***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

@BestTest regarding Boston U - All interviews are done. BU interviewed 80. They notify rejections along with acceptances in late March.

Where did you get those numbers from for Drexel? @bsmdegree

@BestTest If things have not changed at BU, if you have applied and not got the interview, your UG admission also will default to reject.

Hello experienced parents and seniors, keeping in view the low acceptance rate of BSMD program, typically, how many programmes do you recommend that one applies to? I understand that there are no safe schools and nothing is predictable, but just a ballpark number based on your experience. Thanks!

@bsmdegree Where are those numbers coming from?

The Temple PPHS #'s are correct for 2018
333 applicants
40 Interviewed

Accepted as Scholars TBD

They presented these #'s when we were there for the interview on 16th Feb

@RedMan108 Applying broadly to as many programs as you qualify for is best. For some that could mean 5-10 for others that could mean 15-20 if geographic location is not a concern. Keep in mind some of these programs heavily favor in-state residents so if you are OOS even though your stats may exceed what they are asking for you are already at a disadvantage. The biggest thing is try to match the student’s background and strengths to the program that values those same things important.


The answer depends on what you are focusing on. Out son only applied to the programs that did not require an MCAT and to the place where he wouldn’t have minded going as a regular “pre-med” student. At the end, he applied seriously to 5 combined programs and 15 regular universities. His choices were: RPI-Albany BS/MD, Case Western, Northwestern, Rochester, Cornell, Vanderbilt, Brandeis and U of Illinois.
Good luck.

Hi everyone,
D is committed to medicine and is looking at the combined programs. I won’t list all the stats but she has an ACT 33, and unweighted GPA of 3.8. Mostly honors and AP classes, Lots of hospital volunteering. Research, shadowing, etc. She will be taking the ACT again, but if she can’t raise the score are there any programs where she might have a shot? Hofstra? Union? Drew? Brooklyn College? Thanks!

@traderjodie still you have time for ACT for next year and raising the ACT won’t hurt at all. Achieve best grade/rank you can in Junior year, Use the summer to elevate EC activities.

Drexel numbers are correct
 122 kids were invited and today was last day for interviews. Today out of 30 kids 21 were girls and 9 boys. 27 Indian kids total
I was told 60 or so will get offers and 30 will accept

I have a picture of slide they were showing parents while kids were interviewing

Today was mainly pa kids pretty much 1 kid per school district from suburbs of Philly except for 3 schools that had 3 springford,2 upper Merion ,2 bucks
Great valley had 1 methacton 1 Lehigh 1 Chester, Delaware all 1s

Is it odd that OU has not given a response yet?
They indicated that they would communicate by end of Feb

@Ccdadpa Seriously 27/30 at one Drexel Interview day were Indian students.

Yes. I sat through the day at drexel today
i sent a text to a friend saying 31/30 for interview were indians
 4 tour guide were bsmd students and all 4 Indians

@Ccdadpa Drexel is NOT cheap to attend. The COA is around $65k and you get a very little merit-based aid ($18k). It requires serious cash layout for 7-8 years. Wow, 90% Indian Students on one interview day. Looks like Drexel is another “Little India” like NJIT.

@grtd2010 lol no wonder UIC nicknamed University of Indians and Chinese. With all due respect, that is reality of successful immigrants.

These programs have now been completely gamed. What next?

Is it really that surprising? Temple interview day was approx 75% Indian (29 of 40) + 9 of 40 other Asian + 2 Caucasians.

I imagine the numbers are similar in most of these programs.