***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

@xyz2022 Usually, they release their notifications late January/early February. Good luck!

Anyone know when OU releases interview invites?

how VCU accept after the interview 64? do VCU have any waiting list ?

@Rghanem OU Interview notifications came on March 2nd during 2016 cycle. OU will call 20 candidates and it will be scheduled during last Friday and Monday of March, 10 candidates per each day for 40 minutes interview slot by a 3-4 persons committee.

Tulsa also notified on March 2nd and had interviews on 2 Thursdays in late March and had 7 slots on each day.

I am re-posting (post #499) since many are asking the interview notification dates and interview dates. This info below is from 2016 cycle and hence there may be some variations in the current cycle.

Interview notification start date and interview dates for some of the programs 2 years back.

Univ/College/School NotificationDate InterviewDate
3 RU TCNJ + NJMS 2-Dec 1/5-T
49 NL Union College & Albany Medical College (LIM) 3-Dec “1/15-F 1/22-F 1/25-M 2/8”
48 Univ of Miami - HPM - Honors Program in Medicine 4-Dec
189 University of Houston - UTHealth / UTMB 5-Dec “1/29-F 3/3-Th”
RPI + Albany 9-Dec -
1 RU Villanova Univ + Drexel COM - UG Prompts “12/9 App 1/23 Int” 6-Feb
48 Pennsylvania State & Jefferson - FAX 12/9 & 1/28 2/10-W
71 Baylor - Email to 11-Dec 1/22-F 2nd Interview in March
24 RU St. Bonaventure Univ and George Wash Univ 11-Dec “1/23-S
University of Cincinnati
42 Boston University - LOR Postal Mail 22-Dec “1/22-F
UofAkron Northeastern Ohio Univs 29-Dec 1/30-S
149 Univ of Alabama SOM - EMSAP UAB 31-Dec “1/28-Th &
1/29 F”
54 George Wash - SOM & Columbian School of Arts 5-Jan
95 Drexel Univ + Drexel COM - Accelerated Degree 6-Jan 20-Feb
VCU - Guaranteed Admission GA Program (Medicine) GMED 12-Jan
121 Temple Univ + Temple Univ SOM - Health Scholars Program 18-Jan 2/19-F
Northwestern UG - Repeat for HPMEUpload samples, essays etc 19-Jan -
33 Univ of Rochester SOM - REMS 25-Jan Feb 25-27
58 Univ of Connecticut - SPiM+C37 28-Jan 2/9 & 2/11
189 UMKC - LOR special form, 3 to 6 29-Jan 2/29 to 3/3
CWRU - Pre-Professional Scholars Program in Medicine 30-Jan 3/17 Th & 3/18 F
Lehigh 22-Jan 6-Feb
62 U Pitt Don’t know 3/23 to 27
Oklahoma Medical Humanities Scholar Program 3/2 3/25-F 3/28-M (10 students for each day)
Tulsa Notification 3/2 Interviews 3/24 & 3/31 (7 students for each day for a total of 14 candidates)

@appstatus I answered your question already about how many VCU accept in post #939. And yes they do have a waiting list as well from what I remember

@ADMission18 that must have changed from 2016 then, cause I remember them accepting around 30 with the expectation 15-20 would enroll. At least that was what was told to us at the interview day back then. Hence why a preface everything as “a couple of years ago…” in the chance that a program changes their standards. You might have even been the one who said VCU changed things up this year so your probably more in the know currently than I am.

@ScholarGuy I applied to the W&J program. I got my interview notification a few days ago.

@TheElusiveGod Yea. Same. Just feels good knowing there’s someone applying to the program with me.

Any reason VCU is accepting fewer students this year? How will the breakdown work for OOS vs IS students accepted?

@ScholarGuy Good luck for your interview! It seems as though no one applied.

U Pitt, Invited 39 for the interview and accepted 9 students last year. Interview date was 3/13 to 3/17.

@xyz2022 and others in that situation, no reason to feel disheartened just bcoz of few initial rejections and for that matter even later if things don’t work out eventually in this direct med/accel. cycle. As someone rightly said you probably have bigger and better things waiting for you as long as you don’t lose the motivation and stay focused. Just consider the intake numbers from all these programs versus the intake from traditional route. It’s what, like 2-3 hundred in this route versus few thousand?

Also for those going to interview just don’t assume it’s 50/50 at this stage (and hence interpret the interview as make or break). We don’t know the Dynamics of the process and each program may be having its own flavor. I believe they have a cumulative formula in most places to take a weighted sum of all factors and facts, with interview being one of them. It is not like they are throwing out everything they have known about you till now and starting fresh with just the interview as the deciding measure from within the condensed pool of invitees. So don’t sweat too much about it, be yourself, act normal and do well. Good luck to all.

@TheElusiveGod Is it just not well known, or not a good program? I’m OOS so I don’t much about the Temple affiliated programs aside from Temple/Temple.

Yes anything is possible as the outcome of the interview itself but I find it hard to think just the outcome of interview itself will be the deciding factor. Rather, one of the factors. I am sure the interview committees have enough experience to know that some can present themselves very well (despite their drawbacks in some of the factors raised by you) and some not so adept despite their outstanding track record in everything else. Besides these are all 17 & 18 years old. Hopefully makes sense, If not, let it go and don’t resort to a tirade as earlier and let the kids draw their own conclusions.

BSMD application and admission process is very complex and diverse. We come to this thread to share news, updates and to get advice and opinions from parents like @narkor @Empire007 @GoldenRock @rk2017 and others who have experience from this process over the past few years. I have a couple of relatives who did bsmd, the last one 4 years ago, but things have changed a lot more since then. We depend on the kind advice of these people. There is room for more than one opinion and I don’t see anyone trying to mislead others. We should all be free to express opinions and share news and thoughts in peace. The kids applying to these programs are some of the smartest in their age group. Ultimately they’ll believe what they will based on all the info they read and what their personalities are like.

@ Parents @ Narkor, @Empire007 ,@GoldenRock & @rk2017 /Prior BSMD program participants. Now that the interviews are on can you folks please post questions and preparation tips for these kids to prepare? Thank you all in advance.

Let us not forget the primary goal of this forum, to share and provide information to benefit BS/MD applicants. Since it is from different perspectives, different interpretations, it may or may not agree with your point of view. Many times, facts are hard to digest. Let us not get personal and close the door of any insiders who are sharing the reality. In the last 2 cycles also same discussion took place and we shut the door of an insider who informed that few programs once interview is reached it is a fresh start.

Also personally I can attest during interview if a person feels a candidate is not the right fit, can wind down the interview right away. Though some of us may disagree with that approach and may feel hurt, nothing can be done and we need to move on. My DD interview at U of Houston @ Houston took place only 8 or 9 minutes and got a red. But she was placed 1st after the interview at U of Houston at Galveston. So only God knows what went wrong in Houston.

Also touching on another point. Though the students are only 17 or 18, it is expected that they present themselves like professionals during interview, in terms of maturity, poise and even how they dressed. So don’t take anything light and put your best efforts. At the same time, don’t fret even if you are not selected by any programs. You will succeed as long as you have the desire, drive and motivation, it is a matter of time, if not now, after 4 years you will get admission to MD. GL.

What colleges can we expect to be hearing back from this week

Also what’s the deal with the BSMD program at SLU (medical scholars) is it a true bsmd program? is it worth it?

Does anyone know how many students receive the email from Drexel to pay the $100 fee?