***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

For the amount of bs and trouble, these programs put us through I think we deserve an all expense paid vacation and first class plane ticket for them to even consider interviewing us. :smiley:

When is CWRU interview weekend? DD got “alternate status” email, but it did not provide dates, and we’d like to hold the weekend on her schedule, just in case she ends up getting bumped up from alternate.

Got interview for RPI and Union. Can I do those at the same time, or do I need to make two separate interviews?

As reference for the applicants of future years: DD did not get through to interview level of either RPI or REMS programs, but received CWRU alternate status. The CWRU notification came with the news that she was accepted to the college (she applied regular decision, so the acceptance was a big & happy surprise) plus the news that she has received a substantial merit scholarship (Michelson Morley STEM money). Our takeaway - don’t let rejections make you lose hope, as the first “no” doesn’t mean you won’t get a “yes” from someone else.

@threeslykids32 you could do it at the same time. AMC does not want you to make 2 trips.

CWRU interview is March 22-23

I haven’t gotten any supplement from RPI what does that mean

Anybody else got HPME notification? Seems to be very tight scheduling wise to get notified today to interview so quickly within a week or so. I guess they do know we will make it happen since the program is so good.

HPME always gives about 7-10 day notice for interview at most.

so if the interviews are feb 6-9 then we should be hearing back from hpme this week for interviews?

Nope per the email from HPME the decisions will come till 15th Feb.
Feb 6-9 are not the only interview dates.

Hi @BSMD3170 , maybe you can give them a call to see if supplements are still being sent out.

Anybody else hear from hpme

I’ve not heard back from HPME

Not heard back from HPME. Hopefully wait is shorter than 15th Feb!

Still waiting to hear from HPME, too.

received a UIC GPPA interview invite today
 theyre still sending em out

@wtchmeBSwtchmeMD how was the interview with St Bonaventure? What type of questions did they ask?

Anyone heard from Drexel yet?

Is anyone still yet to receive a Brown alumni interview? I submitted my PLME application on the 1st, but I’m worried I won’t get an interview since it’s already the end of January.