***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

@bsmd2485 @kkfields @Metsfan7860 just emailed local admissions representative form Boston University and he told me interview notices are going out now - mid february
Feeling nervous as I applied to this program as well!

@bsmdstudent101 Best of luck!

Thanks @suecollege and @Empire007 for the info. The info is for someone I know and I donā€™t have access to the portal.

@suecollege If you donā€™t mind sharing, when were you accepted to Union and when did you get the AMC supplement?

@medhopeful0 How long has it been since you were accepted to Union? Itā€™s almost been two weeks for me and Iā€™m getting really nervous.

@TheElusiveGod , sure I canā€™t remember the exact datesā€¦ but DS received the supplement request on 12/8 and I think he was accepted to Union a few days before that. At this point, I would call union or LMP admissions if I were houā€¦ hereā€™s the # for LMP - 518-262-5529 (I think you may want to call union first, that should be in ur admissions notice). Good luck and sorry I cannot take some of the stress awayā€¦

Folks take it easy, no gain by stressing unnecessarily, stay focused on your current course work instead.

@TheElusiveGod I got my acceptance into Union on December 11, but have yet to hear from Albany.
So itā€™s been 8 days of the two weeks?

@suecollege Thanks, Iā€™m just hoping for the best!

@medhopeful0 Itā€™s been almost two weeks for me; Iā€™m just hoping everything works out. Good luck!

anyone from instate hear from penn state bs/md for interviews?

@Ronypony Yes I received an interview, and I got the notification about a week ago.

AMC (for union LIM) just send my daughter a second email with notification with the supplement. She had received union admission on Dec 11, AMC email on Dec 13th with deadline for application on Dec 15th. But they said this was just a new batch of emails sent out today to those who didnā€™t get it last week. @medhopeful0 , hope you got yours today.


Got both the Union LIM and RPI Physician-Scientist supplement today.

Both are due in a week for me.

Still have not heard from Penn State OOS though

Congratulations @GreenPoison! If you donā€™t mind sharing the info, Did RPI notify you by email or the portal? When were you notified? The AMC supplement came today I assume.

My DC applied for RPI program too, but I was not aware we get a supplementā€¦What am I missing hereā€¦

Got Union/AMC!

@greenpoison Are RPI Supplements out for everyone, do you know?

Congratulations @TheElusiveGod, Do they just send out all of their invites on one day, did you also receive your notification on the 14th if you donā€™t mind me asking.

@TTV2018 I wasnā€™t notified on the portal. For some reason, my RPI portal status still has not changed. But either way, I received the email supplement from AMC so Iā€™m good.

@TheElusiveGod I know a couple other kids in my school received the supplement email. Everyone who was denied from RPI should have been told around a week ago.