***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

I also applied to Rice/Baylor and was accepted to Rice, but did not get any notification yet of my med program application status… Would all decisions for the med program interviews be released at the same time? Not sure whether to be worried or not.

@SV2018 Best talk with the school officials to understand if all students get admitted and/or find the stats of prior years. Agree with your dilemma. It is ambiguous to say the least.

In this web site, it says HS student is interviewed by COM and then only admitted.
Select high school finalists come to FAU in the spring of their senior year for an interview with the selection committee from the College of Medicine.
Admission to undergraduate and medical education at the same time, as long as you successfully complete the program requirements.

But in these sites, it clearly says, students need to go thru interview during college senior year. To me this is alarming. Accepting the need to write MCAT and/or maintain a GPA is ok. But interview is a concern whenever there is a subjective element is involved.

Interview with College of Medicine Admissions Committee

I was just invited to interview for Rice’s Medical Scholars Program!

Sorry about that.
So close yet so far.

And yes, in a week’s time, we will have to start deciding and communicating to Universities.

All the very best to you and all on the forum.


Congratz to @ilylily112!
Still have not gotten an email about Rice/Baylor though…

@ThoughtWanderer Suggest to call Rice on Monday morning and get it clarified. Went to old pile of envelopes and noticed my D (2016 cycle) also received admission letter on 3/25/16. That letter did not have any reference to the status to BS/MD. Similar to what you got. Which is different from what @Metsfan7860 where at least it clearly stated not selected for BS/MD program. In 2016 some one posted they got interview but no one posted with rejection. So we assumed if got admission only for UG then it implied no interview for BS/MD and we did nothing. But in 2018 with all 3 of your posts, it is weird why Rice is not clearly communicating. So don’t keep quite and get it clarified. GL.

I was also admitted to Rice undergrad but have not received anything about Rice Baylor. OOS.

Thank you @GoldenRock for the advice, will definitely call them on Monday. Seems like we are in the same boat @HagridInMotion, and I’m maintaining a sliver of hope that perhaps all the interview invites did not go out today…

Thanks @GoldenRock. Yes me too @ThoughtWanderer.
@ilylily112 are you in state? Did you get any scholarships for Rice ug?

@HagridInMotion I’m not from Texas, and I haven’t been able to access the ESTHER financial portal thing so I don’t know about scholarships, but I don’t think I got one. I’ll update you when I find out!

@ilylily112 thanks and good luck with the interview!!

How many of you received interview invites for NJMS BS MD program? Can you please let us know the format of the interview? This is my DC’s one and only interview.

@sv2018 This program has few aspects that you need to be very careful with.

  1. It is more like an early assurance program with a interview.
  2. Needs a 3.7 GPA EVERY semester repeat every semester and not an average
  3. 513 or 514 MCAT

with these numbers you could get into this and few others programs through traditional route without any issues…

Everyone talks about the benefits of BS/MD programs, but this one that like few others shows you why not every program is an ideal route to becoming a doctor. Imagine you got into the program and for some reason did not make it… You will be stuck in a not so great school and location – Jupiter has 400 students and without too many options…

@Metsfan7860 Where did you go to check your Rice/Baylor decision? I was also admitted to Rice undergrad but no notification of Rice/Baylor interview yet.

@user314 I just got an email at 1pm today saying I had an interview for Rice/Baylor

@lolgucci when does your DS have the interview and from which undergrad?

has anyone been taken off UCinn’s post interview wait list?

Does anyone know when results of NJMS will come out?

@user314 I was directly emailed by Baylor Medical School. I received the normal Rice portal acceptance, then today I received the email that I copy and pasted. They might interview in rounds, as it said that everyone would know by the first week of April. (Im from NY if maybe location plays a factor).