***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

@appstatus came through email and i’m out of state

Got wait listed, OOS

so does my student…no idea what to expect…will link you in if we get any info…

My DS also was waitlisted at UMKC. We are OOS

Has anyone received word for where Rochester REMS and Case Western PPSP are in the process?

thanks… I am out of state and also got rejection

How many OOS applicants does UMKC select for an interview?

I believe this program is difficult for anyone, especially OOS applicants, even with high stats, to get interviews. If the ratio is about 60:30:10 for OOS:Reg:IS for interviews and admission, respectively, please don’t be too hard on yourselves. Please correct if wrong @Roentgen. Who knows what criteria they’re using? This data is from previous posts on this and UMKC thread.

I got an interview for UMKC! I am a regional applicant. UMKC usually accepts around 350 applicants for an interview and then accepts around 60 in-state, 30 regional, and 15 out of state for a total of approximately 105-115 students in total. Crunching the numbers, that means around 50 students got interviews from out of state, maybe 100 regional and around 200 in-state? These are just approximations. @abs2018

based on the last two years, Case Western PPSP applicants should receive an email on Friday notifying them that decisions will be out on Saturday. Best of Luck to all!

@ppst, in previous years at UMKC, the OOS interviewing pool was about 80 students, with about 10-15 ending up in the final matriculating class. In the final matriculating class, about 60-65 students are in-state, 30-35 are regional states (Arkansas, Kansas, Illinois, Nebraska or Oklahoma) and 10-15 are from out-of-state.

Has anyone heard back from Montclair BSMD program?

To all the kids in here, I just have to say anyone who is so driven at this age will sure succeed. Good Luck to you all/

Have a question related to Fafsa. My daughter applied to few bs md and few regular undergrad programs.

Question is, we have applied to more than 10 colleges and waiting for interviews/results from these colleges. Fafsa doesn’t allow more than 10. Our counsellor has advised to fill fafsa before February 1st. We won’t be eligible for any need based aid, but not sure it will have any impact on admissions, student loans later on.

@2018applicantmom you can change the list after about 7-10 days from the day you submitted the fafsa. You can remove some colleges from the list and add new ones.

@m22499 we are still waiting to hear about interviews from bs md programs and undergrad decisions. So you are saying we can remove the colleges from the list even though we didn’t get any rejection?

@2018applicantmom Assuming a kid has applied to 30 colleges. Send FAFSA to 1st 10, after 3-4 working days you get an email that FAFSA submission is complete. Once you get the email you can edit the FAFSA application can replace the 1st set with 2nd set of 10 and so on.

@2018applicantmom yes you don’t have to wait for their decisions, colleges will have a copy of your fafsa.

@bsmd1826, @m22499, thanks for the info. One of the counsellor told us to contact each college and make sure they downloaded the financial information before removing so that confused us.

Thank you, @Roentgen, for clarification

Does anyone know about the UToledo program I got in and would like to get more info besides what is on their websites (I’ve thoroughly read all of it)