***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

FYI 3 BU SMED interviews done 1/19, 1/22 and 1/25. Last one remaining is 2/2. All BU SMED interview invites are done.

Rejected CWRU

@Rghanem Temple PPPH had 23 interviewees last year and offered to 12 but only 50% accepted last year. Sorry to hear.

Rejected CWRU. Only HPME left to hear back from for interviews. Now that those two are out of the way, I’ll focus everything on doing well at BU this coming Friday. Congrats to those who received the notification!

Temple PPHS interview is on 16th Feb. Does anybody know the interview format? Thanks

@bsmd1826 The interviews are in the morning. You are done by the early afternoon. Then you go to visit Temple Medical School after lunch.

srsly, now it’s win some or lose some! Opportunity or a chance to catch up on hw and rest!

Thanks @grtd2010

Rejected CWRU… :expressionless:

Anyone hear from uic gppa?

@BurntKnight haha same here too

Any word on interview timeline for Wash U, Drexel and HPME

Received interview from CWRU!

congrats @moodybluepapaya

Anyone receive an interview for Drexel yet

@TheBurbs many of my friends have already received GPPA interviews… i emailed them, and they said we have until end of feb to receive an offer. if not by then, we should assume that we have been rejected

got an interview at CWRU!

hi. i am new to this forum. I wish I had seen it earlier as it has terrific information. I am looking for tips to prepare for the interview at CWRU PPSP. Can anyone point me to the relevant threads?

Congratulations to everyone; whether you received an interview or not…the fact that you are still reading this forum/thread tells volumes about you. Be proud of your accomplishments. If you received an interview (from any one/more of the programs); could you please share your perspective on what was the deal-maker (single most important factor, if you could say)? Was it your GPA’s,/Scores Research, EC’s or Essays?

CWRU PSPP update
“You’ve also been selected as an alternate for our Pre-Professional Scholars interview program. Alternates will receive further information about the interview program on or before Feb. 27.”
Any idea how many are in alternate pool and probability of making it to the interview?