***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

Hard part now is deciding NJIT or TCNJ!!!



Couple of things which may help your decision making, which you may already be aware.

The draw back with NJIT, to some students is the Campus, TCNJ has better looking campus with newer buildings and plenty of space around to expand later. However it’s location is a little off from prime location.

NJIT is known to be most generous of all the feeder schools, not sure if TCNJ will come any closer. Also the location of campus right next to NJMS within walkable distance will ensure students access to medical research, volunteering, shadowing, networking etc for all 7 years. (But one may also get bored staying on one campus all the years). And NJIT courses and students seem to be great. Below is profile of a student I mentioned about earlier on this discussion. Also read her interview somewhere if you care to search for.


Thank you @NoviceDad

But since you are in state, you can also consider driving or commuting instead of necessarily having to live on or close to campus all the years.

@chasingdreams21 , we are still waiting on Union\AMC decision :slight_smile:

@rk2017 Thanks for the advice. Rutgers-Newark is right across NJIT and biology classed are federated. That is students from both the schools use each others facility and take the Bilo class together. We are in the same boat of living in Newark area for 7 years could get boring.


As long as you are not too far away from campus and not averse to driving, I think first 3 years you can avoid campus stay. Newark is also well connected by NJ Transit by trains and buses from different parts of the state.
Also commute from Newark to NYC is 30 to 45 mins by PATH/NJTransit, in case kids want to explore any summer internships or research in the city’s many well renowned institutions.

Got accepted in to VCU GMED and Drexel BSMD - programs. Trying to weigh and choose in between these two programs.
Appreciate any insight / advice.
Thank you


Also something you may want to consider, I think TCNJ and NJIT allow the kids to major in a range of subjects as long as they complete the core pre med subjects in 3 years. So one could study anything from mathematics to psychology to philosophy to their hearts’ content if they already have interest in a field. With Rutgerus-Newark I am not sure if they can avail such flexibility and may have to abide by a strict curriculum and schedule.

@blueegg you may want to give some details such as COA and distance of school to home.

@rk2017 Thanks. All really good points. Appreciate the response.

Hey guys I need some help, I have a really tough decision to make. So I am currently in a dual enrollment academy that allows me to graduate high school with an associates in Biology. I was recently accepted into the UTRGV/Baylor College of Medicine program, which is an amazing opportunity and a guarantee to attend one of the top medical schools in the nation. The problem is that I just learned they are wanting me to retake all my science classes at UTRGV. I would also have to stay at UTRGV for four years, whereas if I went the traditional route I would be able to finish in two since I already have my associates. I know I would be risking it by not accepting the Baylor conditional admission, but I also know that with my work ethic I could get into a med school (not as prestigious as Baylor) two years quicker. Is the prestige and ultimate benefit of going to Baylor College of Medicine worth the two extra years and the retaking of 31 credit hours of difficult science courses?

@SeamusBSMD @bearchichi @Shine27 @moodybluepapaya @srk2017 @NoviceDad @grtd2010

Thanks everyone for your thoughtful and helpful advice! We’re waiting for the official TCNJ packet to arrive in the mail (should be today or tomorrow) because that will have financial aid and merit scholarship info. That will nail down the true cost of TCNJ/NJMS. And we plan to attend the BS MD accepted students open house at TCNJ on April 18 to get a better feel for the school, program, and students. Hopefully that will help us choose between TCNJ and REMS.

@blueegg What is your state? Did you get any aid from VCU or Drexel? Assume you are aware that Drexel is EAP.

Even if you have not got any aid from any school, VCU is cheaper even for OOS compared to Drexel. $25k cheaper for undergrad at VCU.

VCU outweighs Drexel on total cost and VCU appears a better choice than Drexel.

Son has following optons to choose from. Looking for suggestions and help in decision making.
Johns Hopkins Biology undergrad
Carnegie Mellon School of Sciences Biology undergrad
Georgetown School of Nursing and Health Sciences Health policy, Premed
Wash U, Cornell Biology waitlisted

Financial aid from mist of these schools covers about 40 percent of total cost.
Inclined towards one of the three guaranteed/ assurance programs. We are from NJ, so DREXEL/DREXEL and TCNJ/NJMS have proximity advantage.
Any thoughts and suggestions/pros and cons of a choice are much appreciated

@reallylame - most medical schools, even if you go the traditional route, won’t accept your credit/grades from your high school academy. Most medical schools will want to see credits/grades from a 4-year college. You should take the combined med program or be prepared to repeat many of your science classes by taking the traditional route

@LivingTheMoment - both Drexel/Drexel and TCNJ/NJMS are great programs with great med schools. I have personal friends who have gone to both programs and done very well re: residency, etc. If the financial cost is the same, your son should go to whichever school he personally felt was a better fit (TCNJ vs. Drexel undergrad) - you can’t go wrong with either

@Havequestions 1234!,

What you need to consider is, if the rigor of McCombs business education will allow you son the bandwidth to pursue any health care related extra curriculars? Of course he can squeeze in the pre med courses.

Also are you in state or got any financial award from either of them? I don’t think McCombs offers much help for OOS. Last year few kids from D’s school got into the program, but none chose to go because of that.

@“Havequestions 1234!”
The spaces seem to have tagged the wrong audience

@theperfectmed1 @reallylame acceptance of credits in traditional route depends upon the MD school and academy that grants the credits. In my case my high school academy credits come from community college and our state’s flagship university, therefore they should be acceptable to many Med schools.

My credits are from a community college. I think they were difficult classes but I do understand that some medical schools prefer credits from a four year university. I don’t know it’s hard for me to give up 8 difficult science classes that I worked so hard for, but it’s also hard to give up acceptance into BCM.