***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

@Hopefull2k18 you should call Drexel to find out if there is an alternative date for your interview. If you are not the last group, then they probably can accomadate your schedule change due to bad weather. GL.

@HariVayu parents can attend the information session and medical school tour, but not the actual interview

Sure. Thanks. @biomeds

@RedMan108 we found that speaking to the admission person who is specific for the BSMD program was a great source of info. You are right, most of the websites are very generic. However if you speak to the admissions person directly they tend to give you a much more detailed explanation of what they expect in a candidate and may even indicate if there is instate preferences.

Thanks @biomeds, I called the college of medicine twice and left messages both times. I guess no one’s there because of Nor’easter.

Hey this might be a dumb question but does anyone know what’s up with the Baylor B2B interviews? The notification deadline was supposed to be yesterday, haven’t gotten a rejection letter, or acceptance one. Does anyone know?

Just recd OU interview invite

@RedMan108 IS or OOS students, which schools value them most? Based on my observation, Public colleges value IS most as they have the obligation to the tax payers. Private colleges do not care about IS or OOS, but i found they do consider that students from nearby states have higher chances to enter the school.

@TTV2018 I agree that the parental encouragement (pressure ??) may be a reason for overwhelming Indian students applying to these BSMD programs. The USA provides ample opportunities for success in others fields. Engineering and Medicine are supposed to be a safe career choice in India. Most Indian parents still think in the same mold. My DD has followed the choice of a safe career path too.

@cd2030 GL to you on OU MHP interview. We visited OU last year for our DD’s MHP interview. She was selected for the program.@GoldenRock’s DD is currently enrolled in OU MHP as per posts here.

@cd2030 Congrats on getting MHSP interview. That’s 50% chance, right? I read somewhere they invite like 15 and maybe accept 8 in the past.

@grtd2010 Any comment comparing OU MHSP, GW BAMD and UMKC BAMD?

@netopspin DD did not apply to GW BAMD and UMKC BAMD programs. She applied to OU MHSP because of a great package for NMFs. She decided to attend a program closer to home. I think that OU MHSP invited more than 15 last year and may be offered admission to 6 candidates.

OU will call 20 candidates for interviews, 10 per day for 2 days. It used to be Friday and Monday but this year looks like 2 Mondays. In 2016 they offered admission for 6 and wait-listed 2. In 2017 heard they offered admission for 9 but only 3 joined (since many had multiple BS/MD offers). This year also expect they will give offer + wait-list for 8-10, 50% chance.

@netopspin It is my own personal opinion. Will list UMKC last among the 3. If finance is not an issue then GW first and then OU. If finance constraint, then go with OU since I assume the student is NMF and will get pretty merit aid in OU.

Had my interview at NJMS on Tuesday. Tough, no-nonsense but I guess pleasant interviewer who really cross-examined me and my background. It didn’t really go fantastic - I would rate it a 6-6.5/10. “Under Consideration” from RPI/AMC. Am anxiously waiting for the PMM decision and Stony Brook interview call, which are both supposed to be posted in early March.

@grtd2010 I never said parental Pressure is the reason more Indian kids go for BSMD program. Pressure correlates more with coercion than encouragement and support, no matter what their career choice. We are from a large family and out of all family members who are my daughters age + 10-12 years (20-25 of them) only two have chosen to pursue careers as physicians whereas others have chosen careers in physical therapy, engineering, business, nursing, law and teaching). These kids are all born and brought up here and don’t fit any cookie cutter mold and can’t be stereotyped.

Does anyone know when Union/RPI interviews are over for the year?

I feel that our kids’ generation are more independent minded and make their own decision regarding their career path. Definitely home environment plays major role, it is true for kids of all ethnicity and background. Both me and my spouse are physicians in this country, migrated from India. Our kid has chosen medical path, but not once we pressured or advised him to pursue medical career. We definitely played a role in his decision. It is true that many med students in my class back in India were pressured by parents in to medical field.

@Empire007 What you said about speaking directly to the specific bsmd admission counselor is so true for most questions we have. When my D signed up for an interview she had to sign an NDA waiver for MMI scenarios, so she spent a long time reading books on MMI and also read and watched everything on MMI online. We were wondering about the interview format, but D was reluctant to call the office. A couple of days before the interview, we spoke to a very helpful parent here on CC who told me they didn’t think the interview format was MMI. So we finally called the bsmd office and they said, “oh the mmi NDA is for traditional applicants, not for bsmd”. Lesson finally learned- when we have a question, call the office directly instead of working in the dark.

@TTV2018 can’t agree anymore, Believe so many educated Asian people settled in last 2 decades in US as part of H-1B and other high qualified immigration system that their offspring is now blossoming and getting noticed. Isn’t it how true American Dream suppose to work? America has its edge over the world because of immigrants whether you have been immigrated 400 years back, 40 years back or recently. Also a genuine opinion lots of Asian families didn’t forget their roots where (culture, values, economics) they came from and don’t want their offspring to expect taking things for granted, thus hardworking. History has proven that if you maintain culture you survive in all adverse conditions (Jewish are finest example of that).

Who has received an UIC GPPA interview? How do you all think it went? Mine was very intense

@PPofEngrDr What you say is true about the last 2 decades, but may I also add that the immigrants who settled here about 45-50 years ago had kids (like me) who grew up in the school system here. Many of these early immigrants could have never imagined being able to afford sending their kids to some of these BSMD programs nor were they as involved in their kids education as we are today so many would not have known such programs even existed. However their kids were still able to go to college (most not at the big name Ivy’s but to state or city schools) and thru hard work and some luck are now working as CPA’s, Engineers, Lawyers and yes Doctors. That early generation also lived in a more closed society pretty much just associating with people of their own culture. However, their kids (like me) growing up in this society are now much more open to allowing our kids to explore avenues our parents would never have, moreover luckily many of us are fortunate enough to have the resources to do so now. You are right that is the American Dream.

@TTV2018 I can’t speak for this year, but during my DC cycle interviews for RPI/AMC went into 3rd week of March