***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***


That’s from last year
 the school still has another year to get its act together

What a timing! Source today’s WSJ Page 2.

Amount of borrowing held by U.S households by type Total $13.15 TRILLION

Mortgage around $9.25 Trillion
Home equity revolving $0.25 Trillion
Other xxx
Credit card xxx
Student Loan $Around $1 TRILLION ($1000 Billion)!
Auto Loan x$Around $1 Trillion

Just came back from the SKMC interview. Fantastic, fantastic experience. Stayed overnight in a student apartment so was able to get the full experience. The whole event was student-run and there was a lot of interaction with students from the program, and they were pretty transparent about all aspects of both life at Penn State and Jefferson med. For me the highlight was a moving presentation by Dr. Wayne Lau, an Emergency Med physician and program alum who gave honest guidance and advice about medicine and basically life as a whole, summing up his own presentation as “What I wish the Keynote Speaker told me when I was seventeen”

Received HPME interview invite via email last night. They may still be offering more interviews!

Hello Expert-parents/HS-Seniors, Could you please share if AP Physics is required/recommended for BSMD program? My DS who is a junior has taken AP Chem, AP Bio, AP Calculus and few others AP (English, APUSH etc) and trying to figure out his AP’s for senior year. He prefers to take regular Physics instead of AP Physics unless AP Physics is a must have. Thanks for your input.

@RedMan108 I was going to take AP Physics C but the teacher at my school is pretty bad for this class so I decided to take regular physics. I got an invite from Siena, Rutgers, and USciences so far (lower tier programs). No one knows exactly what BS/MD programs look for but a rigorous schedule is always helpful. AP Physics vs regular physics will never be a deal breaker so I wouldn’t worry about it. Its not worth the stress especially during senior year when you are actually filling out the BS/MD apps and conducting interviews.

Anyone here applying to the Rowan University BS/MD program?

@Rghanem Rowan acceps only 4 students for accelarated program

@mouse2 I went to PSU/Jefferson day as well and had a very similar experience. I absolutely loved it, and everybody was very welcoming. Unlike anything I ever expected. Students and Staff were so willing to share their experiences and everyone was incredibly encouraging. Mr. Lau’s presentation was definitely very insightful.

Experts - being non-medical background, help me out to understand significance of SLU accreditation matter.

@PPofEngrDr This article maybe useful


@Empire007 Thanks for info, it was very useful for me to understand basics and provides very good perspective.

I have all of the main science APs (incl. Compsci and excepting Enviro) but the only humanities APs I have are English 1 and English 2 (in progress). Talking to some PMM students yesterday, they said these APs helped them out a lot with credit and let them take more advanced classes/skip boring ones. Would you guys suggest that I take humanities exams (econ, USH, psych, etc.) independently? Which are the easiest to get a 4/5 on without taking the course?

@mouse2 Don’t get stressed out. Enjoy your HS days and if you can do some thing try it out. What I am going to say will differ among students, since each student have natural liking and strength in some subjects. My D did Psych on her own during 10th summer and she thoroughly enjoyed and got 5 and did summer internship at UCB during 11th summer and she got personal satisfaction. Guess what, it did not help her at her college(again it will differ from which college to college). Because AP Psych got an equivalent course but the pre-med Psych req is higher course number and hence she has to do a course again. But in HS school pretty much every one does APUSH (USH) but she choose not to do because it is extremely time consuming and she did not want to stress out in 11th when AP Chem, and other APs. Though History is her passion and majoring in History and could have got 2 semester courses credits. I don’t think she has slightest interest in Eco. Some love Eco. So see what is your taste and interest.

Agree, though it is going to help her to wrap UG in 3 years due to some AP courses, it is not end of life. Mostly it helped in Science related areas like Chem, Bio, Math and not really in Humanities since most of the GE (General Education) requirements are not really AP equivalent courses.

@RedMan108 Agree with @Rghanem . AP Chem, AP Calc gets 2 semester courses but AP Phy will get 1 semester course (differs from college to college). Any how it is critical to do college level courses in Physics for Pre-med during UG. It is not a must to have AP Physics. Let him do whatever makes him happy and comfortable.


I wanted to point out that the article recommended in post #1869 has factual errors in it.

There has been one US medical school that lost accreditation after being placed on probation. San Juan Batista SOM had it accreditation revoked in 2012 after being placed on probation in 2010. While most of the students attending SJB were taken in by other medical schools (in SBJ’s case by Loma Linda SOM), other schools are under no obligation to do so.

Probation means there are serious issues that the school’s leadership must address and remediate. Schools on probation have 2 years to correct any deficiencies. Failure to do so will mean a loss of the school’s LCME accreditation.

If you want to read the LCME letter to SLU placing them on probation, it’s here: http://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/stltoday.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/f/62/f62d2dcd-59c3-512d-80b1-50b2fa2dfba3/58c7f0d50e946.pdf.pdf

SLU’s issues seem to generally be related to a lack of consistency and oversight in administrative matters, particularly relating to things like management of clinical sites, training of clinical staff, providing LCME mandated student services, maintaining accurate records, and failure to have in place any written policies regarding curriculum and student & faculty evaluations. Additionally SLU was found to be severely deficient in its efforts to attract and retain students from diverse ethnic and economic backgrounds.

Thank you @GoldenRock and @Rghanem

@WayOutWestMom I guess its time to dig deeper. Especially, its at halfway mark and all articles suggests that SLU vow to address them in a year, not waiting for 2 years mark, so at this point it is approaching that timeline quickly and hopefully SLU has better update than FAQ and details on progress they have made in last one year. Certainly it would be a POD for me as a parent during presidential scholarship interview weekend.
Even I found an article on SLU website w/o any dates on it, a communication and news w/o date on it, really.
However the date in URL seems to suggest 14th March, hopefully from last year.

@WayOutWestMom also as per http://lcme.org/directory/ , seems San Juan Batista SOM does have Full accreditation. This seems contradicts to your claim, be honest I don’t have history knowledge of San Juan Batista SOM, I care less about it as I don’t think that far in world my son want to go for study.

Just going to throw the Carle Illinois College of Medicine that UIUC got a preliminary approval and admission process has begun, it doesn’t apply to my DS as he is for UG at this point. However it seems Carle has very interesting vision as robotics seems future for medical as well.