***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

@Empire007 very true, it is known fact that it takes 3 generations to blend a.k.a Americanized. When a community blends w/o loosing their roots, values survives for centuries (again Jewish community that I had no knowledge of until immigrated here), others loose the identity and potentially falls into dark side of America. Also believe that immigrants have better perspective of world (especially those who immigrated based on qualifications) as they have experience multi culture society, values differences and tend to adopt good things of a nation they immigrated to and leave behind dark side of that nation and therefore contributing to their offspring success and nation.
Healthcare industry being 16~17% of GDP, had created an humongous choices that a typical immigrant had never experienced nor thought of.

Congratulations @mouse2 ! Was it only one interview with one person?

Finished up the Drexel interview! No more interviews left for me, just waiting and waiting and waiting. :confused:

@lucyfishy I called Baylor yesterday and they told me they mailed out the interview invites on March 1 so we find out this week. Fingers crossed!

Has anyone heard back from the Connections program? The decisions are supposed to be out today by 5 pm EST!!! So nervous and yet excited. Good luck to all.

@MangoPeash Thank you for the heads up. We will keep our eyes peeled :slight_smile:

Anyone else here interviewing at Case PPSP? My DC has an interview coming up and this is one of our top choices. We have been working with an interview coach and wondering how many other people here are preparing for this interview in the same manner?

@cd2030 I did a few weeks ago.

Anyone heard from UConn?

@PPofEngrDr We have seen examples of Indian Students who have no desire to pursue MD but apply anyway.

@grtd2010 not sure in what context you are addressing me, am I missing something here? Please elaborate “We have seen”, who we?

@PPofEngrDr nvm, my bad.

By end of March

I was never going to post on here, but I’m still so frustrated I’m now going to. I applied to GMED programs at Rochester, VCU, Case Western, and UMKC this year, all of whom have rejected me before even the interview round. Because VCU emphasized the most on medical extracurriculars, I wanted to go there the most. Here were my major stats at the time of application:

780 hours of surgery/clinical shadowing
50 hours as an EMT
350 hours of hospital volunteering
350 non-medical volunteering
VA Governor’s School for Medicine
VA Aerospace Science and Technology Scholars Program
GSUSA Gold Award/Torch, Silver Trefoil/Award/Torch, Bronze Award/Torch
20 credits at local community college (engineering and EMS)
4.375 GPA
1450 SAT
780 Biology M SAT
750 World History SAT
AP Psychology, World History, English Language/Comp: 5
AP Biology, AP Calc: 4
AP Music Theory: 3
Founder/President of school’s Asian American Student Association
Leader of Girl Scout Troop, representative to an East Coast Asian Scout convention
Science Olympiad, tutoring, English language summer school TA
National/English/Math/Latin/History/Science Honor Society
There’s more . . .

Aside from my low SAT, I don’t know what else more I could have done without going crazy. Every moment of my day was dictated and productive with something to do. I had to maintain all A’s, make sure I had enough time to do eight hours a week of hospital volunteering, shadowing on weekends, EMT duty on weekdays and weekends . . . I called the schools to ask what I could have done better, but they all said that the council deciding on the accepted students (to JUST the interview round) were confidential, which I understand, but I honestly wanted a reason why I wasn’t accepted (to EVEN the INTERVIEW round). I worked on my essays with medical students and teachers since June and submitted them a week or two early before each deadline. I honestly don’t think I can even stand trying to compete again with everyone wanting to go to med school so competitively. I thought I was competitive just as a high school student. I don’t know how I’ll survive competing as a college one.

Like many people here, it has always been my dream to become a physician, but I don’t know how many more lengths I have to take to just even reach the threshold.

Based on this resume, what do you think I could have done better or what was wrong with me that I was rejected?

@aspiringmedstudt It is terribly frustrating for you to face this right now. As many of the experienced parents have previously said here before now, BSMD process is very unpredictable and sometimes the well deserving students don’t get in or even get interviews. Most of the times the reasons for that is inexplicable. I hope you won’t lose heart and will continue to keep trying to reach your goals. I told my DD that bsmd is just one way to become a doctor, there are many others ways to get there for those who are determined and have what it takes. If only most traditional students didn’t need to take gap years and jump through hoops to get into med school, I believe it is better for the student to go the traditional route before committing to a medical career. You are smart and hardworking. Don’t lose faith in yourself. You are more than your BSMD applications and results. I keep saying this to my DD as we wait for our own results. Because it is more important for us parents that our kids all be healthy, happy, good, productive people. It is better not to hang all our hopes on just one thing in life. There are doctors currently who are burnt out in their careers, doctors switching careers and leaving medicine. Life continues to change us. Hope you will not let this BSMD process take away your confidence.

