***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

My D is thinking of changing the physics course from AP Ph C to AP Physics 1, do you know if that will impact her applications negatively? She never took Physics before and Physics C is her first.

My DD has a friend in her cal class,who’s dropping down to Cal AB from BC for the next semester. Do you think that might affect her chances with engineering and/or premed programs?

Check with school counselor to see if it’s a good idea. She’s not dropping to a lower course, just a different course. @m22499

I think they need to submit an essay to college admission people regarding why they dropping/ change of course.

My DD’s pennstate portal says “our application is currently under review by your academic department. You should receive an admission decision within six weeks.”

Does this mean it’s waitlisted/rejected for Bsmd program ?

@ppst : “My DD has a friend in her cal class,who’s dropping down to Cal AB from BC for the next semester. Do you think that might affect her chances with engineering and/or premed programs?”

If she can get an A in Cal AB then this is a good move.
(instead of having B even C in Cal BC)

For GPA perspective, both Cal AB and BC are counted as APs.
Of course, admission officers understand BC is tougher than AB but make sure having a strong GPA first.
(You also can take an AP test to prove you are good at it, e.g. having score 5)

I’ll tell her that, reassure her that it’s ok. My D took BC last year and was fine, phew!! Thank you @bsmdegree!!

Just received Union AMC supplement by email this afternoon of December 13th. Deadline for submission December 15th Friday, it is mentioned in the email and on the supplement page. A letter with the supplement says “you’ll have 7 days to submit the supplement from the date of email.” Which date is true I wonder! 2 days= very little time to get it ready.

email combined degrees or call contact number at Albany to verify @TTV2018

D is afraid to ask for more time. She wants to rush through and submit it in case they really are in a hurry to review files before the holidays. But we will call tomorrow anyway.

I received acceptance into Union College on December 11th, when should I expect an email from Albany Medical College? @TTV2018

Also, is anyone here applying for VCU GAP?

@medhopeful0 When did you apply to Union? what’s your stats? how is your first marking period report?

@medhopeful My daughter received acceptance on Dec 11th Monday too, then got the AMC supplement email today Dec 13th afternoon, but supplement accessible after 5 pm only. Deadline is Dec 15th it says.

@m22499 I applied to Union close to the deadline. 2-3 days before?
I might post stats in a separate post

DS got accepted to u Pitt, but no word for gap program. Was there a separate application? We indicated gap on coulition app?

@Flowerboy… you receive a supplement package for gap after a week or 2 from the time of acceptance letter into upitt

@rbmed18, I saw the same in the penn portal. I didn’t take it the same way you did, what makes you think we were rejected or deferred?

Here is DS’s progress to date-

UPitt- rejected to GAP pre-interview
NJIT/NJMS- NJIT Interview next week

Caldwell/NJMS-Caldwell Interview scheduled for Jan
SBU/GWU- rejected pre-interview
Union/AMC - received AMC supplement

Please post any other updates you have.

At least yours has changed to department review with a timeframe at PSU. My DD’s still says complete and under review. Waiting is very hard, but progress would be nice. @suecollege and @rbmed18

@ppst mine has not changed either I wonder if it changes when they finally look at your app. I hope I receive some kind of update sometime soon.