***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

Thank you @Rghanem Have you seen information on how many seats are there for Rutgers/NJMS? How many do they invite for interviews?

@JonasSalk My phone interviewer said NJMS usually selects half of the people who are recommended by Rutgers. Rutgers had around 40 people for phone interview so I would assume NJMS will invite around 20 for an interview

DS18 found out today he was accepted into the GEMS program at the University of Louisville. Very excited!

does HPME send out notifications for interview rejections as well as invites?

@LOUKYDAD : Congrats to ur son!!!
This programs is for Kentucky residents only right?

@cashlover16 I don’t think so, prob just acceptances like BU

NJMS interviews…does anyone know when in March they start for the TCNJ feeder? We have not heard anything from NJMS but just in case we do hear so we can plan ahead.

Anyone see any CC threads comparing BS MD to BS DO? My son has a BS DO interview early April so wondering,

Just finished up the Temple PPHS Interview. Very informative presentation, although the interview was INTENSE.

I think Hofstra is done sending invite. I guess they may now will only invite to fill any cancellations from the initial list of 60.

just received an email from HPME
“I regret to inform you that it will not be possible to offer you a place in the Honors Program in Medical Education at Northwestern University. As you know, we interview a large number of highly qualified students for a limited number of positions in the Honors Program.
It is important that you understand that this action is relative only to your application to the Honors Program in Medical Education. You will hear directly from the Northwestern University Admission Office regarding your application for undergraduate admission.”

@ven2020 correct, KY residents only. He wanted to stay in state, either UK or U of L. He still hasn’t decided which, but this will be a factor for sure.

All quiet on the bsmd fronts, but for scholarship weekends, until next Tuesday when the speculation, worry, and hopefully continuing encouragement and support begin anew! Try to rest and regroup for this next phase❤️

rejected from HPME. no more interviews, just need to wait for BU and Brown result. congrats to everyone who got the interview!

getting nervous for UIC GPPA as well as there is no news since honor college acceptance for my dc 2+ weeks back…

Does anyone know anything about a Rutgers-New Brunswick/Robert Wood Johnson Medical School 8 year program? I just got an invite to apply, but can’t find information for it anywhere.

@Tanzerina, for Rutgers-New Brunswick/Robert Wood Johnson Medical School program, it says you apply during Rutgers sophomore year like an early early assurance program. See https://www.ncas.rutgers.edu/oas/bamd-program-RWJMS-Rutgers. Can you also apply as a HS senior?

My daughter also got the invite, never heard about it. They need something by March 1st. Who can tell more about it?

@kfog @decretedreams Dang. Good luck with your other results

@Tanzerina Is this the Rutgers-New Brunswick/Robert Wood Johnson Medical School program where Rutgers-New Brunswick students apply during the sophomore year for admission to Robert Wood Johnson Medical School?. The intake is very limited for this program. We know someone who graduated from this program and is currently doing a residency. Most applicants to Robert Wood Johnson Medical School are admitted via the traditional 4yr route.You may want to visit Rutgers-New Brunswick during one of their open houses.

The Robert Wood Johnson Medical School is a great option for in-state applicants. The OOS students pay nearly 20k/yr more in medical school tuition. This may not be an issue with many parents but something to consider.