My kid was rejected in same schools and she has 35 act bio,math,chem sat subjects more than 750 and tons of hospital volunteering

@aspiringmedstudt hang in there
my DS has also been rejected pre-interview from many BSMD schools he applied to
it is ok. This process is just one pipeline to one career. We are new to this process so hard for us to tell what factor worked and what did not
but you have a stellar background for the field you seem passionate about so stay on track and in the end your dreams will come true - good luck to you!

I am freaking out about the PSU/Jefferson results!! The wait is absolutely excruciating

@aspiringmedstudt : “Based on this resume, what do you think I could have done better or what was wrong with me that I was rejected?”

Your health care related experiences are very impressed.
(I do not see your sport, music, or art related ECs)

Each BS/MD program has its own way to select candidates.

Let’s use Temple PHSP as our first example, #2177

program is looking for

  1. top GPA, test scores, community services, exposure to health care
  2. above 4 areas are being developed continuously
  3. get out of your comfort zone
  4. diversified experiences
  5. leadership roles

the first requirement is “top GPA, test scores, community services, exposure to health care”

I believe GPA here is “unweighted” GPA but how good GPA should be?

Let’s use Drexel BA/BS + MD Early Assurance Program as our second example, #2176

Interviewees average
GPA: 4.09
SAT: 1528 / ACT: 34

this tells us how competitive this process is and even though candidates are fully qualified all requirements but it is still unpredictable.
(Based on above requirements, I “guess” Drexel medical school might initially screen out
those candidates whose GPA < 4.0 and (SAT < 1500 or ACT < 33) )

Don’t lose confidence in yourself. I believe you will be a physician through the traditional pre-med route.


@aspiringmedstudt Good you shared your frustrations since that helps you. First congratulate yourself for what you are and what you have accomplished. For all you know your experience will benefit you down the road if not now. Life is full of blessing in disguise!

Few points, though it is not going to make any change now (hopefully for future students to think).

  1. Take both SAT and ACT at least once (especially if the first one you took is low score)
  2. Balance all key criteria
  3. Apply to handful of program of different tiers if you are absolutely sure about medicine.


  1. Many students excel in both SAT and ACT but some students excel well in one and not in other.
  2. Though BS/MD (as well as regular MD) admission say holistic process, though in majority (80% of the situation) of the situation it is true, to some extent it is a 2 step process (especially for the border 20% of the situation).
    Step 1 may filters applications who meet certain criteria to deeper review. Unfortunately that criteria land on easy quantifiable like GPA or Test scores than subjective aspects like EC, Essays. For example if the score is 1500 and or above, shuffle the application from the big pile to smaller pile for step 2. Pile 2 may get holistic review and some times students with 1600 may not get interview and some one with 1510 may get interview if s/he has balanced key criteria. Unfortunately the s/he got 1495 would have missed the boat. But no program will tell what is the key criteria filters huge pile into smaller pile (unfortunately the smaller pile also getting so huge for programs like UR, CWRU like 500 apps).
  3. Since it is so unpredictable and if a student is so sure medicine is the path, then as well apply to 8-10 programs of different tiers based on your preference (finance, location, ranking or whatever you feel is important).

You have outstanding qualities to succeed in life and most of them are soft skills and that is what critical in life/career, hard work, perseverance, passion, focus etc., So take a break and enjoy, but don’t yield to this temporary setback.

One critical thing you have accomplished since you have done so much volunteering and shadowing to know what the field is and solidify your interest in medicine career.

Remember only 4-5% of students are BS/MD and 95% are via regular route. But can’t slack and need to regroup and continue your EC/Volunteering, maintaining a good GPA and strong MCAT. Continue the game plan and execute during UG and you will fulfill your dream. Hope you have applied to some good UG programs of your choice. GL.

Here is an interesting link since you will be going thru regular route.