***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

What medical extracurriculars do you Rice/Baylor applicants have?

You have to be admitted to Rice to be interviewed by Baylor.
Rice/ Baylor and Baylor/Baylor (Med track program) are two combined med programs affiliated with Baylor med school (5-6 positions each/ year)

@Harryp17 - just like any other top tier BS/ MD program- a bit of everything. The candidate I know had- science fair local awards/ physician shadowing/ national debate and obviously good GPA/ standardized scores and a boat load of luck. Infact, nothing extra stellar and he was the pick for 2015.

Itā€™s interesting to see how in such a small time span that Rice/Baylor Medical Scholars has cut the number of seats from 12 to half that at 5-6 seats: http://journals.lww.com/academicmedicine/Fulltext/2012/11000/The_Scope_and_Variety_of_Combined_Baccalaureate_MD.48.aspx. Click on ā€œArticle as PDF (167 KB)ā€

I too got into CNU am going on the 21st. Whoā€™s going?

For students who are rejected from REMS, are their applications usually reviewed for admission to the University of Rochester?

I read from the Rochester Common App sidebar blurb that applications of students who donā€™t get into professional degree programs arenā€™t automatically reviewed for admission to the undergraduate college, but the REMS website says that the REMS-rejected students can be invited to get their apps reviewed.

Can anyone explain or confirm anything? Thanks!

Is rice/baylor due 11:59 pm tonight or tomorrow night?

@College1721 - Unlike NU and BU, REMS rejection does not affect UG admission. All students who attended the REMS interview last year were accepted into UG with generous merit aid. An announcement of this was made at the parents-night dinner over the interview weekend. In summary, all REMS interviewees are accepted to UofR UG.

WRT the REMS applicants- Iā€™m positive there is a Q- if rejected by REMS do you want to be considered for UG? If your answer is ā€œyesā€ - your application enters the UG pool.

My D also mentioned that the UG interviewer (who visited our city) told her that REMS acceptance was about 0.01% and asked if she would be interested in joining UG if not accepted into REMS and noted her answer on the paper in front of her.

So, if you donā€™t see the Q- feel free to call and tell the admissions office that you would like your application be be considered for UG (if not accepted into the REMS program).

@Harryp17 - the deadline is December 1st, so I would assume 11:59pm on December 1st.

CNU just requested a signed Enrollment Agreement by Jan. 3rd with $250 enrollment fee. But I plan to attend
Jan. 21st Open House then decideā€¦ and Iā€™m still waiting to hear from other schools. Anyone received the same thing from CNU?

@Med180 They said my Enrollment Agreement is going to come in a bit but that yes it was due at Jan. 3rd with the 250 dollar fee.

Iā€™m on the same boat. Accepted into CNU 2+4 BSMD and asking for enrollment agreement by 3rd Jan. Where as they havenā€™t sent the info by postal and open house is on 21st Jan.

I was a lurker to this site last application cycle and it was the most valuable tool imaginable for my child and I. We were extremely thankful that after the emotional application/interview experience during senior year that my child was accepted to RPI/AMC. So if anyone would like the advice of someone who went thru the experience a year ago I will be glad to provide my insight from our experience. The best thing I can advise on RPI/AMC is to be patient with them. Of all the schools that my child applied to RPI took the longest to release a decision. Their entire process is extremely professional compared to the other schools that offered interviews to my child. Stay on top of the deadlines, give them exactly what they are asking for (they require specific SAT2 exams) and if granted an interview arrive dressed professionally and well prepared for a 4-5 hour process.

Hey guys. I applied to Case Westernā€™s PPSP yesterday. Today I received an email inviting me to schedule an interview with an alumni and that they encourage PPSP applicants to complete an interview by January 1 to be considered for the PPSP. Iā€™m sure this isnā€™t the medical school interview but rather the undergraduate one. I called the school today and the lady said that it wasnā€™t required. Is it recommended that I do this interview? Can anyone tell me how necessary this is? Iā€™m slightly nervous about the January 1 deadline suggestion.

@chocolatina1001 - Which state are you from? My S applied a month back and didnā€™t get alumni interview request.

Suggest follow the process and try to do the interview. Donā€™t be nervous about the deadline if the interview can not be arranged by the deadline. Hope you are not in SFO Bay area. Because there was a wacko person who took 3+ hours to interview my D and that was her 1st interview with any school and she got such a negative experience with CWRU alumni.
Also take a look at the schedule for U of Rochester since there were some challenges we faced. They visit various locations on certain dates and nailing down the time with out impacting her school schedule took a while.

@srk2017 It was not really a request, but rather an email explaining how there are alumni interviews available and that they ā€œencourage applicants to complete an interview by January 1 to be considered for the Pre-Professional Scholars Programā€. I am from Illinois by the way.

@GoldenRock where can I find the schedule for Rochester interviews? Are these interviews also only for the undergraduate admission?

Once you have the login details for their portal, it will have the details based on which city etc., You can also call in and find out their schedule for your location. See this generic link https://enrollment.rochester.edu/ has some details.

Yes, I am referring only the UG interviews (not BS/MD interview). My D had in person UG alumni interview with CWRU, Vanderbilt, Rice. I think for Rochester she had phone interview because of logistics issue. For Brown it was phone interview.

@GoldenRock thank you! Do you possibly know if the undergraduate interviews only affect undergraduate admission or BS/MD consideration too?