

@summershine Could you please tell me what state you are from, if you don’t mind. I have heard from at least 2 students that GW prefers locals. I know members on this forum have stated otherwise but just want to double check. Thanks.

@GoldenRock Thank you for the information