***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

I had a discussion about this with one of my interviewers (Im indian), and the thing is she made a great point. At the end of the day, its the applicant pool they get and they cant help that.

@ScholarGuy Agreed. Compared to the traditional applicant pool for extremely competitive programs (direct admit top business schools, Ivy’s, top CS), combined med programs skew overwhelmingly to Asians moreso than others.

I am not that surprised by the higher number of Indians/Asians applying for BSMD programs. My daughter is of Indian descent as well and we saw plenty of Indians and Asians while attending her interviews. But I believe it might be because more of the kids from that background may Believe they’re ready for medicine though they are still in high school and are ambitious at a young age. Parental encouragement/agreement may be a factor here too. I recently taught a class at my hospital for a clinical internship program for high achieving high schoolers intending to pursue medical careers. These kids were chosen based purely on academic achievement, essays and interviews. Out of 15 kids, 14 were white and one was Hispanic and they were planning to pursue medicine the traditional way, though they knew of combined medical programs. This is only a small
sample size, but it may be that majority of those kids and parents are more used to the traditional route and feel more comfortable with it. On the other hand, of all the faculty and staff who interviewed my daughter, not one was Indian or Asian. I assume the kids who get admissions to these programs get through their own merit, not because of ethnicity.

Thanks for the update

BU decisions come out on the 17th.they sent an email today regarding it.

@medhopeful0 Oh ya you are right. They did say end of February.

It’s almost like pay us 500k and we will give u bsmd from drexel

When do Penn State decisions come out?

Countdown for BU decision https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/launch?iso=20180317T08&p0=43&msg=Boston+University+RD+2022&font=cursive

Does anyone know if it is important to “show interest” in the undergraduate feeder schools before applying? Did you all tour them all first? I would guess it would be more important for a place like Drew or Union but maybe not as much for Drexel or Brooklyn College? Thanks!

@rdk2018 if you are referring to Penn State PMM, those came quite sometime back and portal was updated.

@Empire007 Thank you for the insight. What is the best possible way to figure out if a college prefers in-state or Out-of-state, and what the colleges value the most? I read few college sites and most of the information is very generic. Any suggestions?

@upstream Thank you!

Pmm penn state admission committee meeting today
So pmm admission notifications expected thereafter

@bsmdream PMM decision came quite sometime back and it was updated in portal for us.It states

Your application for the Accelerated Premedical-Medical Program has been given thorough and careful consideration by the Joint Admissions Committee of The Pennsylvania State University and the Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University. We are sorry that it is not possible for us to include you among the students selected for admission to the Accelerated Premedical-Medical Program.

I know that this is disappointing news, but we believe that you can and will still achieve your dreams! Because we appreciate your potential to succeed, we are offering you admission to Penn State’s Eberly College of Science. The four-year Premedicine major in the Eberly College of Science is one of several excellent majors available to prepare a medical school candidacy while completing the bachelor’s degree. I hope you find that this Eberly College of Science offer of admission will afford you a path to achieve the goals you have set for yourself.

I would very much like to have you become a member of the Penn State first-year class beginning this fall semester in the Eberly College of Science. I hope, as you review the information accompanying our offer of admission, that you will see the possibilities Penn State holds for you!

Yes - this is for those not invited to interviews
But for those who interviewed, notifications come out after today’s meeting

@PPofEngrDr PMM interview notification came out few months ago. @bsmdream @rdk2018 refer to the final acceptance decision to the BS/MD program that is expected to be out soon.

@bsmdream that makes sense.

Is anyone else probably going to miss their Drexel interview because of weather problems?

Should I just email drexel my flight info and hope they can reschedule me?

Have a question… Do parents go in with the students for the Drexel interview?