***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

@TTV2018 Congrats! Great news!

@bsmd18 I think Drexel will release decisions on March 30. Can anyone confirm?

@ThoughtWanderer Would u pl share the sequence / process at BU UG acceptance. It used to be students need to inform BU once they get rejected to consider for BU UG since when u initially apply it is only for the BS/MD program. Did you inform them formally (after BS/MD rejection) that would like to consider for UG? Did you get rejection pre or post interview? Because in the past there are many posts seeking information on the BU since it was not clear. It will help future students if you could share your experience with BU.

Accepted at REMS!! We will very likely accept!

@everyone who got accepted - hearty congratulations. So nice to see good news flowing into this forum. Those still waiting for results - chin up. Good news is around th corner

Congratulations! to all who got accepted.

@GoldenRock Yeah so I did get an interview for the SMED program and attended an interview day, but was rejected from the program today. I did not call BU or anything pre or post rejection, and literally just got the notification today that I was admitted to BU but not the SMED program. The admissions letter appears very tailored to the fact that I applied to SMED and want to go to medical school though because below is the first part of it:

"Congratulations! On behalf of the Board of Admissions, I am excited to welcome you to Boston University and the Class of 2022. You have been admitted to the College of Arts & Sciences.

Although we cannot offer you admission to the Accelerated Medical Program, we believe you’ll find pre-medical studies in the College of Arts & Sciences to be both challenging and rewarding. Your accomplishments, academic achievement, and promise have earned you a place to study alongside a select group of high-achieving peers. I am confident that your unique abilities will enrich BU’s community and that you will take full advantage of our excellent academic programs.

In addition to following the traditional path to medical school, you can apply for early admission to the Boston University School of Medicine through the Modular Medical Integrated Curriculum at the end of your sophomore year."

@ThoughtWanderer Thanks a lot for the detailed post. Good, at least BU simplified the process.
Hope and wish some thing works out better for any other BS/MD you have applied. GL.

@ThoughtWanderer @GoldenRock That is interesting regarding BU. I was also under the impression that it was all or none.

@moodybluepapaya my interviewer told me that once you get an interview, you are considered for admission to BU undergrad. If you don’t get an interview, you’re automatically rejected.

@threeslykids32 Not really. But student must formally communicate that they are still interested in BU UG. Looks like it is the same process.

My DD did not get interview. But she formally informed when she got pre-interview rejection that she is interested and she got BU UG admission.

Personally (and I emphasize personally), I would go with the school that has the better Med school associated with it. I like the website http://medical-schools.startclass.com


@moodybluepapaya , @StarShip,

Though that seems the right way of leaning, one has to take these and other rankings with some salt in general. I have gone through this list now (and earlier too) and find some outright aberrations. For example the famed medical school at Tufts (which doesn’t offer a direct/accel program of course) being placed way below some not so reputed ones (I am not naming them here). And even within the reputed ones the relative order seems way off in some cases.

However if people prefer this approach, better to consult multiple sources such as usnews, usnews global rankings by subject, times higher world rankings by subject, bestuniversities/qs world rankings etc. to get overall impression about the program(s) and to iron out any such subjective aberrations and anomolies.

After all it is mostly what one makes out of the opportunities around more than the school itself.

For those that have been through the process, any advice on the group interview for Case? Thanks so much!

@ThoughtWanderer and others who got in traditional BU undergrad, congratulations. BU is a great school and the location and the opportunities are tremendous. But factor in that it is one of the grade deflated schools, they challenge the kids to learn more which is good, but high GPAs may be relatively tougher. How much the med schools are willing to be flexible in that aspect later during admissions, I am not sure.

@rk2017 re: post #2571 Yes, I do agree with you regarding ranking lists. There is the inherent problem of “what is being ranked?” and “is that the important quality that you are looking for in a school?” But, you do need to start your research somewhere. It is more of taking the ranking list, taking the school’s website (both UG and SOM), and ultimately your own gut feel about a school (after visiting) that determines where you decide to go.

I have also seen many ranking lists and wonder why on earth such and such a school was placed above another, but it’s all in the metrics used. And I can agree or disagree with a list, but I still find it useful because it gives me an idea about other things that I may not have considered or valued.

I definitely think you should choose the Union/AMC program. At Hopkins, you’re going to be competing with hundreds of kids also wanting to do medicine. There will be so much competition to do research and get medical experience, which you’re going to need a lot of to build up your resume. At Union, you will already be accepted into medical school and because it’s a small liberal arts college, there is little to no competition to get medical experience. Also, it’s very easy to get research experience as a freshman (speaking from experience). An added benefit is that there is no MCAT in the Union program. At Hopkins, you will have to juggle a near-perfect GPA, clinical hours, AND studying for the MCAT. Union allows you to be less stressed and get that college experience with acceptance into med school!

I understand that Hopkins has more prestige as an undergraduate school, but the security of the Union/AMC program is more than worth it. I am certainly biased as a current student in the program, but I truly love it here :slight_smile: Feel free to DM me with any questions about Union and a HUGE congratulations!!

did anyone hear back from temple yet?

Thank you for your responses @NoviceDad and @chasingdreams21 for your candid comments. I too feel Union/AMC is a better and probably not so stressful option to pursue a career in medicine, although the double major requirement and additional course load for MBA at Union may be somewhat daunting. Union is pricey and even with 32K aid, we still have to spend 40K per year which makes me think if it were worth spending the money. We liked AMC – both my son and myself like the non urban environment and AMC appears to be very supportive and friendly. I am not feeling completely comfortable with Union from safety and campus environment point of view, but ready to consent if taht is what my Son would like to go. Given his interest in Science and Management (He is very active with FBLA and DECA and won at State and Nationals), Union/AMC sound like a good choice. @chasingdreams21 – which year of the program are you at Union? Any recommendations about a specific residence hall to choose (My son is more focused on academics with select interest in social activities). Also is there a possibility of consideration for additional financial help if we make a request?

Has Stony Brook stopped sending interview invites? Will they be sending rejection emails if we aren’t invited for interview?

@rebekahyi Yeah, they were sent out yesterday.