***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

@medhopeful0 the interview is the only time you put a face and a personality to your application, and is the last deciding factor to accpetance to the program. Absolutely go in person and be as professional as possible. Imagine it being a job interview for that dream job you always wanted. Each school has slightly different interview process, but most likely the whole process would last about 4 hours. Usually you meet with an adminstrator as a group with the other candidates of that day to go over the program and then you will meet one on one with your interviewer and then you may be given a tour of the med school. There is some flexibility in choosing an interview date, but often times you may not get it to be exactly to your convenience to your HS schedule.

@sunitacarmen, a lot of times it is the university policy guiding this, so it is difficult to say how much a med program is going to factor in the senior year marking period grades. For example remembering from DC’s process, North Western and BU both ask for senior year grades, but they would do that even for non BS/MD programs. On the other hand, if I remember correctly Penn State / Jefferson did not ask for senior year grades, even though one applies to the program directly.

You may want to refer to my post a couple of pages back, it should be fine as long as one is not in serious trouble such as flunking a subject or caught in an integrity violation and getting bad grade as a result etc. Continuing to take challenging courses in senior year shows your commitment and assuring to the programs that you will do well in their rigorous curricula. And yes, they will see your grades, if they want to, since the decision making process regarding interviewing goes well into February by which time all your grades would reach them. Good luck with everything.

@StarShip did you receive an email or a letter for the Interview @ Drew?

@njdesimom we received an email regarding the interview @ Drew.

@Starship, to reiterate - since you may have seen or heard comments and suggestions exaggerating the role of interviews - don’t overdo (both parents and applicants). This is the mistake most folks end up doing, getting unnecessarily tensed up and end up with a sub par performance at the interview(s). For example, you may hear people comparing your child’s interview with that of for a dream job, making all kinds of suggestions like trying to impress them with your spontaneity, fluency, making constant eye contact etc, etc. No, it is not necessary to do all that. Definitely not the eye contact. It is okay to pause for a few moments to think and answer and divert one’s sight away from the interviewer(s) in the process if it helps in focusing and collecting the thoughts and then to resume eye contact when answering. Some of the questions are going to be involving and not to be answered lightly without prior thoughts. Remember, these are all still adolescent 17/18 year olds and the interviewers know that and factor it in. It would be inappropriate or perhaps a disservice making comparisons with the dealings in professional lines. With respect to the Drew interview, it is not the final interview right? (which will be at NJMS) so be a little relaxed. Even with the final interview, the same holds true. Let your child understand this is just one path (a rather narrow one) to his or her dreams and not the only one, and it is fine either way.

There were no suggestions made to impress the interviewer with spontaneity, fluency or eye contact, all that was said was go in and be professional (ie in the applicants behavior and attitude). And the comparison to the dream job was meant to parallel what the emotions would be like for someone who wants to get a job at say Google and someone who is trying to get into a program like UPitt GAP. From our experience how one performs on the interview goes a long way and that is no exageration, maybe in your experience that was not the case. Of course one has to think about an answer before responding. No one is looking for a robot, but being able to carry a coherent, intellegent coversation is paramount.

Union College’s AMC supplement is out.

Thanks for your advice!

Did you get the supplement by email?

I might make a visit to the campus for the interview

Yes, DD checked email after school and saw it at 4’ish @medhopeful0

@ppst, When did your daughter submit her union app?

5 days shy of deadline on November 10.

Did your daughter receive acceptance to Union and scholarship notification as well? My DD submitted in October but has not heard anything.Just wondering if they notify either way and if they send all notifications out at once.

@TulipBox I don’t believe it would have changed this cycle, but in cycles past Union and RPI who both feed to AMC notify on a rolling basis. AMC has a very long process, interview start early January and go until late March.

Thank you @Empire007

As @Empire007 said it is rolling. On admission status to Union, nothing’s changed, but letter says if under AMC review, Union admission has occurred @ TulipBox. I just wanted to give an idea that the process has started.

Thanks, @ppst

Does anyone know roughly what date each university tends to get back to the applicant for interview etc?

