***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

I received an interview for the UNR BS-MD program!

Is there an interview for St Louis Univ Medical scholars program?

Also when would one expect HPME and Drexel interview invites to be sent out ?

@Docparent HPME update "HPME application review is currently underway and we have begun sending out interview decisions. Decisions are sent out on a rolling basis from now through mid-February. You will be notified via email whether you are selected for an interview or not. If you have not yet received a decision, it merely means that your application is still being reviewed and is not a reflection of whether or not you will be offered an interview. We are unable to give status updates on individual applications. "

From my little understanding, SLU and Brown are 2 programs not requiring med program interviews, besides SLU’s presidential one and Brown’s alumni one.

Had my BU interview today. They said that there’s one more interview date, so don’t despair if you didn’t hear from them. They said they only chose 80 people for interviews out 1000+ applicants, so even if you don’t get one, be proud of your accomplishments

@suecollege I still have not been contacted from NJMS, and I still haven’t received that mail confirmation that NJIT forwarded the app. This is honestly just going to be a patience game(NJMS sends invites in mid-February). In addition, I have a question for everyone else: I still have not received my supplement from RPI or any rejection letter from them. Am I still being considered for RPI/AMC or will I probably get rejected?

anyone know how many students case western invites for interviews and how many are selected to their program?

@bayreppin00 same with me I called them and they said they’re still processing info



The first part you mentioned about NJMS isn’t necessarily true.

I received the interview invite from them back in mid- Jan., even before the letter from NJIT forwarding me to them arrived at my mailbox.

@bayreppin00 , @BSMD3170 , I think if you haven’t received a rejection notice, then you are still in. While some of these programs do not notify rejected candidates, RPI does. (Wevreceived it)

@bluemonkey66 not sure how many are invited to interviews but traditionally 20 matriculate so maybe 30 are chosen?

Will it hurt my chances if my NJIT report to NJMS is trash but my TCNJ one is good? like what happens if they evaluate me before my TCNJ one comes in?

@BSMD3170 Yes. If you pass the test (40/60), you will be guaranteed med school acceptance. Otherwise, you will have to take Gen Chem 1 and pass will at least a ‘B’ to receive guaranteed med school acceptance. If you do not pass with a ‘B’ or better, your seat will be revoked.

@ScholarGuy The process is not the way you are visualizing. No school has time / or care to write write a report (trash) and inform NJMS that xxx is not good. The other way, if NJIT concludes based on their review criteria xxx is good, they forward to NJMS. NJMS is aware that each feeder school have their own criteria to forward a student. So it is not they are expecting if xxx is good or bad, then all the feeder school is going to tag the same. That defeats the whole process, right?

Check any of my old postings in 2016 or 2017 related to TCNJ and another one related to BS/MD program with multiple feeder schools.

Basically multiple feeder schools program are very drawn out and it will test your patience (NJMS and AMC).

TCNJ, maintains a ranked list and feeds on a batch basis to NJMS. If things are progressing well with students by NJMS review, then TCNJ may stop interviewing students and may not interview every student in their short list. That is what I understood when I spoke to the Graduate student who was maintaining the TCNJ list. Though my DD was in the list, but way at the bottom. So she told she may or may not get the interview call by TCNJ all the way till Jan/Feb. The end result my DD did not get the intrerview by TCNJ (ACT 36, 3.92 UW, and good academic/test scores but from TCNJ criteria she was near the bottom).

@Shine27 FAU deadline was Jan 15, but it was a step-wise process from what I understood. It required an application to Honors College by December 1st or 15th. At least that was how I interpreted their process. The UG admissions office was not very helpful regarding their process.

@moodybluepapaya thx you for responding
very helpful - yes the FAU answering service was odd
they said they did not know when we called,transferred us to another bldg where no one answered the transferred call

@GoldenRock I think you misunderstood what I meant to ask, which is understandable because of how I said it.

Let’s say NJMS receives my application from TCNJ, NJIT, Caldwell, etc
, which feeder school’s evaluation will they look at? the first ones sent in? The TCNJ interviewer told me they do send an evaluation to NJMS, obviously, they won’t say its “trash” because then they wouldn’t forward that person, but my question is what if one evaluation is simply better and during that interview, you showcased a lot more.

In any case, which undergraduate would NJMS evaluate your file from or would it be collective? Also, AMC considers students from each of its undergrads for different programs (Leadership in Union, Service in Sienna, or Research in RPI), but to my knowledge, NJMS does no such thing for each of its feeders schools.

My apologies if I’m missing the point here.

How was the BU interview - is it one student and one professor ?

BU interview is a full day affair-- I had mine yesterday. FIrst you interview with a CAS professor, then you take the shuttle to the med school for an interview with a doc. Orientations and lunch with current students in between.