***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

@aspiringmedstudt Good to speak out. You have been working hard,achieving a lot.

BS/MD is a hard process. We are learning it now. There are many good students. Based on my observation, your sat is low. if i am you, i would cut my EC time and prepare another SAT and/or ACT. But do not regret, look forward.

The good news is : BS/MD spots are smaller this year, but med school spots are higher. For example NJ is opening a new med school this year.they plan to have 125 students/year.

Go to the traditional route if you still want to be a doctor. arrange your time better, get good MCAT and GPA, your dream will come true.

I find the standard tests are part of med career. if the standard test is hard for you, you may change your target. i believe many careers reward hard workers. you will be successful in the end.

keep up your good work.

what day does penn state/ jefferson come out

DS has interview at RPI/AMC tomorrow . any tips, adviceā€¦ thanks


It is tough and i realize this is your dreamā€¦ the other option after getting the ā€œlowā€ SAT scoreā€¦which is actually not too bad was to do the ACTā€¦ This is what my daughter did after she got the SAT scoreā€¦and she did 34 on ACTā€¦and then got in a seven year programā€¦
Another option is to do the SAT againā€¦

Please understandā€¦there are SO SO SO many good candidates and i am sorry to see you are bothered but please remember ā€¦smile and try try try againā€¦I am sure you will do well and apply aply aply and do not lose heart
We need good doctors
You can always message me if you need thoughts

I remember this well and usually it was first week March like a change on the Penn State Portal screen either Sunday Monday

So has ANYONE see their Penn State Portal Change?? They usually do it over several hours in one day

This is what has happened in the past!!!
This may change as time rolls byā€¦

From pastā€¦
For PSU/TJ, my penn state portal changed to "Congratulations on your acceptance to Penn State!

I am pleased to offer you admission to The Eberly College of Science for Fall 2015 at Penn State University Park. I hope that the information provided on this page will help give you a head start on thinking about your offer to Penn State." There is a youtube clip about the college of science and under that says Premedical-Medical with a description of the program. Does anyone else have that on their portal?"

Guys, I canā€™t wait anymore!! Honestly, a rejection is better than all this waiting ughhhhh

Looking back at previous threads, PSU/Jeff should have been released this weekend, but it seems as though weā€™ll be finding out during the week! I really hope I donā€™t open up a rejection in class :expressionless:

@AspiringMedStud : You EC credentials are good but these and scores are one aspect of the equation. As I have indicated before in my humble opinion, the ECs and scores get you on the deck, but what gets one over the line is ESSAYS and recommendations. PERIOD.

I have seen everyone stress again and again on the ECs and Scores and the aspect that is least mentioned are the most important - ESSAYS and recommendations. I am not saying that your these aspects are not great, but I will look here if I were youā€¦

Having 750 hours in something versus 200 hours or even 100 makes a little difference versus how effectively you are able to put the story across is what matters at the endā€¦


You will do fine in your regular route, perhaps even landing at a more prestigious program than those you have applied this cycle. One of my patients, who had a ā€œlowā€ SAT of <2200/2400, received MCAT score of 99% and eventually got into multiple medical schools. His undergraduate was top 75~100 in the nation. One of our sonā€™s acquaintance at RPI got into Cleveland Clinic med program through the regular route. Soā€¦ anything is possible! Furthermore, there BS/MD students, who get dropped from the program.
The key to your success is largely depend on your preparation and motivation. Be positive like Dr. Quinones in the book, Becoming Dr. Q. He is a neurosurgeon, who started from a community college to Harvard Med to UCSF neurosurgery program. Keep your heads up, and you will do just fine. Good luck.


Please do not lose your confidences and wish you grow stronger out of this hard process. My 2 cents here:

  1. In your BS/MD application, your GPA and SATs could be your weakness.
  2. In your future tranditional college route, you may want to keep doing what you love to do in ECs, but put your GPA and MCAT to the highest priorities.

BSMD selection process is very unpredictable, I have seen well deserving students donā€™t get in or even get interview. I hope you wonā€™t lose heart and will continue to try in regular route. My DD too was rejected by VCU, Case Western, Rochester, UPitt, Georgetown, Northwestern, Drexel, Washington University without even an interview callā€¦even though she has SAT-1580 and ACT-35 with tons of volunteer hours, research and ECs.

As she applied for more colleges, she is fortunate to get couple of interview calls from other colleges.

Anyone else furiously refreshing the Penn State portal? Results came out at 4 am last year, so might as well, right? lol :slight_smile:

Edit: No luckā€¦ :expressionless: Has anyone contacted admissions to see when results will be released?

@TheElusiveGod me too

Can try contacting admissions at PSU
Norā€™easter may have thrown them off schedule

@TheElusiveGod @Katyperry145 @bsmdream

PSU/Jefferson results date is around March 9 - one week after the meeting.

Does RPIā€™s undergrad and BSMD results come out at the same time? We were asked to submit the supplement a week ago and we have not heard anything from them yet. I see an update on their facebook page that the regular decisions will come out on March 10th, does it mean we are out? I think so, but just checkingā€¦

Just called PSU admissions office - rep didnā€™t know much about when they would be released (ā€œwithin the next couple of weeks.ā€ I would take this with a grain of salt). Said they had the meeting ā€œlate last weekā€ and that decisions have most likely already been made.

One important thing to note is that they will NOT be sending out emails - they will update the portal with the information and will send a letter in the mail, but she advised me to keep checking the portal. They WILL notify you if you werenā€™t accepted to the program. The wait continuesā€¦

@bsmdseeker If you were asked to submit the supplement for the medical school you are not out of the running since you will have an interview. I believe they said at my interview that if you werenā€™t accepted/rejected in mid-late Feb and were given an ā€œunder considerationā€ status, or interviewed late, they will release the final decisions for the med program in early April.

@mouse2 thank you, we will have to wait :-).