***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

@biomeds @grtd2010 At first I thought it was the sophomore year one too, but the email clearly says it’s an 8 year I have to apply to now. I’m IS for NJ so idk if that has something to do with it, but I’m now hearing from premed friends in Rutgers that this is a brand new program they started this year.

@Tanzerina Did you get email or postal mail? If there is any link given in the mail, would you please post it?
Could not find any info when googled, except for the sophomore program.

Finally, my wait is over!!! After many rejections, I got UIC GPPA interview invitation. Need all help I can get for the preparation. Please, help me because this is all I have left now. Also, does anyone knows about the acceptance rate from this point onwards??

@Tanzerina did you select pre-med as your first major for Rutgers NB?

@GoldenRock it came in an email from honors college and there is no link. It says that the they expect response by March 1st followed by finalist interview.

@curry18 GL with interview, are there any options for interview? Can you share details about you that you feel comfortable? Thanks

@Curry18 congrats! My GPPA interview is this monday (The 19th) When is yours?

Really worried about this u Toledo chem assessment for UMKC interview day can someone guide me in the right direction

@BSMD3170 dont worry too much about the chem assessment. It was relatively easy.

@priyaluvsbooks mine is on 27th Feb and I am only given one-day choice. How do you prepare for the interview?

UIC GPPA update - Interviews are being sent until end of February. ~120 will be interviewed. It will be safe to assume you are not getting interview if you don’t hear by end of February, those applicants will be notified mid-March.

@Curry18 I am good friends with many of my high school alumni who applied to GPPA and are in the program now. They helped me prepare for it and told me what they were asked and what they talked about

@GoldenRock As @StarShip mentioned above, there was no link provided, just instructions to apply.
@ScholarGuy I don’t believe pre-med was an option. But regardless, no, I picked their cell bio neuro major. I think they might be auto-sending the request to those that got a Presidential Scholarship from the School of Arts and Sciences in NB.

Received my Sophie Davis interview invite for this Wednesday. I dont even want to go there, but my mom forced me to apply

@Tanzerina & @StarShip Thanks for the response. One of you post with details in May once the dust settles down so that future students will know, in deed is this for BA/MD or EAP (early assurance program) or the interview and notification you are referring is for the Presidential Scholar selection or whatever!

In case if it is BA/MD, then it is a good surprise and mostly it will be limited to selective students. Not sure they invited only for IS or OOS also got any invite. GL to both.

I’m a mom of a senior applying to a few of these programs. I graduated from the RPI/Albany combined program when it was a 6 year program. It was a great experience but I had some regrets about turning down admissions to MIT and Ivy’s since I may have attended a more prestigious medical school. On the positive side, I saved two years and didn’t have to stress about medical school admission or taking the MCAT’s. Undergrad was really stress free and easy knowing I had guaranteed acceptance into med school. My husband is also an MD but went through the traditional route. So we are aware of the process of medical training and medical school admission.

My daughter applied to a few combined programs and several Ivy’s and the UC’s. She has an upcoming interview with University of Pittsburgh, acceptances into a couple programs, including Cal Northstate.

Since we live so close to Cal Northstate, we are really considering it. I’d like to know why people dislike Cal Northstate. We visited and it has many advantages. But I would really like to hear from you.

  1. it’s very small and they are truly vested in the success of each student. They want their students to do well and match well into residency so the school will be more attractive to potential students.
  2. student to teacher ratio is very small, each student is valued and noticed. The incoming undergraduate class is around 100 students.
  3. since it’s so small, they are very receptive to student input and are flexible
  4. every one of their students passed the USMLE step 1, with an average score of 228
  5. mentorship is very easy with such a small school
  6. many of the staff are former UC Davis attendings
  7. they are planning to open a nursing school, dental school, and physical therapy school in addition to their pharmacy school and medical school
  8. the staff is warm and knows each and every student

Cal Northstate seems like a very good up and coming medical school. What am I missing? Please let me know if you have any inner knowledge or concerns that have not been mentioned on this thread already.

One last note, does anyone have advice about the Pittsburg interview? Does anyone have insight into the Pittsburgh program?


  1. Suggestion to create a thread in Pre-med topics so that you will get response from many active audience who are closely following / involved in MD admission and colleges.
  1. Personally I did not spend more than 30 minutes (browsing their web site) but concluded that I will not encourage my DD to apply there. Agree, no analysis was done and I have no exposure to medicine field. Some how being a new school and for profit school, expensive did not make me comfortable.
  2. It will be interesting to know your DD and your decision come May. Especially when both of you have gone thru US medical education and know the field so much. Is being so close to CNU the only driving factor to your current dilemma? Mostly you may not have to go thru the decision making process since for all you know, your DD may get acceptances in some solid BS/MD program. GL.
  3. You can search the posts in last year thread and also any thread. Open the thread and go to the borrom of a page and enter the search words CNU or Northridge after clicking the 'icon lens'.


The main factors why we are considering Cal Northstate is 1) proximity to home 2) saving two years of school. (The program is 2+4).

Although saving money in tuition is not the driving factor, the shortened undergraduate program is attractive. I felt very lucky to have gone through a six year program myself because I felt that I was given the gift of two extra years in life, during a time when the two years are more appreciated. Instead of going through two more stressful years in college (as most undergrads do 4 years instead of 2 years of undergraduate studies) where I wasn’t sure of my future, I had two extra years of my adult life, finishing medical school by age 23 and residency at age 27. Those extra two years gave me opportunity to have children, travel, take time off without feeling guilty, complete a fellowship, and really enjoy life, with the comfort and peace of mind knowing that I had a great career waiting for me when I want to return to work.

I don’t know what to make of the “for profit” status of Cal Northstate. Some people on another thread were comparing this school to Carribean schools because of this “for profit” status. If this really is the case, I wouldn’t encourage DD to go there. But I’m not sure if that is accurate.

Of course, the decision will be left up to DD. And since it’s so early, we don’t know the full extent of her options.

@calbsmdmom cal north state would be best option great school and u guys live like us near it for convenience. Your DD will learn just like mine did that when the parents are nearby rather halfway across the country that it’s best for both parties

@calbsmdmom Interesting view points. Hear you and understand. It differs among students / parents depending on their family, community, culture and priority given to various key things in life, especially when the student is a girl.

Best comprise is to go for 3+4 years since 2 years creates lot of unwanted stress. It is evident pretty much 2+4 is gone (to my best of knowledge the only remaining ones are UMKC, Howard). I will not conclude CNSU is 2+4 since it depends on meeting criteria. Not sure, if they publish how many matriculated after 2 years to MD in the last few years. Also noticed students need to do 2 summer terms (similar to what NEOMED had which finally moved away after ran the 2+4 years programs for 35+ years).

CNSU is very expensive (even if a student does 2+4 years). They are still in step 3 of the accreditation process.