***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

@suecollege NJIT forwarded my app but NJMS still hasn’t contacted me. My friend who is at the NJIT/NJMS program told me that NJMS takes a very long time. Based on last year, NJMS will notify us around Feb 4. In addition, it seems GWU is running behind compared to last year in terms of sending out supplements and interview invites. In general, we will have to wait a while unfortunately for all these programs

@bayreppin00 …thank you. did you get notification from NJIT? DS interviewed with NJIT and Caldwell but hasn’t heard back. Wondering if we should reach out to see if his app was forwarded. Thanks!

@suecollege What happened was the NJIT office actually called me directly near the end of November because they needed my SSN in order to proceed with forwarding my application to NJMS and they also told me during my phone interview(middle of November) that they would most likely forward my application to NJMS. If I was you, I would definitely reach out to the NJIT/Caldwell admission office to ensure it was forwarded :slight_smile:

DD received an email from Drexel today regarding application being sent to College of Medicine. Says email to pay fee will be sent by college of Medicine. Invites will be sent at the end of January for Feb/March interviews.

Great, thank you… Just always hesitant to call. DS called Stevens admin since it shows pending BS/MD interview to complete application since October… they seemed annoyed… Has anyone been interviewed by Stevens?

It seems that some have received notifications for PennState interviews, do they send rejection notifications also? The portal for my DD states “Your application is currently under review. We have received everything required to complete your application. Once a decision is made, it will be posted here”. She has not received any notification so far.

Same @StarShip!:frowning:

Update: Caldwell will be forwarding all qualified applicants to NJMS 1/31…

Called TCNJ, they said the interview invites will be starting in about 2 weeks.

Did anyone else get an interview at VCU? I got one last night.

I got an interview for the Garunteed Dental Program

I got a USciences interview.

@Rghanem - USciences interview for which program. Rowan Cooper? Is the interview from Med School? Is it a Guaranteed Program.

BU left me a message saying that they have “exciting news” for me and to call back Tuesday. I’m assuming it means that I was selected to interview. For those who haven’t heard back yet, don’t keep your phone on silent like me

Congratulations @Metsfan7860 yes That’s what it means. BU only calls if inviting for an interview.

rejected to RPI (pre supplement)… hopefully union/amc will move forth now (supplement sent)…

Ahh Rejected from GWU BA/MD program

Received rejection from GWU too.

Rejected from GWU BA/MD program. Got email from Drexel to pay $100 to review of app for BS/MD

When does Penn state notify? Just out of curiosity how many do they interview?