***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

@April2018 I am waiting for NJMS too. Fingers crossed :slight_smile:

@RedMan108 Quick points regarding the difference between BS/MD and EAP (Early Assurance Program).


  1. Students apply during HS Senior Year
  2. Students are admitted to both UG and medical school (either UG COM or affiliated MD School)
  3. There is an interview component by MD school admission folks
  4. Of course there are few requirements must be met when student move from UG to MD.
  5. That few requirements vary significantly from program to program. All revolve in to key areas like MCAT, UG GPA, UG Major choice, MD Application, Choice to apply out etc.

You can rename it to ‘Conditionally Guaranteed BS/MD program’. The key distinction (at least in my perspective) is your MD seat is guaranteed before you enter your UG and there is no more component involved with subjective aspect. Though you need to maintain GPA or some cut off MCAT score, these are components which are with in the control of the student to a great extent. But if there is a component still need to clear an interview which is a subjective component beyond the control of the student to some extent.


  1. You get admission to the UG program.
  2. At the end of freshman or mostly sophomore year, students can apply and go thru the defined process to get admission only to their college of medicine (COM), including an interview component.
  3. Here again there are few flavors. Most of the for that UG and MD school. Very few programs like Mount Sinai, where students from any UG school can apply for their EAP program. Note, most of the EAP is offered by UG but this is one is offered by MD School. Some schools offer but need to get transferred to their UG school before applying. For example Rutgers-Newark need to get transferred to Rutgers-NB to apply their EAP.

Personally I care less about EAP unless that UG school is of your choice (for all other reasons) or good state UG school and made sense for folks from financial perspective.

Thank you @GoldenRock You are very knowledgeable! btw do you happen to know when the NJMS interviews typically are scheduled?

@GoldenRock Thank you very much for your detailed clarification, appreciate it. We are in the process of shortlisting colleges for my Junior DS and this info will be of great help.

I would like to slightly amend @GoldenRock post #1999. I do agree that there are mostly two flavors of these programs. But, at least one that I know of, falls in between the two. Temple has a 3+4/4+4 that you apply to in HS. But, they do have an interview component. So, you need to maintain your GPA, take the MCAT, and complete the interview to finalize your acceptance to the SOM, but you get admitted as a HS senior.

Agree. I was planning to include about Temple, I opted not to cloud with more variations. Because debate will erupt whether you would like to call Temple BS/MD or EAP. In my mind it is EAP because when interview is not done by COM, there is lot of uncertainty. But will respect others view when they say Temple is BS/MD since it is done at HS year.

Every year there is another 2 schools generate lot of posts and they are Toledo and SLU. Again in my mind both are EAP and not truly BS/MD.

@GoldenRock That’s funny. I guess it’s a matter of perspective. Either way, all these programs are ultra-competitive and getting worse. I wonder how many more programs will be eliminated (or significantly changed) next year.

My daughter got an invite from HPME today.
Looks like they are still sending out invites.

@calbsmdmom Actually I also visited CNSU last summer but I was a bit disappointed but I dont want to tell details why. I am a Doctor and practicing a small clinic in southern CA. As an active Doctor and based on my medical experience and school life , I would not recommend that school to my kids. To become a Good Dr, medical school is a one of crucial factors which includes a certain numbers of patients, professors and facility. Since I visited that school, I completely delisted the school from my kids BS/MD list.

I was a bit surprised that your family was focusing on that school. As far as I know about medical families, don`t even think CNSU is in BS/MD list for their Children. However final choice will be yours.
Hope you to have a good and clever decision.

@NoviceDad That’s great! Congrats on the invite. Honestly, I wanted to put HPME in the rejection pile and be done with it, but I guess there’s more waiting to be done.

congrats to your daughter @NoviceDad . GL to her.

@NoviceDad Congrats to your daughter! I just found out I was rejected, so I’m happy to see another person on here get an interview

@moodybluepapaya ,@momto2dd and @Metsfan7860 ——
Thank you for your kind wishes. Very much appreciate it.

@moodybluepapaya - hang in there. I was also ready to put it in the reject list. As per their website, interview time frame extends to March.

@Metsfan7860 - sorry to hear about your rejection. Hopefully you have other interviews in the works.

@NewJerseyFan Probably Feb-March is the tail end for NJMS interviews.

@moodybluepapaya Temple PPHS is a BSMD program, not an EAP by definition. It is not open to freshman or sophomore students at Temple. All other pre-meds at Temple have to apply via 4 yr traditional route. Why is an interview with SOM such a distinguishing factor? There is an element of risk involved in everything.It is a personal perspective. We can manage risk via several means. Do you invest in stocks, bonds, real estate or keep your money in cash or cash equivalents?

Thank you @grtd2010

I have just been accepted to UCF’s Burnett Medical Scholars (BS/MD) program!!!

Congratulations! It’s nice to hear good news on this thread! It will be nice in a couple months when people post which schools our kids all end up attending.

Congrats! @sewin2music

Congrats! @sewin2music It must be such a relief for you!