***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

@ATX1826 : thanks.
I did not hear anything from UH 3/4 yet.

@bsmdint. Which school district in California you are from? I have lived in CA (both bay area and LA/Orange county) and have several friends there. I also have lived in the northeast and Midwest. No offence, but from My personal experience and experience of others I know, the high school education in CA is not competative to the rest of the country (I do not know why it is because on the other hand they have excellent universities). I have seen some excellent students from CA not doing well in high-end universities in the east. That is why I generally recommend CA students to do undergrad in CA before moving out for graduate/professional colleges. Maybe your DC is an exception which of course do exist. Otherwise if it is me I would stay in CA and go to a UC. It will also save a tons of money. Odds of getting admission to a good private medical school in the east after UC undergraduate are pretty good.

Thanks for your input @BSMDDAD

@HagridInMotion and anyone else, I just wanted to let you know that I reached out to Rice admissions through email, and they said that interview invites for Rice/Baylor went out over the weekend. If you didn’t get one, you were not selected. My BS/MD journey is almost over, with Brown PLME as a last possibility. The process has been brutal, and I’m glad it’s almost over…

@ThoughtWanderer Thanks for the follow up with Rice.

It is unfortunate some of these programs communicate as clear as mud!

Due to lack of clarity, this is how I interpret based on the 5 posts.

  1. Rice forwards xx students to Baylor and wraps up its work. It communicates only about UG program admission (3 of your post who got admitted for Rice UG).
  1. Baylor after evaluating it decides whom to call for interview. Here it indeed notifies both invited for interview and rejected for interview.

@Metsfan7860 mail and his post clearly states the communication from Baylor Medical committee. It implies at least her/her app was forwarded to Baylor. So close but too far!

@ilylily112 Would u please confirm if your communication came from Baylor or Rice? I presume it is from Baylor.

@GoldenRock “So close but too far!” - The story of my BSMD journey so far lol

what were ur stats?


Anyone apply to sophie davis and know when the results come out?

@GoldenRock yes, the email I received was from Baylor

If anyone is curious, or for posterity, I just had my Rutgers NB/RWJMS interview today. It’s an 8 year program centered around Global Health. This year they plan to take 5-10 individuals and boost it up to 20-40 students next year, and not just Presidential Scholarship recipients. It is a conditional acceptance program, where there is no MCAT requirement, the GPA requirement is flexible and somewhere around 3.5/3.6, but an interview is required prior to matriculation to the med school. You get all Rutgers NB honors college support plus special advising from the academic affairs dean. Idk how the application process will work in the future but I assume it’ll still be based on whether you get into honors college or not and will be heavily favored towards in state students.

@anesthesia2021 Click my name and check the one thread I started.

@BSMDDAD For traditional route, how strong or competitive is the pre-med in USC?

Thanks for sharing the information on Rutgers Honors College-RWJMS program. Many top students will get almost full ride with Rutgers HC, so it’s an attractive option for NJ students if the second interview prior to matriculation to RWJMS is simply a formality.

@GoldenRock Actually, I just got a notification today directly from Baylor about not being selected for the interview, so the process is just a little drawn out I guess, and perhaps not exactly as you suggested.

Does anyone know the minimum MCAT requirement for the Rice/Baylor program? I can’t seem to find it anywhere on their website.

Hi all! I’ve been accepted into several programs and am now deciding on where to go:

  1. Cincinnati
  2. Augusta
  3. St. Louis University
  4. University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB)
  5. Florida Atlantic University (FAU)
  6. University of South Alabama (USA)

Does anyone have opinions on the best place/program? Right now my preferences are FAU and USA but I’m open to hearing what others think.

@GoldenRock, @ThoughtWanderer @Metsfan7860 - we just got the “no interview” letter as well from Rice/Baylor - I guess they started sending this out now after inquiries from the people we got into Rice but did not get any feedback on Baylor interviews

@MangoPeash What is ur home state? Is finance a factor to finalize the college? Are u firm medicine your career?

Need to do some check on Augusta since I never looked at it. Will say UAB, Cincin top choices.
Eliminate SLU and FAU from consideration. Aug or USA if it tilts u more because of aid offer.

@cleantable As I mentioned in my previous post, did not see specific MCAT details in Rice web site, though there were 2-3 posts in this thread with specific number. Not sure, from where they came to know about it.