***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

I’m trying to upload my Rice/Baylor application onto my student portal, but it keeps saying that the format is incorrect; how do I fix this? Currently, my application is a PDF and all the essays are in text box format on the pdf.

@nkumar_1004 did you fill out the form exactly on the document or did you use some outside program like adobe acrobat to fill out your form?

@nkumar_1004 I remembered when my D submitted her application last year, she had the same problem with pdf creation from Mac and submission from Windows. The fix was that you need to create and submit your pdf application from the same computer platform. Hope this helps.

Where do I make a student portal for rice? I just submitted the Common App and the form is due tomorrow.

During crunch time, don’t hesitate to call directly the school to clarify any questions. Some time you get response in this forum and some times it may be based on what they remember or what they did in that year cycle. My memory is fading so fast. I think for Rice, after you applied (directly or common app or universal app), you get a email with the login id and password to access their portal. Then you submit whatever you need to do like their secondary app on why Rice / Baylor with the 3 questions. But I think it takes at least 1 day or more after you submit your common app, before you get email and access Rice portal.

My DC got the reply by next morning (we applied the previous night), so fingers crossed, you will get your login too by tomorrow morning and if you keep essays ready, applying will be easier.

I think I’ll call them tomorrow if I dont get the portal by tomorrow 2 pm. Thanks @GoldenRock @techhv

Our HS has the spring break at the last week of March 2018. Could any medical school interviews be arranged in this week? or They know this and avoid this week?


I recently received an interview invite at Drew University.
Could anyone give any insight as to the interview process, questions asked, formal clothing, and anything else important etc?
Do I have the option to interview on Skype, or physically go to the campus and which is recommended?

Thanks again and I appreciate it!

@GoldenRock @tripledouble2000 @Empire007 and other experienced BSMD members …
What are your recommendations for applying to BSMD programs with my stats?
I don’t plan on applying to any top tier programs, but as many BS MD programs as I can

Ethinicy: Asian Female
Income: <80k
School: large, highly competitive public school

GPA: 3.98/4.00 (school only does weighted)
SAT: 1560
Rank: top 5%
SAT II: Bio (800), Math2 (800), USHistory (750), Chem (800), Physics (750)
AP: MacroEcon (5), US Gov (5), US History (4), Bio (5), Chem (5), Physics 1 (4), Calc BC (5), Stats (5)

Cross Country 4 years, varsity letter
Community Orchestra 3 years
School Orchestra 4 years, section leader
BioGenetics Club: 4 years, Vice President for 2 years
Red Cross Club: 4 years
Green Team: 3 years, board member
HOSA: 3 years

Medical Related Activities:
Research at a university lab: 200 hours
Doctor Shadowing: 40 hours
Hospital Volunteering: 40 hours

Local Language Learning School: 300 hours
Youth Council: 300 hours
Community health research project: 200 hours
Church Sunday School Teacher/Praise Team: 200 hours

Leadership Award at Language Learning School
HOSA State 1st place in Forensics
State Math Competition Semifinalist (top 15%) all 4 years

My DD received the invitation for an interview at Drew recently.

What should we expect? Any tips?

@StarShip did you schedule an interview at the campus or online?

@medhopeful0 we are planning for interview at the campus. How about you?

@StarShip, believe this is for the Drew / NJMS program? I think the preliminary interviews with any of the feeder schools is for them to decide whether or not to forward the candidate’s file to NJMS for consideration. I think it will be a little more at a relaxed pace compared to the next interview.
My advice to the candidates and their parents is to just be who you are and don’t try to overdo (as I mentioned earlier). You can check the results links for this and previous years where some of the applicants shared their insights, thoughts, perspectives and experiences in their journeys. Hope that helps.

@rk2017 yes it is for the Drew/NJMS program, thanks for the your tip regarding the previous year threads. They are indeed very informative.

Sorry if this has been asked previously - How important are 1st semester senior grades? Given most high schools don’t release transcripts until late Dec / early Jan, do BSMD programs even get the grades in time for the application evaluation process? Thx

If I am not mistaken, for few programs, we sent the 2st semester grade report by Jan end. You can not slack just because you are swamped with app process or for any other reasons. Even for regular college admission, there may be some fine prints to rescind admission if something goes way off.

Clearly not the intent to slack off however questioning the fact that if BSMD colleges aren’t going to be able to see senior year 1st semester grades prior to making a decision, then what justifies taking a super rigorous workload in senior year?

@worldcup2018 your stats are average to competitive, but your hospital hours seem on the light side to me. However as many have said before, it is so futile to try to predict someones chances. Most serious candidates have about the same stats or better so it is really not worth making a prediction. I would say if this is something you want to do, give it a shot but try to have things in your app which will show a true passion for a career in medicine.

@sunitacarmen senior year grades are VERY important, even if you get accepted to a BSMD, in addtion to mid term grades, they will require you to provide your final transcript at the end of your senior year as well (at least in my DC experience that is what happened).

@sunitacarmen All the colleges will see the list of classes you are currently taking in the senior year even if not the mid-year grades, so it doesn’t look good if you decide to take a relatively easy workload in senior year as compared to your rigorous junior year. Remember, RD of non-BS/MD colleges will likely see your senior mid-year grades before their admission decision, so you still need to keep it up for couple more months.