***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

Makes sense as they all do so @bsmd1826. However, on the website, it did say interviews were to be conducted from the end of Feb thru the beginning of March, hence the reason for my question, which may be moot anyway if not offered an interview.

@ppst correct on the note that there are multiple dates for all the candidates, however every interview candidate is only offered 1 date for interview.

@ppst Suggest to call / email Drexel once you get an interview invitation. Because 2 years back, for my D we requested to change the date or choose our preferred date. Instead of Friday or Thursday, we requested Monday and they agreed (since we had something in Miami on Friday) and flew from there to Philly.

Thank you, @GoldenRock. Like I said it may be moot, but good to know there are options! I appreciate the input @bsmd1826!!

i got an interview invite today for drexel. idk if it is rolling basis, because I submitted my app at like 11:00pm on the day it was due. maybe is is alphabetical or random?

Congrats, @bluemonkey66 !!

Congrats @bluemonkey66

@bluemonkey66 congrats

@bluemonkey66 Congratulations and Good Luck on your interview!

thank you all so much!! really means a lot!! drexel is the only interview i have gotten thus far and i really hope it goes well :slight_smile:

GL pn Drexel interview
R u in state for drexel

@Docparent yes, in-state

@bluemonkey66 do you mind sharing stats like sat/gpa?

just wondering if they’re emailing students with higher/better stats first

yea wondering why they aren’t just sending out one blast email

also good luck!! @bluemonkey66

also congrats and GL!! @bluemonkey66

Anyone have advise to prepare for Drexel interview?:slight_smile:

Anybody know what logic is being followed for NW “rolling” notification - they started interviewing last week - but only 2-3 per day
They seem to have a long drawn out process

i think i am on the less competitive side of applicants - my stats are somewhat mediocre because i don’t have a lot of experience with medicine

-1440 on sats, 680 bio sat, 700 math sat, rank 1/320, weighted gpa 4.2ish, unweighted gpa 4.0ish

  • i only have some medically related experience (hospital volunteering and some shadowing)
  • lots of extracurriculars and leadership positions in most of them, varsity athlete; leadership roles outside of school too
  • i also work to help support my family
  • i do have some lab research experience, but i also have entered my own research into science fairs and won some fairs
  • with awards, i do have quite a few; most are from my school and academic competitions
  • lots of community service inside and outside of school
  • my essays weren’t truly “sophisticated” because i stayed away from flowery language and creative elements to sound more human; they were really straight to the point

my strengths were probably my leadership and community involvement