***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

What are your stats in high school? I applied, but got rejected for PPSP program?

What are your stats?

Can you please let me know your stats for REMS?

The prestige of a medical school does not have any impact on residency match. The deciding factors are USMLE scores and grades if the medical school assigns one. A lot of medical schools assign only assign Pass or Pass with Distinction (I.e. 90+%). Even faculty positions are decided by where you did residency not where you went to medical school. The only impact a medical school can have is rigor of teaching resulting in higher USMLE scores. But even that is debatable because in general higher prestige schools get better students to begin with resulting in better USMLE scores. If you look at medical schools faculty members vitae you will see that a big number actually graduated from low tier or foreign medical schools.

Congrats to all who got acceptance into REMS and PPSP programs?
Can you please share your stats as I am still waiting to hear from the universities and worried too :frowning:

@FinesseKing I agree with Tanzerina. Sound advice. Having been part of the academia and private practice, my advice to you is to think deeply abut what truly matters to You. Your dreams and priorities will change over time, but as of now, where do You see Yourself in 15-20 years.

In my personal point of view (please note the disclaimer, “personal”):
Med school name will matter when you’re trying to do residency in a prestigious academic center, but only if the rest of the application is also stellar. A sub par candidate from a prestigious school won’t be preferred just based on med school. If you want to be a physician scientist in a well regarded place, then the med school name will matter when you’re applying for your first job. After that it will be the quality of your work that will be looked at. In clinical medicine, if you want to be a pediatric surgeon out of Johns Hopkins, then name will matter when you apply for your residency, but again only if the rest of the application is great too. For going into primary care residency, the med school name generally won’t matter much as long as you have a good application otherwise.

Generally speaking, where you did your residency and fellowship will matter far more for your future prospects as a physician, especially for your first job. Not only because of the name, but because of the quality of training you get. Tier 1 medical schools usually have more NIH funding and research grants and have more highly regarded research scientists working for them. So you’ll have more opportunities to work with them if you attend that school. If you’re applying to a research-heavy residency program, that will be a consideration. But there are many who did their residency and fellowships in Ivy-League associated programs who are not from ties 1 or even tier 2 med schools. Ultimately they’ll look at the whole package.

USMLE STEP scores are super important. It is my belief that a bright student who is a good test taker can ace them, no matter which medical school he/she went to.

Finally, when you actually start working, probably when you’re 30+, it’ll be the final institution you graduated from (graduate medical education-residency/fellowship) that’ll have the strongest effect on where you get a job. Once you start working, by the time you’re in your late 30s till end of your career, the factors that’ll mainly affect your success will be: the quality of your clinical work, how up to date you are, quality of your research, social skills-how much the administration in your institution and patients like you. By then even results of where you did residency/fellowship training sort of fades away.

Any one who is prestige obsessed should definitely give their best shot for a well known name as they’ll never be happy having settled for a lesser known school.
If you just want to be doctor because you like the scientific aspect of it and serve people, med school name doesn’t matter.
If you want to be a physician leader and be the US surgeon general or even a very high level physician administrator, then med school name will matter.

Finally look at the match list of the medical schools you’re considering for BSMD, what specialities did the students match in. See if that suits you.

So where do you want be in 15 + years will tell you what you should decide now. Good luck!

@TTV2018 Thank you for your post. It was very helpful

DId anyone interview with St. Bonaventure Jan 20 or Jan 27? If so how was your experience
just curious. Seems like very different schools
w SBU and then GWU

@TTV2018 awesome post very helpful. Thanks

Some HPME interview invites have been released for those who are wondering. Somehow, I got an interview for HPME?! No idea since I was just rejected from Case Western PPSP two days ago. Excited but super scared!

@LushLillies Congratulations on the HPME interview invite. Did you get an email about the invite or had to check portal? Thanks

@bsmd1826 I got an email from HPME. Not sure if they are all sent out at once or if interviews are done on a rolling basis as there are 4 available interview dates for this round.

@LushLillies Thanks a lot yes they are being sent on a rolling basis, per email from HPME they will be sent upto 15th Feb. What are the 4 interview dates? Thanks

@LushLillies when did you submit your HPME application?

@LushLillies when did you submit your HPME application?

@sally12345 @cleantable I submitted it less than a week before the deadline. I don’t think that time mattered considering I didn’t really submit mine too early.

The interview dates are next week in February, 6th-9th at the med school in Chicago for those who are wondering.

@LushLillies do you get to pick which date you want to interview?

@LushLillies is it an all-expense paid trip? or do we assume to buy plane tickets, etc?

All expense trip for the privilege of an interview? Naah I don’t think so! These are self funded trips.

@LushLillies Congrats on the HPME interview and GL