***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

Finally decided to commit to PSU/Jefferson BS/MD. Thank you all for your input over the last few weeks! I’m so happy the college process is finally over. Also, best wishes to those still making decisions!

Just withdrew from Hofstra/Zucker and NJIT/NJMS… Hope someone else gets the spot!!!

Congratulations @ThoughtWanderer @GreenPoison

My daughter withdrew from Stonybrook and Drexel Programs.
All the best to waitlisted folks.

Yes, there is a facebook group.
Union/AMC LIM Class of 2026z

@UnionBound2018 Sorry no z. It was a typo

I am Canadian student who hopes on attending a bs/md program. I know they are very competitive for instate residents let alone for out of state students. I also found out that international students can not apply to all the programs in the USA. Does anyone have a list of universities offering programs that accept international students?
Thank you so much!

Hey everyone. After a lot of deliberation and talking to a lot of people, I’m going to be attending Sophie Davis. I really wanted to go to Rice, but my parents said that they wouldn’t pay for it, so I just decided to take the easy route and go with Sophie. I appreciate all the help and support I received from the community here, especially from @srk2017 @rk2017 @GoldenRock , among others. Thanks to everyone and best of luck!


Besides Brown PLME, I can’t think of any program off the top of my head that openly accepts International Students. Most programs want US Citizens or Green Card holders, since most US med. schools really want domestic students.

Congratulations @Metsfan7860 ! It was also very hard for me to turn down Rice, but I am confident both of us can ultimately achieve our long term goals as long as we put in the effort, whatever our path may be. Shine bright at Sophie Davis! :slight_smile:


Congratulations! To quote some one from earlier, your parents have your best interest in their minds more than any one else. And this shows how convinced they are about the suitability of the program for you. I am sure you will do good at the program and will have a great time.

@NatieB, I believe BU (Boston) accepts international students, but keep in mind, the competition will be intense! (2000+ applicants in this cycle)

Also BU med school accepted students from “19 countries of origin” in the current batch of traditional route applicants, to corroborate on their international acceptance policies.

@ThoughtWanderer Congrats to you as well! The Penn State/Jefferson program is great. My friend’s brother turned down Duke to go there, and he’s currently preparing for his Step 1, so he’s on his way, as you will be.

That is very true; I wish you nothing but the best!

Thank you @rk2017 and @GreenPoison! I was wondering whether you know how many are accepted into Boston University for this program? Also, I was looking online and there are many universities which consider Canadian students however are generally high tier schools (Brown , Northwestern,Rice/Baylor etc…)
Thank you so much for the help!

Is anyone going to NJMS 7 year program through Drew?


Based on what I read in this thread for the current cycle, at BU they invited ~80 for interview. I guess between 40-50 may have been offered a place and 20-25 will matriculate (it is one of the expensive undergrad and med schools, so not all may be able to afford and not many get financial awards/assistance).

Also heard Baylor has a total intake of 12 or so, half through Rice and half through Baylor (undergrad). So realistically it has lowest chances of getting into.

And yes, forgot to add, your observation is correct, all the schools you mentioned are private and so can accept whoever they want, not dependent on the states’ support and having to abide by their mandates of who to accept and who not to. You may want to explore similar schools further.


  1. First ensure any data is related to the program you are seeking. BS/MD programs and regular MD admission programs are 2 different things. So the best way for you to compile a list of BS/MD programs allowing Canadian students is to read individual BS/MD program web site.
  2. Yes, it is true many MD schools, mostly private may allow foreign students. But the stats are very small. Buy MSAR subscription to know that stat. Again it is related to regular route. But it may have an entry to get a feel for BS/MD program. Read my actual samples from MSAR below based on 2017-18 cycle.

Foreign Applicants/interviewed/deferred/EAP/EDP/BS-MD/MD-PhD/Matriculated
Baylor: 255/4/0/0/0/0/1/1
Boston: 761/40/2/1/1/0/1/11 (Here 0 students for BS-MD program)
Brown: 338/6/1/0/0/0/0/2
Case: 471/34/0/0/0/0/0/7
Northwestern: 458/25/0/0/0/0/0/0

@GoldenRock According to the stats, no foreign students got into the BS/MD program? Just making sure I am reading it right! I am planning on applying to Canadian universities as a safety route however I am very eager to do get into these programs! I have competitive stats, good EC’s and hopefully my essays will be good, however if they are accepting practically no foreign students is it worth applying?

@NatieB That is right. ROI is nill to apply for BS/MD program as a foreign student. Even for regular MD admission, do the home work and decide. May be very selective based on what you have done as a package in the next 3-4 years during college. Otherwise best is to do the MD in Canada itself. Unless you plan to migrate to US. Also you may be aware there are few schools within Canada has BS/MD program, exclusively for Canadians only. British Columbia or some program near Vancouver. You may already know those details. GL.


If you were to choose traditional route, Canada is home to some of the best medical institutions of the world. Toronto, McGill, McMaster, Alberta, Montreal, BC …

Also it may cost you a lot lesser as a Canadian student.