***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

@anesthesia2021 my son got 1540 SAT, 3.8 unweighted GPA, 8 AP courses, 200+hrs volunteering, 8w of doc shadowing, science magazine editor, 3m research, and other school clubs.

@bsmd1826 - Agree
Are u in the SMED program - do u get preference for course selection. How about for MCAT prep - any resources at BU.

@BSMDDAD did your DD attend UMKC?

Honestly, I agree with @NoviceDad . NU is ivy-level education without the brand, 7 years, Feinstein has amazing facilities, and you have a better chance at more competitive residencies. Socially, you’re not too far from Chicago so there will be a lot to do, and the med school is actually in Chicago, which I think is awesome. @bluelily44

Either way, there’s no wrong choice. You can always apply out from Brown, as it’s known for grade inflation and get the quirky environment along with great freedom in what you want to learn. You have a month to decide, so take your time and discuss it with your family.

I think the reputation of NW medical school is one of the highest even worldwide. (Check out times higher subject rankings to get an idea) Also students can make use of their AP level credits to complete the program in 7 years, if they want.

When it comes to residency placements, it depends mostly on the personal commitment of the student than the school.


The SMED students need to take certain standard courses in which they are always assured of a place, so no preference needed. Regarding the electives, I think one has to compete with everyone else in the college of arts and science for the popular classes, but D hasn’t had any issue so far in course placements.

I don’t think BU offers any MCAT prep for SMED. But with the rigor of the course work and the challenges the kids face due to grad deflation, they should not have trouble cracking MCAT (with 80%ile required). A student of the program who gave a group walk through last year during the orientation told she prepared on her own and got the highest possible %iles on the physical and life sciences portions of MCAT.

Can you share with us your stats please @bluelily44

@bluelily44 Congrats on your achievement! It is an extraordinary feat. Please withdraw from the BS/MD programs that you are not willing to go
it will give an opportunity to candidates on waiting list (especially REMS and RPI).

@anesthesia2021 my son got
ACT: 34
GPA: W 5.0/ UW 4.0
Rank: 1/650
EC: Shadowing, 200+ Volunteer hours at local hospital, HOSA, VEX Robotics club, Board positions, Leadership roles and activities, various state/regional level competition awards.
Asian American.

BS/MD programs:

Case Western PPSP - Pre-Interview
UIC GPPA - Pre-Interview
Penn State PMM - Pre-Interview
UMKC Direct Med - Post-Interview

Traditional route:


UMich (science college and generous offer even though OOS)
Northwestern (science college and waiting for fin aid, expecting it to be generous as well)
SLU Med-Scholar (generous offer too)
UIUC (BioE - My elder son is a CS freshman but younger one doesn’t want to go there for various reasons including sibling rivalry)
GaTech (BME - still waiting award letter)
UIC - Pre-Medicine Honors (Northwestern triumphs UIC for UG)

Waitlisted: JHU, Case Western (RD), UPenn.

Rejected: WashU, Harvard, Yale.

Admission that we ruled out due to UG cost.

Penn State pre-medicine and Loyola.

Northwestern and UMich are front runners for him right now.

Congratulations to all of you. As you all enjoying your best moments and contemplating your final decision, few requests if I may ask all of you.

Please don’t forget to put your stats and more importantly your perspective in the results thread. The reason for having a separate thread just for results is to benefit future students / parents. For example, next year folks it is going to be hard to plow thru 190 pages to find the few posts which is of interest to them.

Also please don’t delay to post there beyond May 5th then by human nature, you are not going to post at all. CC forum pretty much dies from Mid May to Sept of every year.

Every year there are bunch of folks active through out the year but there are so many lurks. Please all of you post your results and perspective.


@PPofEngrDr FYI.The pattern of CWRU will end in acceptance. Also they give $20-25k aid.
Though NU does not list itself as need-based, still not seen that much merit aid happening.
So if finance is a factor, UofM may edge and it is a fine college town.

On the lighter side,

@novicedad your handle should be VeteranDad

@bluelily44 your handle should be GoldenLily44

@GoldenRock I am going to quote what @skieurope quoted in another thread “Love the school that loves you”.
As per Northwestern fin aid brochure http://undergradaid.northwestern.edu/docs/FinancialAidBrochure2017-18.pdf it seems very generic, but who knows until you see your numbers, so keeping fingers crossed.

@bluelily44 Here is my suggestion. From previous year threads you can find the folks who got accepted and joined either NU or Brown or REMS etc. Ping them and get their actual experience and feedback. They may be able to offer some real feedback than many of our perceived opinions.

For example, only after my D joined, we realized 1 down side with OU. In OU which is in Norman, except for Dept of Health Science (which has SOM) and the attached Hospital and they are 20+ miles away in OKC.

For students who don’t have a car or don’t drive yet or city with not much public transportation that is a logistics headache, whether you plan to do any volunteer work or shadow. Seen posts related to this nature for PSU also.

This factor alone is not going to live or die situation. As an example, I am quoting. But students who are currently studying can offer unique perspective.

Good one! :slight_smile:

Second to @GoldenRock!! It would be great service to future BS/MD applicants if you can all put your stats, reflections and experiences in the result thread.

Brown PLME:
The University also admitted 88 students through Brown’s Program in Liberal Medical Education and 19 students through the Brown-RISD Dual Degree Program, both decreases from last year’s admitted class.”

Source: (Thanks to @Volunteerism in Brown RD thread)



In case you haven’t already, check out the common data sets of the schools you are interested in. They have many sections covering all aspects of enrollment including percentages of those given need and merit based awards.

Accepted to Stony Brook Scholars for Medicine!!!

@rk2017 thanks for friendly reminder, sometimes you may have seen/knew information comes very handy in crunch time by reminder virtue. More and more data I see for Northwestern, we will only be surprised if award letter is non-generous for our need. By same token seems Ga Tech may not meet the need for OOS students so may be it would be a surprise if comes so generous. Tbh, UMich has surprised us being OOS.