***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

Has anyone submitted their Hofstra supplement?

@abs2018, my DS submitted his via email over the weekend. Received receipt and says interviews will be in Feb, if selected for next steps.

My dd got a mail from rpi that she is on hold for interview after submitting the supplement. Does anyone get called from
Hold back for interview. Not sure what to make of it.

@Curry18 I have one on February 9th.

@TTV2018 @medhopeful0 , have you received anything from RPI yet? (I think we are at the same stage)

 it’s so difficult to understand. Doesn’t seem like a flat out rejection so she’s still in the running (my perception). Some of us still haven’t heard at all.

@Suecollege, after my DD submitted the RPi application, we have not heard anything from them, portal says the application is in review

We submitted the Union supplement but it may be held up by the RPI application
 from prior years, it seems AMC will not evaluate one for an interview until both applications have been reviewed. We haven’t even heard back from RPI yet (pre supp or rejection)

my DD just got an interview invite from AMC/RPI today. Notification came via emial.

@suecollege No. Nothing from RPI. No supplement either.

As I and a few others have said in the past, RPI and Union are rolling when it comes to interviews. Some receive invites in early January and some receive invites as late as the end of March. Just because some are hearing back now doesn’t mean others won’t hear back later. If you applied to both, and if you are granted interviews for both programs it will be on the same day this is because AMC does not want the candidate to make 2 trips. Unlike other schools that do it all in one shot, you must be patient when it comes to AMC. Unless you get an outright rejection letter don’t loose hope. RPI and Union each look to interview 80 candidates over a 12 week period. I know it’s tough, cause trust me I was there a couple of years ago but please try to hang in there.

@ivyhunter did your DD apply to Union also? If yes, did she hear from them? Thanks.

DD only applied to AMC/RPI.

I think if single application to RPI or Union, will process and interview sooner. If applying to both, they may try to consolidate the apps and interviews, maybe per @Empire007 and @suecollege. Hang in there!!

@suecollege I applied to RPI/AMC and Union/AMC but have yet to receive the supplement from RPI.
Already submitted Union supplement and waiting to hear back

just as a reference for PLME, an article on the Brown Herald said:

“Consistent with previous years, the University admitted 6.3 percent of its Program in Liberal Medical Education Applicants, accepting 20 new students out of 318 early decision applicants.”

So probably about 70-80 students will be accepted PLME RD?

@bluemonkey66 Brown PLME states on their website that ultimately 60 matriculated out of 2432 applicants for the class entering 2017. 24ED and 72Reg offered acceptance; 24ED and 36Reg finally matriculated

Anyone applied to UPenn Biodental? We got an email for dental college Alumni interview. Not sure if there will be another campus interview

If anyone is curious as to what a PLME acceptance letter looks like, the picture is posted below.


Also, here is what an admission letter to Brown but a rejection from PLME looks like.
