***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

@Katyperry145 From a post from, 2016 cycle:

“REMS has alternate/ waitlist only after the interview. 45 candidates are invited as REMS finalists, 10 are accepted and 4-5 are alternates/ waitlisted.”

Just checked Penn State application portal. Rejected from PMM but accepted Eberly College of Science

@thishappens I wish that all schools are doing same as Case Western. I really appreciate this because when I found out my rejection in middle of wk, I was so demotivated and num to do anything else at school. Will keep my fingers crossed for the results.

extremely nervous for Case Western tomorrow - good luck everyone!

I am sorry to hear that @pilot152 but how did they alert you via email or phone. And Good Luck with your other applications!

Just checked Penn State portal, no update yet.

Rejected Penn State

PSU PMM rejection posted. Must be very competitive and focus on very high test scores…oh well. GL all.

The countdown begins

has anyone received an email from case western?

nope not yet @bsmdstudent101

you can go on your portal and notification is there- rejected for me

yep, check your CWRU portals for results. Rejected too! The interview acceptance rate was around 3%

rejection for me too

Rejected also. Good job to everyone who got in, though!

rejected from cWRU… might as well withdraw my HPME and PLME apps lol

Rejected as well. It said they took 70 people out of 2,200+ for interviews.

Just goes to show how selective these programs are. Still praying for HPME though.

Wait till March end until all dust settles down. You never know where you all will get a break. GL

Rejected CWRU, Waitlisted UMKC (OOS)

rejected from cwru as well - has anyone received anything from HPME or upitt?