***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

@StarShip where did you find financial info for TCNJ?


Congratulations on all the success and options. Is the financial aid part of NW a done deal? Perhaps you can explain them your choices and interest in NW during the open house for admitted students and something may still work out?

What is your childā€™s take on this? I have heard of cases where parents offered to give away a quarter million of their savings to kids for going to the 4 year undergrad at the less expensive schools instead of the kidsā€™ preferred destinations, and the kids turning it down saying, no thank you!

@rk2017 @StarShip Fin aid at NU is only need based as per their FAQ.

All good points. @rk2017, not sure how much the NU will sway but yes we can try. Daughter is very much interested in the NU as you can understand but then as parents we want to see if that is the best decision.

Thank you for your advice everyone! I think I will end up doing the UTRGV/Baylor program, itā€™s going to be annoying to retake organic chemistry, microbiology, and all the other tough sciences, but in the end I have conditional acceptance to an amazing med school. The classes also should be easy for me since Iā€™ve already taken them, and if theyā€™re not then itā€™s obviously a good thing Iā€™m taking them again.

@PPofEngrDr, @StarShip,
I think I may have used the wrong word of financial aid, what I meant was awards.

Got denied pittā€¦ waitlisted UMKCā€¦ baylor is my last hope

@GoldenRock I have been accepted to only Drexel BS/MD program but with 30K per year. I have free rides but only for UG. When I went t to interview, the program director mentioned that as long as MCAT and GPA requirements are met, we should be good. What does Early assurance exactly mean? Appreciate your thoughts.

@CamPan1 EAP( Early Assurance Program) is NOT an automatic guaranteed program where you matriculate to Medical School. You may have to apply to MD school and meet the requirements of the program(GPA, MCAT and maybe have an interview with admission committee). Most previous posts considered such a program, NOT a true bsmd program (an outcast).

@GoldenRock @Roentgen

Thank-you so much for your advice!!!

Thanks @grtd2010. We had Med School interview @Drexel already. Program director at Drexel Med mentioned that we need to maintain a 3.6 Science and math GPA and 3.6 overall GPA and that a 3.59 is not 3.6 - No rounding.
Students must receive a minimum MCAT score of 511, including:
128 or better in chemical and physical foundations of biological systems
127 or better in critical analysis and reasoning skills
128 or better in biological and biochemical foundations of living systems
128 or better in psychological, social, and biological foundations of behavior

No other conditions were mentioned. I think I will ask again when I go for accepted students day.

@CamPan1 My DD got into Drexel BS/MD last year but she chose Temple PPHS (with Full Tuition Scholarship). We are investing the savings for Medical School tuition.

@CamPan1 My DS is in Drexel BS/MD accelerated program. He has had positive experience and is very happy with the program. If you work hard, you can maintain 3.9-4.0 GPA. Upper BSMD students guide Freshman a lot, and they have a tight knit relationship with each other, very supportive environment. If cost is not the issue, worth considering.

@dope go I would go GW if I were in your shoes

@StarShip As I tried to quantify earlier in the thread an average student at NUā€™s med school would be able to match into a top 30 program for internal medicine while one would likely have to be in the top 1/3 of their class at NJMS to have the same opportunity. Is the extra cushion afforded by going to a top tier med school worth the $? Not an easy choice.

My D got the following, which one do you recommend?

Union/Albany BSMD with 80% Aid
USC PreMed with 70% Aid
GW PreMed with 70% Aid

@BestTest 100% Union/Albany. With guaranteed med school acceptance and more fin aid than the rest, the decision is a no-brainer. Congratulations!

Thank you @path2md. Hope I get a chance to speak with your DS when I go for accepted students day.

@CamPan1, Sure, heā€™ll be happy to answer your questions/concerns :slight_smile:

@campan1 Here is my confusion with Drexel. Make sure to get some clarity. It is good to know that senior students are guiding freshman and program is great etc.,

Remember you are aware that this year Drexel changed in to a new program than the past. Keep that always in your mind.

Now they are calling EAP. But it appears different from the traditional definition of what is EAP versus Guaranteed program (techncially any program is conditionally guaranteed with all flavors).

Normally EAP programs will have an interview during before getting acceptance to MD. But when I looked at Drexel, it not mention and whatever you posted is the one I saw. Interestingly even to admit if they have done an interview and if that included either admission director or chosen rep from medical school that is great.

But just talk to them and get it confirmed will there be any interview later or not. In other words as long as students meet the requirements (which you posted) is met, will they go automatically to MD. GL.

@dope Go with GW, especially when you are getting some aid also.