***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

Congrats @fluffybunny789, @TheElusiveGod , @TTV2018 !

Congratulations @TheElusiveGod. Looks like you have some good choices to decide from. Do you mind sharing your Stats?

My Son was accepted to the Union/AMC LIM and Johns Hopkins Biology RD. Waiting on few others. Any thoughts on pros/cons Union/AMC vs Hopkins?

VCU GMED or Siena/AMC? Any thoughts which is better? Is there a place where you can get the rankings?

@StarShip Personally (and I emphasize personally), I would go with the school that has the better Med school associated with it. I like the website
It allows you to compare the med schools based on various criteria. There may be other med school websites with rankings Etc, but do the research and see which med school gives you what you want. I.e. if you’re into research, see how much funding the school pulls in.

Of course, there is also a personal element to the process also. When you went to these schools, where did you see yourself “fitting in”? I know that sounds vague, but it simply means that when you were there, you felt at home, like this is the place you could love for 7-8 years.

And yes, I do know that you’re only 17/18 years old and that you will grow and mature, but you can only do what’s right for you now. By the way, I’m a mom, so I feel entitled to make that last statement. :wink:

GL with your decision.

Thank you @moodybluepapaya, this is helpful. If someone can provide the BSMD program perspective, that would be great.

@StarShip. Both are good programs. VCU medical school is higher ranked than Albany medical college. Siena is a nice small college compared to VCU which is a large university. If MCAT is a concern then go to Siena AMC since it does not require MCAT. Both require 3.5 GPA to stay in the program. Siena seems to have a great Biology program. It really depends on what type of environment you like and where you feel at home.

If finance is a factor in your evaluation, review if you have got any scholarship either at VCU or Sienna, are u IS for VCU, not only UG even MD fees will differ since AMC is private and VCU public.

AMC is update NY and hence will be colder than VCU.

If you have any preference for major, since Sienna allows only BS Bio and VCU allows any major.

You can do residency match comparison etc., But I think it is more important for you to feel for the college. If you are in East, visit both UG and MD schools in both options and see if you can meet with any students thru your network / connection.

Once you commit, don’t worry about anything. Both are fine and same tier schools and you will be ok down the road, irrespective of the choice. GL.

@RXD112 not sure but I heard that ppl get offered spots every year. Are you waiting on other programs? We have multiple acceptances so we will likely not accept even if DC get’s off Cincinnati’s alternate list.

DC also received an offer from REMS so decisions are out!

@pxyz12345 not sure but we will most likely be turning down Cincinnati even if DC gets offered a spot off of the list. good luck!


@TheElusiveGod Congrats!

@LivingTheMoment Congratulations!!!

If your son is sure & wants to be a doctor, then I would chose Union/AMC.

Frankly, if you do a Biology undergrad and do NOT get into medicine - your career prospects are limited.

The other question to ask - will you or he repent (not sure if that is the right word) if he does NOT go to Hopkins? If yes, then go to Hopkins.
Hopkins has good undergrad program and brand/prestige. Did he like the college? I am sure he will get a great undergrad experience but you will be taking chances during the regular undergrad Med route.

@Rainiertx Congrats!!! Your DC is truly blessed.
Very happy for him/her, you and your family.

Accepted at BU SMED !!!

@Rainiertx congrats on the multiple offers
we are waitlisted at a program that is a good fit for our student and frankly our most likely option now (mid March)
wondering what the decision timeline is for students like yours to decline spots they will not take
no pressure but helps students on waitlists
I have a son
do you mind me asking if you are male or female? That seems to be a factor
we had not much considered

Accepted to BU but rejected from BU SMED, congrats to those who got in.

accepted to BU SMED! This has been such a crazy process-- rejected to northwestern, case western, rochester, uconn-- don’t lose hope!

Is Drexel released their list for BS/MD program yet?