***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

@rdk2018 yes its mentioned in the email of Acceptance. @cddd we received an email from TCNJ Admissions on yesterday evening stating that the admission package was mailed on yesterday only.

Yes,we received the email from TCNJ too.
They told me this morning that they have mailed the admission package which includes the financial aid also.
We plan to come to the open house on 4/18

I need some advice. My S was accepted into the 8 year UofR REMS program and the 7 year TCNJ/NJMS program. It was a long hard road with many rejections along the wayā€¦ a real emotional rollercoaster. After a slew of rejections from lower tier BS MD programs, things were looking bleak. Then, like a ray of light, the REMS acceptance came in. It was an unexpected blessing because it was one of the more competitive/prestigious programs he applied to. We were so excited that we were tempted to accept it right away, but then logic prevailed and we decided to wait for all decisions to come in before committing. Well, we just received the acceptance from TCNJ and now the decision is muddled. Here are our thoughts right now:

On one hand, REMS is definitely a more prestigious BS MD program than TCNJ. UofR is arguably a better undergraduate school than TCNJ. The UofR Medical Center is a better medical school than Rutgers NJ Medical School.

On the other hand, after merit scholarships (National Merit) and other money, the 4 years of undergrad at UofR will cost roughly $60k+ more than the 3 years of undergrad at TCNJ. On top of that, the 4 years of medical school at UofR will cost roughly $63k more than 4 years at NJMS. We have enough saved to fund the 7 years at TCNJ/NJMS but the 8 year REMS will require some loans.

Graduating 1 year earlier from TCNJ/NJMS has opportunity cost considerations. Instead of paying $41k that final year, he can be earning $60k as a resident. From -41k to +60k is a difference of $100k for that final year.

In UofRā€™s favor, they are giving him a $27k-32k annual Nation Merit Scholarship (exact amount not determined yet), which is a nice honor and reward for his years of hard work and dedication in high school. They are also giving him a one time $3k research grant to cover research/internship expenses to be used during undergrad. As a bigger school, they have more areas of study and majors to choose from just in case he decides against medicine down the road (very unlikely since heā€™s been interested in medicine since 2nd grade, completely self-motivated). UofR has a new computational biology program which he may be intersted in.

In TCNJā€™s favor, he will get a minimum of $8k annually due to Raise.me but the we donā€™t know the exact amount yet. Weā€™re still waiting for the TCNJ packet with financial information. Even with this minimum, TCNJ will be at least $7k less per year than UofRā€¦ maybe more if they offer more merit scholarship. Plus undergrad is only 3 years so we save another roughly $32k. Also, TCNJ is about a 2 hour drive away versus 7 hours for UofR. I have a bad back that limits driving long distances so trips to UofR will be primarily by plane, increasing transportation costs. A 2 hour car/bus/train trip means that heā€™ll can come home on weekends whenever he wants and he can continue to be a patron of Momā€™s Laundry, Inc.Ā© and Momā€™s Cooking, Inc.Ā© :slight_smile:

Lastly, thereā€™s some uncertainty in my job (my company may shut down soon) that is causing some financial anxiety, although my wife works and earns about 50% of the household income. My wifeā€™s salary can cover all living expenses, but saving and financing college would be beyond our budget. I know that if this happens, our financial aid package would change because itā€™s recalculated every year based on your current financial situation.

Sorry for the long post. Weā€™re extremely conflicted and looking for some advice. Is the prestige and quality of UofR worth the extra cost? Thereā€™s potentially a $120k+ total difference over the 7/8 years. Which option would you choose and why?

@elixir-of-life I would choose TCNJ. Reasons: 1. Your kid is determined to be a Doctor and he isnā€™t going to change his mind. 2. You already have the tuition expenses saved and covered. 3. Closer to home (he can come visit or you can go visit without advance notice/planning). 4. Uncertainty in your job situation. Lastly, 5. Your kid is very smart to get into these programs, so in my opinion he will add value to the medical school that he decides to go to and not the other way. Good luck!

I came from relatively moderate family means and have seen many med student come out in massive debt
I am in teaching hospital and I reassure you The student will go far based upon what he or she does -----not the school per seā€¦
So unless academic research is key
It is no brainard. Save money


Tx for being honestā€¦I think avoiding undue financial stress and having your student close to home makes NJMS the better option - great med school w solid residency matching. As a parent knowing that loans and work issues can add stress later and 8 years is a longā€¦time - keep your student close to home. Prestige of UG or med school doesnā€™t matter and for a NMF type studentā€¦you should have no worries. And getting done a year ahead could allow for an extra year of fellowship laterā€¦Congrats - thatā€™s impressive that you have two great options.

@BSMD001 If you have any specific questions about Union/AMC, please dm me. I am a current student in the program. :slight_smile:

@elixir-of-life Based on what youā€™ve stated, it already sounds like you are leaning towards TCNJ. I would say go with your gut. Finances are no small matter when it comes to the long duration that these kids are in school.

@elixir-of-life, given your job uncertainty I will go with TCNJ/NJMS.

Allā€¦as you make a decision on which program or UG college works best for youā€¦please decline other acceptances as it can speed up things for students waitlistedā€¦

Can those of you who have finished the process of applying to BS/MD programs please consider posting in


so that other future applicants can learn from your journey!! TIA

Has anyone heard from Rutger-Newark/NJMS? My S got an acceptance email from TCNJ and a phone call from Rutgers(no email yet). Rutgers offers full-ride and TCNJ will incur a total of $60K more over three years. SO Financially make sense to go Rutgers route. But have heard TCNJ is a better program.


I have the same thing with NJIT. Got a full ride, but still donā€™t know TCNJ financial specifics yet. Hard decisions upcoming.

@greatfundeals That is so odd! I wonder why they sent that rejection email then and if it has any bearing on the actual decision. I applied to RowanSOM btw.

Are you counting opportunity cost in your 120k difference?
If yes, then I suggest you ignore that for the moment.
If the difference of hard cash is $60k or less over a 7-8 year, choose Rochester.

The lost opportunity cost may be more than covered by a potential better specialty/ better residency.

Case Western PPSP results will be out tomorrow evening

@elixir-of-life If you are in-state for NJ, go with TCNJ/NJMS. There is a 20k/year medical school tuition difference for OOS candidates. Otherwise, Univ of Rochester is a better choice compared to TCNJ/NJMS. TCNJ is located in a remote and secluded location near Trenton, NJ. If you use public transportation, the commuting time may be more than 2hrs (driving is 2hrs from your location).

I believe that TCNJ does not give a full ride, but gives a full scholarship so that tuition is coveredā€¦Iā€™m not 100% sure though

@NoviceDad I didnā€™t include opportunity cost in my $120k+ estimate of the cost gap between REMS and TCNJ. If I factor in opportunity cost, the gap in cost is even greater.

Thanks for the clarification.
We are in the same deciding whether Northwestern is worth the extra $170k.