***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

@NoviceDad . My daughter is a sophomore. She is keen on applying to HPME and Rice Baylor. If you don’t mind, please could you share the kind of extracurriculars, volunteering, research and medical related experience that your child had. Also what do you feel made her stand out. And what advice would you give regarding essays. Thank you so much in advance.

Those of you accepted at HPME,Rice,Penn/Jeff please could you share some stats esp on volunteering and ECs. Much appreciated.

Where is the result thread. Sorry I’m a newbie !


Just wondering, did you mean top 100 or top 10 (and typed an extra 0)? Both the gpa and MCAT score seem to suggest the kid belonged to more like a top school?


Congratulations to all! Sure what a relief. Hope all of you committed your choice.

At this time, no longer worry or regret about your decision, whether you have committed to BS/MD or going with the regular route. It is just a one step in the life span, though you would have felt the last 6 months had drained your life.

Here is the challenge to 2018 cycle students / parents. Match or exceed at least 25 posts in results thread for 2018. .

The reality, the more the delay from the time decision made, the less chance of posting your stats and reflection in the 2018 results thread. It is so sad, the number of stats posting is diminishing at alarming rate.

2015 and prior years had many posts.

2016 - 17
2017 - 12
2018 - 7 (so far - thanks to those who took the lead)

Similar to Hippocratic oath which you take when joining medical school. Take CC oath to post your stats and reflections in the results thread.

Do it today! Good luck folks.


The results thread is given above by Golden Rock. But also, you can find the threads of previous years and relevant current threads as well if you go to the link one level above, that is:


Good Luck for your future pursuits.

@rk2017 . Thank you so much.


That’s a cherry-picked example. Unless you are URM, non-traditional, have a post-baccalaureate/strong upward trend, or have a boatload of published research, a 3.3 GPA isn’t competitive for American MD schools anywhere. Even a sky-high MCAT won’t be able to compensate for that.

Unlike AAMC, AACOM doesn’t release GPA/MCAT accepted student grids. So let’s just look at Rowan SOM- an average GPA of 3.62 and MCAT of 503.

To people reading this- if you can get into a combined med program (be it DO or MD), unless you turn into a donut in college or have a emergency family situation, as long as you choose the right undergraduate, I’m confident that you can get a 3.6+ and get a 505+ MCAT and then go to a better medical school than Rowan.


No typo there. From the same school (top 100), another student had 4.0 and 41 on MCAT and ended up at Cornell Med.

Both of them came from an excellent high school, where they usually produce about 35 NMSFs every year.

One of my patient’s bf, who graduated from CMU with 3.5 and MCAT of 34, ended up at Rowan after doing 2 year gap years.

From Table A-23: MCAT and GPA Grid for Applicants and Acceptees to U.S. Medical Schools, 2016-2017 through 2017-2018 (aggregated), students with GPA of 3.6 and MCAT of 505 have about 38% chance of getting into an MD medical school.

@2FutureBSMDsMom Please take a look at discussion about UCF BME:


Hope it helps. GL!

@hopeful_sid, congratulations!! Looking forward to meeting your son in Jupiter in August. I also enrolled to the Wilkes Medical Scholar program. Are you from Florida?

Thanks to everyone who gave us advice. My son committed to TCNJ/NJMS. It was tough to turn down REMS and Cornell, but he is very happy with his decision and he’s looking forward to taking the next step in pursuing his dream of becoming a doctor. The past 8 months have been exhausting, stressful, and anxiety-filled, so we’re aiming for a graduation celebration followed by a restful and recuperative summer. :relaxed:

Based on my review of the information, % of student getting into medical school is very mis leading. Many of the medical schools are part of state universities and they take most of the instate students. For example, if you are not from GA, chances of you getting into Medical College of GA (MCG) and Mercer (100% GA students) is very low. I think over 50% of the medical seats are instate colleges.

From AAMC statistics (16-17), in all US+Puerto Rico 147 medical schools, there are 78 medical schools have more than 70% matriculants from in-state, and there are 99 medical schools have more than 50% in-state matriculants.

@StarShip I am a sophomore going for bsmds and NU HPME is currently my top program. I wasn’t able to find your DD resume and was hoping you could dm/post it in the results forum. Thank you so much!

@ganfam and others
I will be posting the details in the results thread

Posted our details on the RESULTS thread.