@medhopeful0 Here is a fabulous list put together by @GoldenRock during the 2016 cycle. It does not give the specific dates for the interviews, but gives the dates final acceptance letters were released. From this you may be able to get an idea of when interviews may have happened (figure roughly 4-8 weeks prior to the acceptance decision date. Once again thanks to @GoldenRock for taking the time to put this together back in 2016:

04-29-2016 at 12:06 am
Here is the final posting. Did not get any details from any one who got or rejected from Rice/Baylor interview. But 2 folks notified me with 2 different dates. Lazy to update the number sequence due to late info on St.Bonaventure. But the list is in chronological order.

BS/MD Admission Notification as of 04/28/2016.

  1. Univ of Alabama EMSAP - 2/2
  2. RPI / AMC - 2/29 (2 phase admission notification, second came on 4/5)
  3. Union / AMC - 2/29 (2 phase admission notification, second came on 4/5)
  4. Sienna / AMC - 3/5 (2 phase admission notification, second came on 4/5)
  5. Temple / Temple - 3/3 (10 offers from 32 interviewed)
  6. PSU / Jefferson - 3/4
  7. Augusta U/Medical College of Georgia - 3/6
  8. Cincinnati - 3/7
  9. St.Louis Univ SLU - 3/7 (Note: It is not a guaranteed program like others in the list)
  10. Univ of Rochester REMS - 3/7
  11. VCU Virginia Common Wealth Univ- 3/8
  12. UConn SPIM - 3/10 (Postal mail)
  13. St. Bonaventure / GW - 3/10
  14. NEOMED - 3/15/ Email. Also will get postal mail from NEOMED and one of the 3 UG schools.
  15. Northwestern U HPME - 3/18 Decisions came out
  16. Boston Univ SMED - 3/19 - Portal update
  17. Univ of Houston - 3/21
  18. California North State - 3/22 (Rolling since Jan end)
  19. UMKC - 3/23
  20. Hofstra - 3/24
  21. UTSA FAME - 3/25
  22. Brooklyn SUNY - 3/26 - Acceptance came on 3/2 - 15 accepted among 90 interviewed
  23. Villanova / Drexel - 3/26 (acceptance and rejections came out)
  24. Texas Tech UMSI - posted by someone on 3/27 but don't know the actual date the results came
  25. UTD PACT - posted by someone on 3/27 but heard results came on 3/10
  26. Lehigh / Drexel - 3/28 Acceptance via postal mail
  27. Rosemont / Drexel - 3/28
  28. Univ of Oklahoma - 3/28 - Acceptance Email
  29. Miami HPME - 3/29 - 19 students offered admission
  30. GW BA/MD - 3/29 - Acceptances are out on the portal.
  31. Sophie Davis - 3/29 - Acceptance and Rejection notification
  32. Drexel / Drexel - 3/30 - Both acceptance / rejection - In portal under Next Steps once you click on view status link
  33. Brown PLME - 3/31 - Acceptances on portal
  34. UIC GPPA - 4/1 - Acceptances on Portal
  35. Case PPSP - 4/1 - Acceptance and rejection emails sent
  36. NJIT / NJMS - 4/1 - Phone call for accepted students
  37. Stony Brook BS/MD - 4/2
  38. Monmouth / Drexel - 4/3 (Did this come out on 3/28 also?)
  39. TCNJ / NJMS - 4/4 Monday - Acceptance via phone call
  40. RMU / Drexel - 4/4 Monday
  41. UPitt GAP - 4/5 - Acceptance Email
  42. Rutgers / NJMS - 4/5 - Phone Call
  43. WashU USPM - 4/5 - Phone Call
  44. Rice / Baylor - 4/21 or 4/22 notification came (the interview took place on 4/15 Friday)

We so appreciate you @GoldenRock and @Empire007. Thank you!!

Are there any recommendations for undergrad school for NU HPME program? BME or Weinberg or Communications? I am interested in BME route but not sure about rigor and workload involved compared to Weinberg or Communications route.